Professor Lisa Baraitser

I am an interdisciplinary research scholar in Psychosocial Studies. My research brings psychoanalytic and social theory together to address the temporal, ethical and affective dimensions of care.
I have written widely on motherhood and the ethics of care, social reproduction, and the temporalities of maintenance, repetition and repair in relation to foreclosed futures.
I have been part of the development of the field of Psychosocial Studies, and have written on methodological and epistemological issues in psychosocial theory and research.
My current research project is on waiting and healthcare in the UK National Health Service, funded by the Wellcome Trust.
Key works are Maternal Encounters: The Ethics of Interruption (Routledge, 2009, joint-winner of the Feminist and Women's Studies Association Book Prize) and Enduring Time (Bloomsbury, 2017).
I hold degrees in Medical Science and Psychology (BSc., Hons), Counselling and Psychotherapy (MA), and Psychology (PhD) and I am a trained psychoanalyst (M. Inst. Psychoanal).
Prior to joining Birkbeck in 2005 I worked in a range of mental health settings that seek to address the psychological ramifications of violence, abuse and poverty in the lives of women. During this time I was also the Artistic Director of an experimental theatre collective.
I am currently co-Principal Investigator with Professor Laura Salisbury on Waiting Times, a Wellcome Trust collaborative award (£1.2 million), leading a team of 10 researchers to investigate the meanings of waiting in, and for, healthcare, in order to change academic and public understandings of what ‘timely’ care means. See
Recent publications:
Baraitser, L., (2023) ‘Time’ for ‘the People’: Reflections on ‘Psychoanalysis for the People: Free Clinics and the Social Mission of Psychoanalysis’. Psychoanalysis and History 2022 24:3, 375-392.
Bastian, M. and Flatø, E. and Baraitser, Lisa and Jordheim, H. and Salisbury, L. and van Dooren, T. (2022) ‘What about the coffee break?’: Designing virtual conference spaces for conviviality. Geo: Geography and Environment 9 (2), pp. e00114. ISSN 2054-4049.
Baraitser, L., (2020) The Maternal Death Drive: Greta Thunberg and the question of the future. Psychoanalysis, Culture, Society, 25(4): 499-517.
Baraitser L., and Salisbury L. (2020) ‘Containment, delay, mitigation’: waiting and care in the time of a pandemic. Wellcome Open Res 2020, 5 (129).
Recent Keynotes:
2020 Stevens-Barchas Lecture “Enduring Time” as part of The Richardson Seminar on the History of Psychiatry. DeWitt Wallace Institute for Psychiatry. Cornell University. New York, USA.
2022 British Psychoanalytic Council NOW conference keynote 'On Being with Others Now', October 2022.
2022, with artist Koki Tanaka, co-facilitated an international three day event at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKV), Berlin, in Where is the Planetary? October, 2022.
Recent Podcasts:
Lisa Baraitser speaks to Jordan Osserman about Enduring Time for the New Books in Psychoanalysis podcast series.
Lisa Baraitser in conversation about the temporal politics of Covid-19 in the journal Ephemera
Lisa Baraitser speaks to Stewart Motha about Enduring Time for the Countersign podcast.
Lisa Baraitser speaks on BBC Radio 3, Free Thinking
- PhD Psychology, Birkbeck, University of London, 2006
- BSc Hons., Medical Science and Psychology, University of Edinburgh, 1990
- MA Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of East London, 2000
Professional activities
I am founder of the Birkbeck Research Centre MaMSIE (Mapping Maternal Subjectivities, Identities and Ethics) which provides a space for the critical re-evaluation of ‘the maternal’ as lived experience, social location, political and scientific practice, and economic and ethical challenge. MaMSIE hosts scholarly events, and publishes an open access peer-reviewed journal with The Open Library of the Humanities called Studies in the Maternal, which I co-edit.
I have organized a large number of academic and scholarly events. The most recent are:
2022, Time for Emancipation: Poetry, Waiting, Repair. A participatory creative writing workshop and symposium in collaboration with Waiting Times, Birkbeck Arts Week, and Birkbeck Gender and Sexuality (BiGS). With poets Jenny Mitchell, Roy McFarlane, Keith Jarrett.
