Professor Roger Luckhurst
Roger Luckhurst studied at the Universities of Hull and Sussex and joined Birkbeck in 1994. He became a professor in 2008 and took up the Geoffrey Tillotson Chair of Nineteenth-Century Studies in 2020.
- BA , Hull University, 1988
- MA Critical Theory, Sussex University, 1989
- PhD, University of Hull, 1993
Administrative responsibilities
- Programme Director of MA Modern Literature from January 2023
Visiting posts
- Mellon Distinguished Visiting Professor, Columbia University, NYC, 01-2016 to 06-2016
Research overview
I specialise in literature, film, and cultural history from the 19th century to the present day.
I am the author of 10 monographs, and I've also edited many works of classic 19th century Gothic, including key works by Rider Haggard, Henry James, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram Stoker, and H. G. Wells. My most recent publication is Gothic: An Illustrated History (Thames and Hudson in the UK and Princeton UP in the USA, 2021; it has also been translated into Spanish and Japanese so far).
Books Published
1) 'The Angle Between Two Walls': The Fiction of J G Ballard (Liverpool University Press/St. Martin's Press, 1997)
2) The Invention of Telepathy (Oxford University Press, 2002)
3) Science Fiction (Cultural History of Literature series) (Polity Press, 2005)
4) The Trauma Question (London: Routledge, 2008)
5) The Mummy’s Curse: The True History of a Dark Fantasy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012).
6) The Shining (BFI Classics/Palgrave, 2013)
7) Alien (BFI Classics/Palgrave, 2014)
8) Zombies: A Cultural History (Reaktion Press, 2015)
9) The Disruption, co-written with Andy Beckett (Text und Tone Press: New York, 2017). A text of dialogue on the cultural context around the BBC TV series, The Changes, as part of the Colloquium for Unpopular Culture Series at New York University.
10) Corridors: Passages of Modernity (Reaktion Press, 2019).
11) The Gothic: An Illustrated History (Thames and Hudson/Princeton University Press, 2021).
Books in Press
My scholarly edition of Arthur Conan Doyle's medical stories Round the Red Lamp (1894) should appear as a volume in the Edinburgh University Press Conan Doyle edition in late 2023.
Current Research Interests
I am currently writing a short book about Brexit and popular feeling in British culture.
I am also preparing an edition of materials related to the Ghost Club, a late 19th century gathering of gentlemen who met to discuss matters psychical, spiritual and occult.
I am one of the 4 co-editors of the Routledge Companion to Global Horror, likely to be published in 2024 or 2025, depending on our 60 collaborators!
I am also collecting material for a book on 'The New Dead' -- curious in-between states of lives lived on after death, from the mummified aristocracy of Egypt, via the Mesmerised, prematurely buried, catatonic and cryogenically frozen, to the embalmed bodies of twentieth century’s key Communist leaders, to the current crisis of medically extended yet minimally conscious lives. This will lead towards a large project to re-categorise modernity’s continuing obsession with the undead.
Research Centres and Institutes
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Late nineteenth-century literature and pseudo-science; modernism; science fiction; literary theory; contemporary literature and culture.
