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Uni Connect - Linking London update

News from Uni Connect and Linking London in September 2022.

London skyline

The start of term brings with it several staff changes to our Uni Connect team. Sarah Fisher, Programme Manager, is off on maternity leave imminently and so Jess Brown (previously an Outreach Officer) will be filling in in her absence this academic year. Jade Baker-Smith has moved on to a new role at Goldsmiths and her replacement, Tarek, will be joining us on a part-time basis in the coming weeks. Nancy Griffin, our Engagement Coordinator for Havering FE and Barking & Dagenham College, left to join UEL's student union, and will be replaced by Juliet Morgan in the middle of September. If you have any questions about our Uni Connect work, or want to get involved, please email Jess. This term will of course be a busy one for our college-based staff as the UCAS cycle commences.

We are currently still awaiting the final guidance from the OfS for this academic year's Uni Connect programme, but broadly our approach will be a continuation of last year's work with young learners living in Uni Connect target areas, with some work with learners in our priority groups (care leavers, students from low income/low socio-economic/low HE participation areas, adults, and learners with SEND) hopefully commencing towards the end of this term. As always, we are grateful for the involvement of our university partners to enable us to offer support to our college learners, so please do keep an eye out for emails requesting sessions or involvement with projects.

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