2022, Time Being: An exhibition about time and care by Ruairi Corr and Deborah Robinson. Peltz Gallery, London.
2021 The Material Life of Time, a 3 day international online conference co-hosted by Waiting Times (Birkbeck and University of Exeter), Temporal Belongings (University of Edinburgh), Life Times (University of Oslo) and the Sydney Environment Institute (University of Sydney).
In am Co-Editor of the online peer-reviewed journal Studies in the Maternal.
I am on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and the International Advisory Board of Psychoanalysis, Culture, Society.
I am Associate Editor of Studies in Gender and Sexuality and formerly the co-editor.
I sit on the advisory board of a number of book series that publish in the fields of psychoanalytic and psychosocial studies.
I was a Mid-Career Fellow with the Independent Social Research Foundation in 2014-15.
Professional memberships
Member: British Psychoanalytic Council
Member: International Psychoanalytic Association
Member: Institute of Psychoanalysis
Member: Psychosocial Studies Network
Fellow: Higher Education Academy
Honours and awards
- Feminist and Women's Studies Association Book Prize for Maternal Encounters: The Ethics of Interruption (Routledge, 2009), Feminist and Women's Studies Association, November 2009
- Mid-Career Fellow, Independent Social Research Foundation, November 2014
Research interests
- Temporal, affective and ethical dimensions of care
- Motherhood, maternity, maternal subjectivities, identities and ethics
- Psychoanalytic theory and practice
- Critical Time Studies
- Psychosocial Studies
- Medical Humanities
Research overview
My research is situated at the interface between Psychosocial Studies, Medical Humanities and Psychoanalytic Studies. As one of the founding members of the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, I am broadly interested in how to understand the relation between psychic and social life.
My main research concerns the temporal, ethical and affective dimensions of care - from motherhood, through to healthcare - and the relation between care and forms of social violence. I have written widely on maternal subjectivity, temporality, care, violence and ethics from psychosocial perspectives.
I am currently co-Principal Investigator on Waiting Times, a Wellcome Trust collaborative award (£1.2 million). I lead a team of 10 researchers with Laura Salisbury at the University of Exeter, to investigate the meanings of waiting in, and for healthcare.
Waiting Times has explored what it means to wait in and for healthcare by examining lived experiences, representations, and histories of impeded and delayed time. The project has mobilised a range of artistic and engaged research methodologies, as well as ethnographic, philosophical and historical investigations to consider different forms of suspended, elongated, and “non-productive” temporalities in different sites and practices: in forms of watchful waiting and recurrent waiting with that take place in general practice, mental health services, and trans care; within modes of chronic care and forms of time that are held and unfolded within psychotherapy; and as part of cultural framings, experiences, and care provided at the end of life.
Other research develops psychosocial and psychoanalytic theory, conceptualising ways that psychic life is inflected with social forms of power, and the ways the social world is always already conditioned by internal identifications and psychic investments.
I am a trained psychoanalyst, and have research interests in psychoanalytic theory, especially its interface with feminist and queer theories of gender and sexuality.
Research Centres and Institutes
Research clusters and groups
- Co-Principal Investigator, Waiting Times
Post doctoral staff
- Jordan Osserman
- Stephanie Davies
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
I supervise PhD students working on time, care, motherhood, psychoanalytic theory and epistemological and methodological issues in Psychosocial Studies.
I teach on the BA Psychosocial Studies, MA Psychoanalytic Studies and MA Psychosocial Studies. Modules include Love, Psychoanalytic and Social Theory, Creative Archives, and Psychoanalysis and Culture. I supervise Masters students across the department's portfolio, PhD students in Psychosocial Studies, Gender Studies, and Medical Humanities, and mentor post-doctoral researchers on the Waiting Times project.
- Bastian, M. and Flatø, E.H. and Baraitser, Lisa and Jordheim, H. and Salisbury, L. and van Dooren, T. (2023) Ethical conference economies? Reimagining the costs of convening academic communities when moving online. The Geographical journal ISSN 1475-4959.
- Salisbury, Laura and Baraitser, Lisa and Catty, J. and Anucha, K. and Davies, Stephanie and Flexer, M. and Osserman, Jordan and Moore, Martin (2023) A waiting crisis?. The Lancet 401 (10375), pp. 428-429. ISSN 0140-6736.