I have seen nearly 20 students through to a successful PhD result. I am currently supervising work on religion and science fiction, post-cyberpunk science fiction, werewolf folklore, Japanese horror fiction, the work of Friedrich Kittler, and the English ghost story
Current doctoral researchers
Doctoral alumni since 2013-14
Teaching modules
- Theorising the Contemporary, Contemporary Theorising (AREN095S7)
- Dissertation (Literature and Culture 1800-present) (AREN145D7)
- The Post-War: 1945 to the present (ENHU050S7)
- Critical Entanglements and Methods in the Medical Humanities (SSHC483S7)
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Favourite haunts. Financial Times ISSN 0307-1766.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Alien: Romulus (film review). Sight & Sound 34 (8), pp. 67-67. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) The Reading List: Hauntings. History Today 74 (10), pp. 99-99. ISSN 0018-2753.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Retro horror. Sight & Sound 34 (8), pp. 39-43. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) 'For Over a Century, Telepathy has been Just Around the Corner'. Aeon Magazine
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Sands of Time. Sight & Sound 34 (4), pp. 28-39. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Occupied City (film review). Sight and Sound 34 (2), pp. 91-91. ISSN 0037-4806 USPS496-040.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2023) The Zone of Interest (film review). Sight & Sound 34 (1), pp. 120-120. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2023) The Mysterious California Mansion that Spawned a Haunted House Craze. National Geographic ISSN 0027-9358.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2023) Review of 'King on Screen': A Gushing Tribute to King. Sight & Sound 33 (7), pp. 81. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2022) What is Gothic? It's more complicated than you think. National Geographic ISSN 0027-9358.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2022) The Ghost Club 1882-1936: strong bonds, weak connections. Aries 22 (1), pp. 64-88. ISSN 1567-9896.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2022) Brexitland's dark ecologies. Textual Practice 36 (5), pp. 711-731. ISSN 0950-236X.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2021) Arthur Conan Doyle and medical London: reading the topography of round the red lamp. Victoriographies: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century Writing 11 (3), pp. 295-313. ISSN 2044-2416.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2021) From Gothic mansion to haunted house: what makes a building spooky?. Financial Times pp. 12-13. ISSN 0307-1766.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2020) The Chinese Virus. Critical Quarterly 62 (4), pp. 54-62. ISSN 0011-1562.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2020) Lovecraft Country (review). Sight & Sound 30 (8), pp. 74-75. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2020) Escape from New York. the modernist (36), pp. 58-63. ISSN 2046-2905.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2020) Last and First Men (review). Sight & Sound 30 (7), pp. 68-69. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2020) After Monster Theory? Gareth Edwards' 'Monsters'. Science Fiction Film and Television 13 (2), pp. 269-290. ISSN 1754-3770.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2019) Professor Nobody's little lectures on Thomas Ligotti's supernatural horror. The Dark Arts Journal ISSN 2397-107X.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2019) Passage of time. Financial Times pp. 10-11. ISSN 3071766.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2019) X-Ray specs. continent 8 (1-2), pp. 186-192. ISSN 2159-9920.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2018) Corridor Gothic. Gothic Studies 20 (1-2), pp. 295-310. ISSN 1362-7937.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2018) Narrative matters: trauma paradigms and the role of popular culture. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 23 (3), pp. 295-296. ISSN 1475-357X.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) The corridor shot. Viewfinder (108), pp. 14-15. ISSN 0952-4444.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) Iraq war body counts: reportage, photography, and fiction. Modern Fiction Studies 63 (2), pp. 355-372. ISSN 0026-7724.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) The owls are not what they seem: the world of Twin Peaks. Sight and Sound pp. 18-22. ISSN 0037-4806 USPS496-040.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) The weird: a dis/orientation. Textual Practice 31 (6), pp. 1041-1061. ISSN 0950-236X.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2016) Life and death at the limits. The Psychologist 29, pp. 836-839. ISSN 0952-8229.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2016) High-Rise 1975/2015. Critical Quarterly 58 (1), pp. 63-69. ISSN 0011-1562.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2016) Maverick to mainstream. Sight & Sound 26 (4), pp. 24-26. ISSN 0037-4806.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2016) Architecture and utopia, 2015. Science Fiction Film & Television 9 (1), pp. 73-124. ISSN 1754-3770.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2016) 'Why have the dead come back? The instance of photography. New Formations (89/90), pp. 101-115. ISSN 0950-2378.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) In war times: fictionalizing Iraq. Contemporary Literature 53 (4), pp. 713-737. ISSN 0010-7484.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) Laboratories for global space-time: science-fictionality and the World’s Fairs, 1851-1939. Science Fiction Studies 39 (3), pp. 385-400. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) Martian montage: Chris Marker's SF. Science Fiction Film and Television 5 (2), pp. 273-285. ISSN 1754-3770.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) Science versus rumour: artefaction and counter-narrative in the Egyptian rooms of the British Museum. History and Anthropology 23 (2), pp. 257-269. ISSN 0275-7206.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) The mummy's curse: a study in rumour. Critical Quarterly 52 (3), pp. 6-22. ISSN 0011-1562.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) Beyond trauma: torturous times. European Journal of English Studies 14 (1), pp. 11-21. ISSN 1382-5577.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) Science fiction and cultural history. Science Fiction Studies 37 (1), ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) Book review: "Advertising, Subjectivity and the Nineteenth-Century Novel: Dickens, Balzac and the Language of the Walls" by Sara Thornton. Modern Language Review 105 (3), pp. 819-821. ISSN 0026-7937.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) The fine art of science fiction: Ivan and Heather Morison. Corridor8 2,
