Prof Costas Douzinas
Costas Douzinas LLB (Athens) LLM PhD (London) is a Professor of Law and Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities.
Professor Douzinas joined the Department in 1992 and was Head of Department from 1996 to 2002. Costas was educated in Athens during the Colonels' dictatorship where he joined the student resistance. He left Greece in 1974 and continued his studies in London, where he received his Masters in Law and PhD degrees from LSE and, in Strasbourg, where he received the degree for teachers of Human Rights. He taught at Middlesex, Lancaster and Birkbeck where he was appointed in 1992 as a member of the team which established the Birkbeck School of Law.
Professor Douzinas is a visiting Professor at the University of Athens and has held visiting posts at the Universities of Paris, Thessaloniki and Prague. In 1997 he was awarded a Jean Monnet fellowship by the European University Institute, Florence. In 1998 he was a visiting fellow at Princeton University and at the Cardozo School of Law. In 2002, he was a Fellow at Griffith University, Brisbane and at the Universities of Beijing and Nanjing.
Research overview
In the course of his research career, Costas has created two new inter-disciplinary areas of research: a distinct school of British critical legal thought, and the turning of legal scholarship towards ethical concerns and aesthetic considerations, namely research on law and visuality.
Costas is currently working on two books: Legal Iconology, an examination of the historical, theoretical and legal dimensions of this intricate link between law, images and art, and Radical Philosophy of Right - an ambitious attempt to write the radical’s compendium to legal and political philosophy mimicking Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.
Costas' books have been translated into thirteen languages and have led to extensive lecture tours of Latin America, South Africa and Europe. Costas has been involved in the various movements of the 2010s; has written extensively for The Guardian, OpenDemocracy and other global publications; and has a continuous presence on radio and TV.
Costas is a managing editor of Law & Critique, the international journal of critical legal thought which is published from the Birkbeck School of Law.
Read Costas’ Wikipedia page.
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Current doctoral researchers
Doctoral alumni since 2013-14
Teaching modules
- The History and Philosophy of Human Rights (LADD005S7)
- Douzinas, Costas (2015) As muitas faces do humanitarismo. Diretito e Praxis Revista 6 (11), pp. 375-424. ISSN 2179-8966.
- Douzinas, Costas Gilbert, J., ed. (2014) Notes towards an analytics of resistance. New Formations 83, pp. 79-98. ISSN 0950-2378. ISBN 9781910448113.
- Douzinas, Costas (2014) The “Right to the Event”: the legality and morality of revolution and resistance. Metodo: International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (1), pp. 151-167. ISSN 2281-9177.
- Douzinas, Costas (2014) A short history of British critical legal studies or, the responsibility of the critic. Law and Critique 25 (2), pp. 187-198. ISSN 0957-8536.
- Douzinas, Costas (2013) The paradoxes of human rights. Constellations 20 (1), pp. 51-67. ISSN 1351-0487.
- Douzinas, Costas (2013) Athens rising. European Urban and Regional Studies 20 (1), pp. 134-138. ISSN 0969-7764.
- Douzinas, Costas (2012) History trials: notes on law, history, and time. Annual Review of Law and Social Science 8, pp. 273-289. ISSN 1550-3585.
- Douzinas, Costas (2010) Athens revolting: three meditations on sovereignty and one on its (possible) dismantlement. Law and Critique 21 (3), pp. 261-275. ISSN 0957-8536.
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) Human rights and empire: the political philosophy of cosmopolitanism. King's Law Journal 20 (3), pp. 535-540. ISSN 0961-5768.
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) Law and critique: twentieth anniversary. Law and Critique 20 (1), pp. 1-2. ISSN 0957-8536.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) Sublime law: on legal and aesthetic judgements. Parallax 14 (4), pp. 18-29. ISSN 1353-4645.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) El final de los derechos humanos. Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Juridcas de Puebla (22), pp. 6-35. ISSN 1870-2147.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) Sublime law: on legal and aesthetic judgments. Parallax 14 (4), pp. 18-29. ISSN 1353-4645.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) Torture and systems theory. Soziale Systeme 14 (1), pp. 110-125. ISSN 0948-423X.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) The 'end' of human rights. The Guardian ISSN 0261-3077.
- Douzinas, Costas (2006) Theses on law, history and time. Melbourne Journal of International Law 7 (1), pp. 13-27.
- Douzinas, Costas (2005) Oubliez critique. Law and Critique 16 (1), pp. 47-69. ISSN 0957-8536.
- Douzinas, Costas (2003) Humanity, military humanism, and the new moral order. Economy and Society 32 (2), pp. 159-183. ISSN 0308-5147.
- Douzinas, Costas (2002) Identity, recognition, rights: what can Hegel teach us about human rights. Journal of Law and Society 29 (3), pp. 379-405. ISSN 0263-323X.
- Douzinas, Costas (2002) The end(s) of human rights. Melbourne University Law Review 26 (2), pp. 445-465.