- Bar-Haim, S. and Baraitser, Lisa and Moore, M.D. (2023) The shadows of waiting and care: on discourses of waiting in the history of the British National Health Service. Wellcome Open Research 8, pp. 73. ISSN 2398-502X.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2023) Passivity and gender: psychical inertia and maternal stillness. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis 104 (5), pp. 912-926. ISSN 0020-7578.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2022) ‘Time’ for ‘the People’: reflections on ‘Psychoanalysis for the People: Free Clinics and the Social Mission of Psychoanalysis’. Psychoanalysis and History 24 (3), pp. 375-392. ISSN 1460-8235.
- Bastian, M. and Flatø, E. and Baraitser, Lisa and Jordheim, H. and Salisbury, L. and van Dooren, T. (2022) ‘What about the coffee break?’: Designing virtual conference spaces for conviviality. Geo: Geography and Environment 9 (2), pp. e00114. ISSN 2054-4049.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Kemmer, L. and Kühn, A. and Weber, V. (2021) Pandemic times. A conversation with Lisa Baraitser about the temporal politics of COVID-19. ephemera: theory & politics in organization 21 (1), ISSN 1473-2866.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2020) The Maternal Death Drive: Greta Thunberg and the question of the future. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 25 (4), pp. 499-517. ISSN 1088-0763.
- Flexer, M.J. and Baraitser, Lisa (2020) As you like it: the movement is the moment. Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy 28 (4), pp. 22-30. ISSN 0968-5211.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Salisbury, Laura (2020) Containment, delay, mitigation: waiting and care in the time of a pandemic. Wellcome Open Research ISSN 2398-502X.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Riley, D. (2020) Denise Riley and Lisa Baraitser in conversation. Feminist Theory 21 (3), pp. 339-349. ISSN 1741-2773.
- Gentile, K. and Baraitser, Lisa (2018) Thinking through affect and psychoanalysis: introducing papers from the conference “Worldings, Tensions, Futures”. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 19 (2), pp. 87-88. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2017) YouTube birth and the primal scene. Performance Research 22 (5), pp. 7-17. ISSN 1352-8165.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2016) Postmaternal, postwork and the maternal death drive. Australian Feminist Studies 31 (90), pp. 393-409. ISSN 0816-4649.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2015) Temporal drag: transdisciplinarity and the 'case' of psychosocial studies. Theory, Culture & Society 32 (5-6), pp. 207-231. ISSN 0263-2764.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2015) Psychoanalysis and feminism and …. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 20 (S2), pp. 151-159. ISSN 1088-0763.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2014) Duration, skin, and the ageing subject. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 15 (3), pp. 228-234. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2014) Time and again: repetition, maternity and the non-reproductive. Studies in the Maternal 6 (1), pp. 1-7. ISSN 1759-0434.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2013) Collecting time: some reflections on the psychopolitics of belonging. New Formations 79, pp. 8-25. ISSN 0950-2378.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2013) Mush time: communality and the temporal rhythms of family life. Families, Relationships and Societies 2 (1), pp. 147-153. ISSN 2046-7435.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2013) Nomadic subjects and the feminist archives. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies 15 (4),
- Tyler, I. and Baraitser, Lisa (2013) Private view, public birth: making feminist sense of the new visual culture of childbirth. Studies in the Maternal 5 (2), ISSN 1759-0434.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2012) Delay: on temporality in Luisa Passerini's Autobiography of a Generation: Italy, 1968. European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (3), pp. 380-385. ISSN 1350-5068.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2012) Communality across time: responding to encounters with maternal encounters: the ethics of interruption. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 13 (2), pp. 117-122. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2012) Giving an account of another: commentary on Rozmarin's 'Maternal Silence'. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 13 (1), pp. 15-23. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Frost, N. and Eatough, Virginia and Shaw, R.L. and Weille, K.L. and Tzemou, E. and Baraitser, Lisa (2012) Pleasure, pain and procrastination: reflections on the experience of doing memory-work research. Qualitative Research in Psychology 9 (3), pp. 231-248. ISSN 1478-0887.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2010) On reading transpositions: a response to Rosi Braidotti's "Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics". Subjectivity 3, pp. 125-130. ISSN 1755-6341.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Pollock, G. and Spigel, S. (2010) Editorial: special issue: m(o)ther trouble. Studies in the Maternal 2 (1), ISSN 1759-0434.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Tyler, I. (2010) Talking of mothers. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture (44), ISSN 1362-6620.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2009) Mothers who make things public. Feminist Review 93 (1), pp. 8-26. ISSN 0141-7789.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2009) Envy, competition and gender: theory, clinical applications and group work. Psychodynamic Practice 15 (2), pp. 191-194. ISSN 1475-3634.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2009) Maternal encounters: the ethics of interruption. Feminist Review 93, pp. 138-139. ISSN 0141-7789.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Spigel, S. (2009) Mapping maternal subjectivities, identities and ethics. Studies in the Maternal 1 (1), ISSN 1759-0434.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2008) On giving and taking offence. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 13 (4), pp. 423-427. ISSN 1088-0763.