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Remembering Eve Sedgwick. Science Fiction Studies 35 (3), pp. 395-397. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) The productive convergence of SF criticism and critical theory. Science Fiction Studies 36 (3), pp. 513-521. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Reflections on Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking. New Formations (67), pp. 91-100. ISSN 0950-2378.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2008) The found-footage science fiction film: five films by Craig Baldwin, Werner Herzog, and Patrick Keiller. Science Fiction Film & Television 1 (2), pp. 193-214. ISSN 1754-3770.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2008) Contemporary photography and the technological sublime, or, can there be a science fiction photography?. Journal of the Fantastic In the Arts 19 (2), pp. 181-195. ISSN 0897-0521.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2007) Catastrophism, American style: the fiction of Greg Bear. Yearbook of English Studies 37 (2), pp. 215-233. ISSN 0306-2473.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2007) The two cultures; or, the end of the world as we know it. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 32 (1), ISSN 0308-0188.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2006) Bruno Latour's scientifiction: networks, assemblages and tangled objects. Science Fiction Studies 33 (1), pp. 4-17. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2006) Introduction: techno-culture and science fiction. Science Fiction Studies 33 (1), pp. 1-3. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2005) Literary London: post-, ex-, trans-, neo-?. English Studies in Canada 31 (2-3), pp. 293-306. ISSN 1913-4835.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2005) Post-imperial melancholy and the New Wave in the 1970s. Foundation: The International Review Of Science Fiction 93, pp. 76-88. ISSN 0306-4964.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2003) Cultural governance, New Labour and the British SF boom. Science Fiction Studies 30 (3), pp. 417-435. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Brooker, Joseph and Luckhurst, Roger (2003) Introduction: Remembering the 1990s. New Formations 50, ISSN 0950-2378.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2003) Demon-haunted Darwinism. New Formations 49, pp. 124-135. ISSN 0950-2378.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2003) Traumaculture. New Formations 50, ISSN 0950-2378.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2002) The Contemporary London Gothic and the Limits of the Spectral Turn. Textual Practice 16 (3), pp. 526-545. ISSN 0950-236X.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1998) The science-fictionalisation of trauma: remarks on narratives of alien abduction. Science Fiction Studies 25 (1), pp. 29-52. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1996) Horror and beauty in rare combination: the miscegenate fictions of Octavia Butler. Women: A Cultural Review 7 (1), pp. 28-38. ISSN 0957-4042.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1996) Impossible mourning in Toni Morrison's Beloved and Michele Roberts' Daughters of the House. Critique: Studies In Contemporary Fiction 37 (4), pp. 243-260. ISSN 0011-1619.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1995) Queer theory (and Oscar Wilde): review essay. Journal of Gender Studies 4 (3), pp. 333-340. ISSN 0958-9236.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1995) Repetition and unreadability: J. G. Ballard's Vermilion Sands. Extrapolation 36 (4), pp. 292-304. ISSN 0014-5483.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1994) The many deaths of science fiction: a polemic. Science Fiction Studies 21 (1), pp. 35-50. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1994) Petition, repetition and 'Autobiography': J. G. Ballard's Empire of the Sun and The Kindness of Women. Contemporary Literature 35 (4), pp. 688-707. ISSN 0010-7484.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1993) Nuclear criticism: anachronism and anachorism. Diacritics 23 (2), pp. 89-97. ISSN 0300-7162.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1991) 'Border Policing: Science Fiction and Postmodernism'. Science Fiction Studies 18 (3), pp. 358-366. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1991) Border policing: science fiction and postmodernism. Science Fiction Studies 18 (3), pp. 358-366. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Luckhurst, Roger Memory, trauma and Science Fiction. Deletion 13,
- Conan Doyle, Authur Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2023) Round the red lamp: being facts and fancies of medical life. Edinburgh Edition of the Works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781399519182.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2021) Gothic: an illustrated history. London, UK: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 9780500252512.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2019) Corridors: passages of modernity. London: Reaktion Books. ISBN 9781789140538.
- James, M.R. Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2018) The ghost stories of M. R. James. London, UK: British Library Press. ISBN 9780712352505.
- Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2017) The Cambridge companion to Dracula. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781316597217.
- Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2017) H. G. Wells, The Time Machine. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198707516.
- Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2017) Science Fiction: A Literary History. London, UK: British Library Press. ISBN 9780712356923.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2015) Zombies: a cultural history. London, UK: Reaktion Press. ISBN 9781780235288.
- Haggard, H.R. Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2015) King Solomon's Mines. Oxford, UK: Oxford World's Classics. ISBN 9780198722953.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2014) Alien. BFI Film Classics. London, UK: British Film Institute. ISBN 9781844577880.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2013) The Shining. BFI Film Classics. London: BFI/Palgrave. ISBN 9781844576395.
- Luckhurst, Roger and Brake, Laurel and Mussell, J. and King, E., eds. (2013) W.T. Stead: newspaper revolutionary. London, UK: The British Library Publishing Division. ISBN 9780712358668.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) The Mummy's curse: the true history of a dark fantasy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199698714.
- Dawson, G. and Lightman, B. and Brock, C. and Elshakry, M. and Sivasundaram, S. and O'Connor, R. and Luckhurst, Roger and Sausman, J., eds. (2012) Victorian science and literature, part II, volume 8: marginal and occult sciences. Victorian Science and Literature. 8, London, UK: Pickering and Chatto. ISBN 9781848930926.
- Sausman, J. and Luckhurst, Roger, eds. (2012) Victorian science and literature: marginal and occult sciences. 8, London, UK: Chatto & Pickering Publishers. ISBN 9781848930926.
- James, H. Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2009) The portrait of a lady. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199217946.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Late Victorian Gothic tales. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199538874.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2008) The trauma question. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415402712.
- Stevenson, R.L. Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2008) The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other tales. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199536221.
- Stevenson, R.L. Luckhurst, Roger, ed. (2006) Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Oxford, UK: Oxford World's Classics. ISBN 9780199536221.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2005) Science fiction. Cultural History of Literature. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. ISBN 9780745628923.
- Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J., eds. (2002) Transactions and encounters: science and culture in the Nineteenth Century. pp. 204-231. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719059117.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2002) The invention of telepathy 1870-1900. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199249626.
- Ledger, S. and Luckhurst, Roger, eds. (2000) The Fin de Siecle: a reader in cultural history c. 1880-1900. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198742789.
- Luckhurst, Roger and Marks, P., eds. (1999) Literature and the contemporary: fictions and theories of the present. Studies in twentieth-century literature. London, UK: Longmans. ISBN 582312035.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1997) "The Angle Between Two Walls": the fiction of J. G. Ballard. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9780312174392.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1997) The angle between two walls: the fiction of J.G. Ballard. 1, Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9780853238317.
Book Review
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Review of Max Samson, Boundaries and Belts that Define the World (2023).
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Efram Sera-Shriar. Psychic Investigators: Anthropology, Modern Spiritualism, and Credible Witnessing in the Late Victorian Age.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2023) 'Robert Aickman: A Biography' -- book review.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2023) John Nevil Maskelyne and the Home of Mystery by Michael Solomon.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2023) Certain Nocturnal Disturbances: Ghost-Hunting Before the Victorians.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2022) The Cambridge History of The Gothic, Volume II: Gothic in the Nineteenth Century ed. by Dale Townshend and Angela Wright (review).
- Luckhurst, Roger (2021) The science behind Poe.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) Making Sense of "The Weird and the Eerie".
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) Review of William Hughes, That Devil's Trick (2015).
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) Utopian literature & science.
