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Vodafone and The Access Group Foundation support 250 Birkbeck students with free pre-paid SIM cards

Vodafone has joined forces with Birkbeck, University of London’s corporate partner, The Access Group Foundation, to improve connectivity access for 250 deserving Birkbeck students.

Birkbeck student Vasilis Theodoros Kyriakou received a free pre-paid SIM card
Birkbeck student Vasilis Theodoros Kyriakou received a free pre-paid SIM card

The students have been given free pre-paid SIM cards with a monthly allowance of 40GB of internet and unlimited UK calls and text, enabling them to study flexibly and stay connected with family and friends. We are confident that this support will have a positive impact on students’ academic performance and mental health. Vodafone’s support is welcomed at a time when students are affected by the cost-of-living crisis which continues to result in them cutting back on spending on food and other essentials to ensure they can continue their education.

Rachna Purdie, Deputy Director of Philanthropy at Birkbeck, University of London, said: “We are very grateful to The Access Group Foundation and Vodafone for empowering our students with reliable internet and phone connectivity, enabling them to thrive academically and personally.”

Vasilis Theodoros Kyriakou, BSc Psychology in Practice student, explained how receiving a SIM card has improved his mental health: “The free SIM card has eased my mind regarding my phone bills and allowed me to save money. It has lowered my anxiety of being without a phone connection, which may be a simple thing but is an essential need that makes a big difference to my daily life and well-being.”

Another student shared how their SIM card has improved their performance academically: “The free data provided by Vodafone allows me to access my university studies as much as I need to. I can stay in touch with my peers, professors, and access learning resources without limitations. This is especially important for online learning, where reliable connectivity is crucial for success.”

Birkbeck is proud of its partnership with The Access Group Foundation, which is ensuring that background and circumstance does not limit access to employment in the technology sector through its offering to Birkbeck students of an Access to Digital Skills and Careers Programme.

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