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There are currently over 733,000 women and girls incarcerated worldwide.
Research considers the role of families during coroners’ inquests and how their inclusion and participation can be better supported.
Coroners’ inquests examine deaths which have occurred in a violent, unnatural or unexplained way and in prisons or other forms of detention.
The latest edition of the World Prison Population List reveals the size of the worldwide prison population, and how widely prison population rates and trends vary between regions and countries.
Researchers conducted 21 in-depth interviews with parents and special guardians involved in public law care proceedings.
The World Female Imprisonment List provides information on the number and percentage of female prisoners in almost all countries across the world.
The resource is the second training film created as part of the 'Judging Values and Participation in Mental Capacity Law' Project
Birkbeck researchers identify areas for improvement in policy and practice; including introducing training and guidance for frontline staff and improving access to English language education.
A new training film aims to improve communication between specialist lawyers who work in the Court of Protection and the people they are representing.
A three-year project at Birkbeck has reviewed the use of imprisonment worldwide and identified key priorities for change.