Book Section
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) Utopian spaces. In: Vint, S. (ed.) American Utopian Literature and Culture since 1945. Cambridge Companions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 201-216. ISBN 9781009180054.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) 'Weird' and 'Caitlin Kiernan, Agents of Dreamland (2017)'. In: Bould, M. and Shapiro, S. (eds.) This is Not a Science Fiction Textbook. London, UK: Goldsmiths Press. pp. 152-155. ISBN 9781915983091.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) The last days of the urban burial ground: horror, reform and gothic fiction. In: Parisot, E. and Mcallister, David and Reyes, X.A. (eds.) Graveyard Gothic. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. pp. 47-60. ISBN 9781526166319.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2023) Brexitland's dark ecologies: new British landscape writing. In: Coelsch-Foisner, S. and Herzog, C. (eds.) Jenseits der Grenze: De-/Re-Lokalisierung | Hybridisierung. Kulturelle Dynamiken/Cultural Dynamics. Heidelberg, Germany: Universitatsverlag Winter. pp. 57-76. ISBN 9783825395223.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2022) Epilogue: the death of death – Zero K, Don DeLillo (2016). In: Bacon, S. (ed.) Undead in the 21st Century: A Companion. Genre Fiction and Film Companions. London, UK: Peter Lang. pp. 273-280. ISBN 9781789977363.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2021) The necropolitan gothic. In: Bloom, C. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Gothic Origins. London: Palgrave. pp. 263-280. ISBN 9783030845612.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2021) Hybrid. In: Waugh, P. and Botha, M. (eds.) Future Theory: A Handbook to Critical Concepts. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 297-310. ISBN 9781472567352.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2021) War and whiteness. In: Haytock, J. (ed.) War and American Literature. Themes in American Literature and Culture. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 315-329. ISBN 9781108496803.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2020) Afterword: Weird in the walls. In: Greve, J. and Zappe, F. (eds.) The American Weird: Concept and Medium. London, UK: Bloomsbury. pp. 248-257. ISBN 9781350141193.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2020) The Omega Factor: the revival of telepathy in the 1970s. In: Schlicht, L. and Seeman, C. and Kassung, C. (eds.) Mind Reading as a Cultural Practice. Palgrave Studies in Science and Popular Culture. London, UK: Palgrave. pp. 43-62. ISBN 9783030394189.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2019) Gothic, horror and the weird: shifting paradigms. In: Dennis, D. and Talia, S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Victorian Literature. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 83-94. ISBN 9781138579866.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2019) Always historicize? Penda's Fen in the 1970s. In: Harle, Matthew and Machin, James (eds.) Of Mud and Flame: The Penda's Fen Sourcebook. London, UK: Strange Attractor Press. ISBN 9781907222689.
- Bale, Anthony (2017) Dracula's blood. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Dracula. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 104-113. ISBN 9781316607084.
- Blacklock, Mark (2017) Dracula and new horror theory. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Dracula. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781316607084.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) Dracula and psychology. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Dracula. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 66-75. ISBN 9781107153172.
- Edwards, Caroline (2017) Utopian prospects, 1900-49. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) Science Fiction: A Literary History. London, UK: British Library Publishing. pp. 72-101. ISBN 9780712356924.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) 'From Scientific Romance to Science Fiction: 1870-1914'. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) Science Fiction: A Literary History. London, UK: British Library Press. pp. 44-71. ISBN 9780712356923.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) The many deaths of science fiction: a polemic. In: Latham, R. (ed.) Science Fiction: An Anthology of Essential Writings. London, UK: Bloomsbury. pp. 59-73. ISBN 9781474248617.
- Bauer, Heike (2017) Dracula and Sexology. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Dracula. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 76-84. ISBN 9781316597217.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2016) Weird stories: the potency of horror and fantasy. In: Head, D. (ed.) The Cambridge History of the English Short Story. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 447-463. ISBN 9781107167421.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2015) Sax Rohmer's Egyptian intoxication. In: Baker, P. and Clayton, A. (eds.) Lord of Strange Deaths : The Fiendish World of Sax Rohmer. London, UK: Strange Attractor Press. ISBN 9781907222252.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2015) Afterweird: Konvolut n + 1: City/Slither. In: Edwards, Caroline and Venezia, T. (eds.) China Miéville: Critical Essays. Canterbury, UK: Gylphi. pp. 265-284. ISBN 9781780240275.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2015) Diagnosing Dick. In: Dunst, A. and Schlensag, S. (eds.) The World According to Philip K. Dick. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137414588.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2014) Scientific romance, fantasy, and the supernatural. In: Saler, M. (ed.) The Fin-de-Siècle World. Routledge Worlds. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415674133.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2014) Future shock: science fiction and the trauma paradigm. In: Buelens, G. and Durrant, S. and Eaglestone, R. (eds.) The Future of Trauma Theory. Contemporary Literary and Cultural Criticism. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415694599.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2014) Not now, not yet: polytemporality and fictions of the Iraq war. In: Nadal, M. and Calvo, M. (eds.) Trauma in Contemporary Literature: Narrative and Representation. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415715874.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2014) The gothic world. In: Byron, G. and Townshend, D. (eds.) Gothic World. Routledge Worlds. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415637442.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2013) The living dead. In: Bell, J. (ed.) Gothic: The Dark Heart of Cinema. A BFI Compendium. London, UK: BFI. pp. 36-42. ISBN 9781844576821.