- Douzinas, Costas (2000) Human rights and postmodern utopia. Law and Critique 11 (2), pp. 219-240. ISSN 0957-8536.
- Douzinas, Costas (2000) Law's fear of the image. Gramma ISSN 2529-1793.
- Douzinas, Costas (2000) The legality of the image. Modern Law Review 63 (6), pp. 813-831. ISSN 1468-2230.
- Douzinas, Costas (1999) Human rights at the end of history. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 4 (1), pp. 99-114. ISSN 0969-725X.
- Douzinas, Costas (1997) Psychoanalysis becomes the law: notes on an encounter foretold. Legal Studies Forum 3, pp. 313-337. ISSN 0894-5993.
- Douzinas, Costas (1997) The aesthetics of the common law. Studies in Law, Politics and Society 17, pp. 3-30. ISSN 1059-4337.
- Douzinas, Costas (1996) Whistler v. Ruskin: law's fear of images. Art History 19 (3), pp. 353-369. ISSN 0141-6790.
- Douzinas, Costas (2019) The radical philosophy of rights. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138025097.
- Douzinas, Costas (2017) Syriza in power: reflections of an accidental politician. Polity Press. ISBN 9781509511570.
- Douzinas, Costas (2015) Hukuk adalet ve insan hakları. Istanbul, Turkey: Nota Bene. ISBN 9786059020626.
- Douzinas, Costas (2015) Krizde felsefe ve direniş: yunanistan ve avrupa'nın geleceği. Istanbul, Turkey: Metis Books. ISBN 9789753429856.
- Douzinas, Costas and Gearty, C., eds. (2014) The meanings of rights: the philosophy and social theory of human rights. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107679597.
- Douzinas, Costas (2014) Philosophie und Widerstand in der Krise. Hamburg, Germany: Laika Verlag. ISBN 9783944233093.
- Douzinas, Costas (2013) Philosophy and resistance in the crisis. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. ISBN 9780745665436.
- Gearty, C. and Douzinas, Costas, eds. (2012) The Cambridge companion to human rights law. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107016248.
- Stone, M. and Wall, I. and Douzinas, Costas, eds. (2012) New critical legal thinking: law and the political. Birkbeck Law Press. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415619578.
- Douzinas, Costas (2012) Ριζοσπαστική Πολιτική και Νομική Φιλοσοφία. Nissos Publications: Athens, Greece. ISBN 9789609535472.
- Douzinas, Costas and Perrin, C., eds. (2011) Critical legal theory. Critical Concepts in Law. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415486736.
- Douzinas, Costas (2011) Αντίσταση και Φιλοσοφία στην Κρίση: Πολιτική, Ηθική και Στάση Σύνταγμα. Athens, Greece: Alexandria Press. ISBN 9789602215333.
- Zizek, Slavoj and Douzinas, Costas Zizek, Slavoj and Douzinas, Costas, eds. (2010) The idea of Communism. London, UK: Verso Books. ISBN 9781844674596.
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) O fim dos direitos humanos. São Leopoldo, Brazil: Editora Unisinos. ISBN 9788574313337.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) El fin de los derechos humanos. Bogotá, Colombia: Legis Editores. ISBN 9586537209.
- Douzinas, Costas (2007) Human rights and empire: the political philosophy of cosmopolitanism. Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415427593.
- Douzinas, Costas, ed. (2007) Adieu Derrida. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230007147.
- Douzinas, Costas and Gearey, Adam (2005) Critical jurisprudence: the political philosophy of justice. London, UK: Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781841134529.
- Douzinas, Costas (2000) The end of human rights: critical legal through at the fin-de-siecle. London, UK: Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781841130002.
- Douzinas, Costas and Nead, Lynda, eds. (1999) Law and the image: the authority of art and the aesthetics of law. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226569543.
- Douzinas, Costas and Warrington, R. (1995) Justice miscarried: aesthetics and the law. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780745016351.
- Douzinas, Costas and Goodrich, P. and Hachamovitch, Y., eds. (1994) Politics, postmodernism, critical legal studies: the legality of the contingent. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415086523.
- Douzinas, Costas and Warrington, R. and Mcveigh, S. (1993) Postmodern jurisprudence: the law of the text in the text of the law. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415088763.
Book Section
- Guardiola-Rivera, Oscar (2024) A diplomacy for human-nonhuman relations: letter to a young climate activist. In: Alvarez Nakagwa, A. and Douzinas, Costas (eds.) Non-Human Rights: Critical Perspectives. London, UK: Edward Elgar. pp. 164-188. ISBN 9781802208511.
- Douzinas, Costas (2014) Philosophy and the right to resistance. In: Douzinas, Costas and Gearty, C. (eds.) The Meanings of Rights: The Philosophy and Social Theory of Human Rights. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107679597.
- Douzinas, Costas (2014) La resistance, la philosophie et la gauche. In: Badiou, A. (ed.) Le Symptoma Grec. Fécamp, France: Editions Lignes. ISBN 9782355261343.