- Frosh, Stephen and Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Psychoanalysis and psychosocial studies. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 13 (4), pp. 346-365. ISSN 1088-0763.
- Bayly, S. and Baraitser, Lisa (2008) On waiting for something to happen. Subjectivity 24 (1), pp. 340-355. ISSN 1755-6341.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Mum's the word: intersubjectivity, alterity, and the maternal subject. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 9 (1), pp. 86-110. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Frosh, Stephen and Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Marginalia. Qualitative Research in Psychology 5 (1), pp. 68-77. ISSN 1478-0887.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Noack, Amelie (2007) Mother courage: reflections on maternal resilience. British Journal of Psychotherapy 23 (2), pp. 171-188. ISSN 1752-0118.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2006) Oi mother, keep ye' hair on! impossible transformations of maternal subjectivity. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 7 (3), pp. 217-238. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2006) Reply to commentaries. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 7 (3), pp. 249-257. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Noack, Amelie and Baraitser, Lisa (2004) Groupwork with mothers who have been sexually abused in childhood. British Journal of Psychotherapy 20 (3), pp. 345-359. ISSN 1752-0118.
- Frosh, Stephen and Baraitser, Lisa (2003) Thinking, recognition and otherness. Psychoanalytic Review 90, pp. 771-789. ISSN 0033-2836.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2017) Enduring time. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781350008137.
- Baraitser, Lisa and O'Rourke, M. (2014) A feeling for things: conversations on and around the work of Jane Bennett. New York, USA: Punctum Books.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Maternal encounters: the ethics of interruption. Women and Psychology. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415455015.
Book Review
- Baraitser, Lisa (2022) Amy Allen, Critique on the Couch: Why Critical Theory Needs Psychoanalysis.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2022) 'Sexuality and Gender Now: Moving Beyond Heteronormativity' edited by Hertzmann, Leezah and Newbigin, Juliet. Published by Routledge, Abingdon, 2020; 358 pp, £32.99 paperback.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2018) Matt ffytche and Daniel Pick (eds), Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2014) Book Review: The Theorist's Mother.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2012) Rachel Thomson, Mary Jane Kehily, Lucy Hadfield, and Sue Sharpe, Making Modern Mothers.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2009) Envy, competition and gender: Theory, clinical applications and group work.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Book review: Andrea O'Reilly, Rocking the Cradle. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2006. 206 pp. ISBN 1—55014—449—9, $24.95.
Book Section
- Baraitser, Lisa and Salisbury, L. (2024) Care crisis. In: Pellicer-Ortín, S. and Kuznetski, J. and Battisti, C. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Literatures and Crisis. Routledge Literature Companions. London, UK and New York, U.S.: Routledge. pp. 62-71. ISBN 9781032424644.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Brook, W. (2021) Watchful waiting: temporalities of crisis and care in the UK National Health Service. In: Browne, V. and Danely, J. and Managhan, T. and Rosenow, D. (eds.) Vulnerability and the Politics of Care. Proceedings of the British Academy. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197266830.