- Brake, Laurel (2013) Stead alone: journalist, proprietor and publisher, 1890–1903. In: Luckhurst, Roger and Brake, Laurel and Mussell, J. and King, E. (eds.) W. T. Stead: Newspaper Revolutionary. London, UK: British Library Press. ISBN 9780712358668.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) The sinking of the Titanic: Stead's death (and slight return). In: Luckhurst, Roger and Brake, Laurel and Mussell, J. and King, E. (eds.) W.T. Stead: Newspaper Revolutionary. London, UK: British Library Press. pp. 181-196. ISBN 9780712358668.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) The public sphere, popular culture and the true meaning of the zombie apocalypse. In: Glover, D. and McCracken, S. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Popular Fiction. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 68-85. ISBN 9780521513371.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2012) The psychical seventies. In: Sandhu, S. (ed.) The Twilight Language of Nigel Kneale. London, UK: Strange Attractor Press. pp. 11-15.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2011) Ballard/atrocity/Conner/exhibition/assemblage. In: Baxter, J. and Wymer, R. (eds.) J.G.Ballard: Visions and Revisions. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230278127.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2011) In the zone: topologies of genre weirdness. In: Wasson, S. and Alder, E. (eds.) Gothic Science Fiction 1980-2010. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781846317071.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) Religion, psychical research, spiritualism, and the occult. In: Brooker, P. and Gasiorek, A. and Longworth, D. and Thacker, A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modernisms. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199545445.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) Science fiction and fantasy. In: Parrinder, P. and Gasiorek, A. (eds.) The Reinvention of the British and Irish Novel 1880-1940. The Oxford History of the Novel in English. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199559336.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2010) An occult gazetteer of Bloomsbury: an experiment in method. In: Phillips, L. and Witchard, A. (eds.) London Gothic: Place, Space and the Gothic Imagination. Continuum Literary Studies. London, UK: Continuum Press. pp. 50-62. ISBN 9781441106827.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Greg Bear. In: Bold, M. and Butler, A. and Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (eds.) Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction. Routledge Key Guides. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 27-32. ISBN 9780415439503.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) J.G. Ballard. In: Bold, M. and Butler, A. and Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (eds.) Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction. Routledge Key Guides. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 12-17. ISBN 9780415439503.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Introduction. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) The Portrait of a Lady. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. vii-xxxiv. ISBN 9780199217946.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Psuedoscience. In: Bold, M. and Butler, A. and Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. Routledge Literature Companions. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 403-412. ISBN 9780415453783.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Introduction. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) Late Victorian Gothic Tales. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199538874.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Introduction. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) Portrait of a Lady (Henry James). Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199217946.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Introduction. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) Dracula (Bram Stoker). Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199564095.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Introduction. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) The Classic Horror Stories (H.P. Lovecraft). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199639571.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Introduction. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) The Portrait of a Lady. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. vii-xxxiv. ISBN 9780199217946.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) Pseudoscience. In: Bould, M. and Butler, A. and Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. Routledge Companions. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415453790.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2009) The politics of the network: the science in the capital trilogy. In: Burling, W.J. and Palumbo, D.E. and Sullivan III, C.W. (eds.) Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable. Jeferson, U.S.: Mcfarland Press. pp. 170-180. ISBN 9780786433698.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2008) The uncanny after Freud: the contemporary trauma subject and the fiction of Stephen King. In: Collins, J. and Jervis, J. (eds.) Uncanny Modernity: Cultural Theories, Modern Anxieties. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 128-145. ISBN 9780230517714.