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What next for football governance?

In September, the Sport Business Centre hosted a live panel debate about the future of the governance of English football.

In September, the Sport Business Centre hosted a live panel debate about the future of the governance of English football, following the publication in July of the House of Commons Culture, Media & Sport Committee Enquiry into Football Governance.

Sean Hamil, Director of the Centre, Chaired the panel, which included MPs Damian Collins and Therese Coffey, both of whom serve on the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Erik Samuelson, CEO of AFC Wimbledon, and Danny Davis, a Partner in law firm Mischon de Reya’s insolvency practice. The event was attended by over sixty guests from the fields of media, politics and sport.

Sean Hamil said: “Myself and Dr Geoff Walters, from the Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, were invited to submit written evidence to the Enquiry, based on our long-standing research activity in the field of sport governance. I later gave oral evidence to the Committee, and it was pleasing to see the contribution from Birkbeck Sport Business Centre quoted extensively in the final report. As a research centre we have always been committed to public engagement and dissemination of our work. So, with excellent support from the Birkbeck External Relations Department and Assistant Dean for Business Engagement and Business Relations, Dr Andreas Liefooghe,  we organised the panel discussion  as part of our commitment to stimulating further debate on the report’s important findings on the governance of English football, prior to the publication of the government’s response to its findings, and to underline to an influential public  audience the status of Birkbeck as a progressive and informed centre for research and debate on the critical subject of the governance of sport organisations in this Olympic  year.”

The event received widespread coverage from football and sports journalists both in the UK and overseas.

To read the full story on the event, visit the Birkbeck Sports Business Centre web site.

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