- Anucha, K. and Baraitser, Lisa and Davies, S. and Flexer, M.J. and Robinson, D. (2021) Investigating waiting. In: Clift, B.C. and Gore, J. and Gustafsson, S. and Bekker, S. and Batlle, I.C. and Hatchard, J. (eds.) Temporality in Qualitative Inquiry: Theories, Methods and Practices. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 39-56. ISBN 9780367538491.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2021) Who do we care for?. In: Klingan, K. and Schindler, J. and Houde, N. (eds.) Echo. Das Neue Alphabet. Leipzig, Germany: Spector Books. ISBN 9783959054560.
- Salisbury, Laura and Baraitser, Lisa (2020) Depressing time: waiting, melancholia and the psychoanalytic practice of care. In: Kirtsoglou, E. and Simpson, B. (eds.) The Time of Anthropology: Studies of contemporary chronopolitics. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 103-122. ISBN 9781003087199.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2020) Psychosocial studies. In: Cook, D.T. (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies. Sage. ISBN 9781473942929.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2019) Psychoanalytic Feminism. In: Stavrakakis, Y. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalytic Political Theory. Routledge. pp. 107-121. ISBN 9781138696310.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Thomson, R. (2018) Thinking through childhood and maternal studies: a feminist encounter. In: Rosen, R. and Twamley, K. (eds.) Feminism and the Politics of Childhood - Friends or Foes?. UCL Press. pp. 66-82. ISBN 9781787350632.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2015) Touching time: maintenance, endurance, care. In: Frosh, Stephen (ed.) Psychosocial Imaginaries: Perspectives on Temporality, Subjectivities and Activism. Studies In The Psychosocial. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 21-47. ISBN 9781137388179.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2014) Maternal publics: time, relationality and the public sphere. In: Bueskens, P. (ed.) Mothering and Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives. Basingstoke, UK: Demeter Press. ISBN 9781927335260.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2014) Nomadic subjects and the feminist archives. In: Blaagaard, B. (ed.) The Subject of Rosi Braidotti: Politics and Concepts. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781472573353.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2014) Object orientated maternalities, or mothers who hoard. In: Baraitser, Lisa and O'Rourke, M. (eds.) A Feeling for Things. New York, USA: Punctum Books.
- Tyler, I. and Baraitser, Lisa (2013) From abjection to natality: some thoughts on Helen Knowles' YouTube portraits. In: Bowers, P. and Knowles, H. (eds.) Private View: Public Birth. London, UK: JKL Books.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2012) Maternal publics: time, relationality and the public sphere. In: Gulerce, A. (ed.) Re(con)figuring Psychoanalysis: Critical Juxtapositions of the Philosophical, the Sociohistorical and the Political. Social Sciences Collection 2012. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 221-240. ISBN 9780230293755.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Spigel, S. (2011) Mapping maternal subjectivities, identities and ethics. In: O'Reilly, A. (ed.) The 21st Century Motherhood Movement. Ontario, Canada: Demeter Press. ISBN 9780986667114.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2010) Maternal subjectivities. In: O'Reilly, A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Motherhood. Sage.
- Frosh, Stephen and Baraitser, Lisa (2009) Goodbye to identity?. In: Elliott, A. and du Gay, P. (eds.) Identity in Question. London, UK: Sage. pp. 158-169. ISBN 9781412922432.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Bayly, S. (2001) Now and then: psychotherapy and the rehearsal process. In: Campbell, P. and Kear, A. (eds.) Psychoanalysis and Performance. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415212052.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2022) Ceasing, suspending and stopping: taking care with time. Time and Society 31 (1), pp. 17-21. Sage. ISSN 0961-463X.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Salisbury, L. (2020) Waiting and care in pandemic times collection. Wellcome Open Research 5, pp. 128. Wellcome Trust. ISSN 2398-502X.
- Bastian, M. and Baraitser, Lisa and Flexer, M.J. and Hom, A.R. and Salisbury, L. (2020) Introduction: The social life of time. Time & Society 29 (2), pp. 289-296. SAGE Publications. ISSN 1461-7463.
- Baraitser, Lisa (2019) Introduction. Clinical encounters in sexuality: psychoanalytic practice & Queer Theory, Eds., Noreen Giffney and Eve Watson.. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 20 (4), pp. 209-213. Taylor and Francis. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Hartman, S. (2016) Editors’ introduction to the special issue — Bion: here, there, and in between. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 17 (3), pp. 139-140. Taylor and Francis. ISSN 1524-0657.