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2008) Introduction. In: Luckhurst, Roger (ed.) Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. vii-xli. ISBN 9780199536221.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2006) British science fiction in the 1990s: politics and genre. In: Bentley, N. (ed.) British Fiction of the 1990s. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415342575.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2006) Mixing memory and desire: psychoanalysis, psychology and trauma theory. In: Waugh, P. (ed.) Literary theory and criticism: an Oxford guide. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 497-507. ISBN 9781405112185.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2006) The curse of the mummy: a genealogy. In: Mildorf, J. and Seeber, H.U. and Windisch, M. (eds.) Magic, Science, Technology and Literature. Münster, Germany: LIT Verlag. pp. 126-139. ISBN 9783825893118.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2005) J.G. Ballard: Crash. In: Seed, D. (ed.) Companion to Science Fiction. Wiley Blackwell. pp. 512-521. ISBN 9781405112185.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2004) Ending the century: literature and digital technology. In: Marcus, L. and Nicholls, P. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth Century English Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 787-806. ISBN 9781107609488.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2004) Knowledge, belief and the supernatural at the imperial margin. In: Bown, Nicola and Burdett, Carolyn and Thurschwell, P. (eds.) The Victorian Supernatural. Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 197-216. ISBN 9780521114646.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2004) W.T. Stead's occult economy. In: Henson, L. and Cantor, G. and Dawson, G. and Noakes, R. and Shuttlewort, S. (eds.) Cultural Science in the Nineteenth-Century Media. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 117-127. ISBN 9781138251731.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2003) Occult London. In: Kerr, J. and Gibson, A. (eds.) London from Punk to Blair. London, UK: Reaktion Books. ISBN 9781780230498.
- Armstrong, Isobel (2002) The microscope: meditations on the sub-visible world. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. pp. 30-54. ISBN 9780719059117.
- Burdett, Carolyn (2002) From the 'New Werther' to numbers and arguments: Karl Pearson's eugenics. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. pp. 204-231. ISBN 9780719059117.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2002) Passages in the invention of the psyche: mind-reading in London 1881-4. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. pp. 117-150. ISBN 9780719059117.
- Burdett, Carolyn (2002) From the new werther to numbers and arguments: Karl Pearson's eugenics. In: Luckhurst, Roger and McDonagh, J. (eds.) Transactions and Encounters: Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. pp. 204-231. ISBN 9780719059100.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2002) Going postal: rage, science fiction and the ends of the American subject. In: Hollinger, V. and Gordon, J. (eds.) Edging into the Future: Science Fiction and Contemporary Cultural Transformation. Pennsylvania, USA: Pennsylvania University Press. pp. 142-156. ISBN 9780812236576.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2000) Trance gothic, 1882-97. In: Wolfreys, J. and Robbins, R. (eds.) Victorian Gothic. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 148-167. ISBN 9780333749357.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2000) Vicissitudes of the voice, speaking science fiction. In: Sawyer, A. and Seed, D. (eds.) Speaking Science Fiction. London, UK: Liverpool University Press. pp. 69-81. ISBN 9780853238348.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1999) Memory recovered/recovered memory. In: Luckhurst, Roger and Marks, P. (eds.) Literature and the Contemporary. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 80-93. ISBN 9780582312043.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1999) Something tremendous, something elemental: on the ghostly origins of psychoanalysis. In: Buse, P. and Stott, A. (eds.) Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 50-71. ISBN 9780230374812.
- Luckhurst, Roger (1996) (Touching on) tele-technology. In: Brannigan, J. and Robbins, R. and Wolfreys, J. (eds.) Applying: To Derrida. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 161-173. ISBN 9781349250776.
- Luckhurst, Roger and Partington, Gillian (2006) Technoculture and science fiction. Science Fiction Studies 33 (1), DePauw University. ISSN 0091-7729.
- Brooker, Joseph and Luckhurst, Roger (2003) Remembering the 1990s. New Formations 50, Lawrence and Wishart. ISSN 0950-2378.
- Biernoff, H. and Bailey-Evans, A. and Cleary, L. and Higgott, C. and Luckhurst, Roger and Rushby, Andrew (2024) Otherworldly.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2024) You. Supernatural Tales (56), pp. 3-8. David Longhorn. ISSN 1467-8674.
- Simpson, A. and Luckhurst, Roger (2022) The world of Frankenstein: a jigsaw puzzle by Adam Simpson. London, UK: Hachette.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) What Walls Mean From Hadrian to Trump. Blog BBC.
- Luckhurst, Roger (2017) In Memoriam: Mark Fisher. Los Angeles Review of Books.
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