- Corr, R. and Robinson, D. and Baraitser, Lisa (2022) Time being.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Catty, J. and Salisbury, L. and Anucha, K. and Davies, S. and Flexer, M. J. and Moore, M.D. and Osserman, J. (2021) Waiting in healthcare: the time to act might be later. BMJ 372, pp. n429. BMJ Publishing Group. ISSN 1759-2151.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Salisbury, Laura (2022) Chiasmic time: being-in-time in Time Being. Birkbeck, University of London.
- Bastian, M. and Baraitser, Lisa and Flexer, M.J. and Hom, A.R. and Salisbury, Laura (2020) Special issue: The Social Life of Time, Time & Society, 29.2, May 2020. Sage.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Salisbury, L. (2020) Waiting and care in pandemic times collection. Wellcome Open Research.
- Baraitser, Lisa and Gentile, K. (2018) Special issue: Affect, Psychoanalysis, Temporality. Special Issue, Studies in Gender and Sexuality. 19(2). Taylor & Francis.
- Hartman, S. and Baraitser, Lisa (2016) Special issue: Bion: Here, There, and In Between, Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Volume 17, Issue 3 (2016). Taylor & Francis.
Business and community
Business and community
The Waiting Times project has an extensive public engagement programme including engagement through storytelling about waiting in and for healthcare with a range of hospices, GP surgeries, housing co-operatives, and NHS Trusts. See Waiting Times for further details.
Artist events linked to Waiting Times include:
2022, February-April. Time Being: An exhibition. A 14-minute film about time and care by Ruairi Corr and Deborah Robinson. Peltz Gallery, London.
2021 Martin O’Brien, The Last Breath Society (Coughing Coffin), a performance and installation at the ICA, London, July 2021.
Selected media includes:
2020 Lisa Baraitser speaks about suspended time at The Alternative School of Economics: True Currency: About Feminist Economics, with artists Ruth Beale and Amy Feneck.
2020 Lisa Baraitser speaks to Stewart Motha about Enduring Time on the Countersign Podcast.
2020 Lisa Baraitser speaks to Jordan Osserman about Enduring Time on the New Books Network.
2019 BBC Radio 3, Free Thinking, Extinction Rebellion and the End of the World, 17th December 2019. With Rana Mitter, Lisa Baraitser, Rupert Read, Nafeez Ahmed, and Tessa Khan.
2019 BBC Radio 3, Free Thinking, January 2019. On Boredom, with Josh Cohen, Shahidha Bari, Madeline Bunting, Sam Goodman and Rachel Long.
2018 On Time, Care, and Not Moving On. Institute of Cultural Inquiry, Berlin
2018 Enduring and Broken Time: A conversation with Judith Butler.
I am regularly invited to speak at a range of public and academic fora including arts organizations and events, psychotherapy and psychoanalytic institutions, NHS Trusts, and academic conferences.
Recent talks include:
2022 Keynote: On Being with Others Now. British Psychoanalytic Council conference, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy NOW, London, October 2022.
2022 With artist Koki Tanaka, Where is the Planetary? Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKV), Berlin, 14-17th October, 2022.
2021 Keynote ‘Enduring Time in Pandemic Times: Care, Violence and the Possibility of Containment’. The Unconscious and Everyday Life: Repair and Reparation: Clinical, Social, and Cultural Contexts, University of Essex.
2021 Keynote ‘Collaboration as Psychosocial Method: Notes from the Waiting Times project.’ Researching the Unconscious: The Essex Summer School in Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Research Methods. Freud Museum, London.
2022 Misogyny and its Roots. Intolerance to the Feminine, International Psychoanalytic Association, COWAP-Europe Conference, Rome, 22nd-23rd October 2022.
2022 Waiting Times. Camden and Islington Personality Disorder Unit. C&I NHS Foundation Trust. September, 2022.
2022 Parapraxis Conversations: On The Maternal. With Joy James and Sarah Knott. July 2022.
2021 Care, Waiting and Utopia. & Utopia public lecture series, University of Copenhagen, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, and California Institute of the Arts, MA Aesthetics and Politics Programme.