- Douzinas, Costas (2014) The responsibility of intellectuals. In: Tsilimpounidi, M. and Walsh, A. (eds.) Remapping 'Crisis': A Guide to Athens. London, UK: Zero Books. ISBN 9781780996059.
- Douzinas, Costas and Gearty, C. (2014) Introduction. In: Douzinas, Costas and Gearty, C. (eds.) The Meanings of Rights: The Philosophy and Social Theory of Human Rights. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107679597.
- Douzinas, Costas (2013) Crisis, resistencia e insurrección. In: Badiou, A. (ed.) El Sintoma Griego. Madrid, Spain: Errata Natura. ISBN 9788415217619.
- Douzinas, Costas (2013) Humanitarismin monet kasvot. In: Johansson, F. (ed.) Hyvan Tekeminen ja Valta. Helsinki, Finland: Gaudeamus. ISBN 9789524953054.
- Douzinas, Costas (2013) Identità, riconoscimento, diritti: cosa può insegnarci Hegel sui diritti umani?. In: Carnevale, A. and Strazzeri, I. (eds.) Lotte, riconoscimento, diritti. Perugia, Italy: Morlacchi University Press. ISBN 9788860743886.
- Douzinas, Costas (2013) A legal phenomenology of images. In: Ben-Dor, O. (ed.) Law and Art: Justice, Ethics and Aesthetics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415823999.
- Douzinas, Costas (2012) The poverty of (rights) jurisprudence. In: Gearty, C. and Douzinas, Costas (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Human Rights Law. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 56-78. ISBN 9781107016248.
- Hanafin, Patrick (2012) The embryonic sovereign and the biological citizen: the biopolitics of reproductive rights. In: Gearty, C. and Douzinas, Costas (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Human Rights Law. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 191-213. ISBN 9781107016248.
- Douzinas, Costas (2012) The metaphysics of cosmopolitanism. In: Braidotti, R. and Hanafin, Patrick and Blaagaard, B. (eds.) After Cosmopolitanism. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 57-76. ISBN 9780415623810.
- Douzinas, Costas (2012) Stasis syntagma: the names and types of resistance. In: Stone, M. and Wall, I. and Douzinas, Costas (eds.) New Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political. Birkbeck Law Press. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415619578.
- Guardiola-Rivera, Oscar (2012) Notes for a novella of the future. In: Stone, M. and Wall, I. and Douzinas, Costas (eds.) New Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political. Birkbeck Law Press. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415619578.
- Loizidou, Elena (2012) Before the law, encounters at the borderline. In: Stone, M. and Wall, I. and Douzinas, Costas (eds.) New Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political. Birkbeck Law Press. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415619578.
- Gearty, C. and Douzinas, Costas (2012) Introduction. In: Gearty, C. and Douzinas, Costas (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Human Rights Law. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107602359.
- Douzinas, Costas (2011) Menschenrechte ind postmoderne utopie. In: Menke, C. and Raimondi, F. (eds.) Die Revolution der Menschenrechte. Berlin, Germany: Surkamp Verlag. ISBN 9783518295885.
- Douzinas, Costas (2011) Sublime law: on legal and aesthetic judgments. In: Paasche, M. and Radul, J. (eds.) A Thousand Eyes: Media Technology, Law, and Aesthetics. Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press. ISBN 9781934105665.
- Douzinas, Costas (2010) Adikia: on rights and communism. In: Douzinas, Costas and Zizek, Slavoj (eds.) The Idea of Communism. The Idea of Communism. London, UK: Verso Books. ISBN 9781844674596.
- Douzinas, Costas (2010) Introduction: the idea of communism. In: Douzinas, Costas and Zizek, Slavoj (eds.) The Idea of Communism. The Idea of Communism. London, UK: Verso Books. ISBN 9781844674596.
- Douzinas, Costas (2010) Saving cosmopolitanism: legality without legitimacy. In: Thornhill, C. and Ashenden, Samantha (eds.) Legality and Legitimacy: Normative and Sociological Approaches. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos. ISBN 9783832953546.
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) Before the law: law and aesthetics. In: Yiota, Kravaritou (ed.) Dikaio kai Techni tou Logou (Law and the Art of Logos). Athens, Greece: Sakkoulas Publications. ISBN 9789604453665.
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) A humanities of resistance: fragments for a legal history of humanity. In: Sarat, A. and Anderson, A. and Frank, C.O. (eds.) Law and the Humanities: An Introduction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 49-72. ISBN 9780521899055.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) July 2, July 7 and metaphysics. In: Closs Stephens, Angharad and Vaughan-Williams, Nick (eds.) Terrorism and the Politics of Response. Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge. pp. 190-210. ISBN 978-0-415-45506-0.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) Foreword: the blindness of law and the insight of justice. In: Stolleis, Michael (ed.) The Eye of the Law: Two Essays on Legal History. Birkbeck Law Press. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Birkbeck Law Press (an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business). pp. 8-18. ISBN 978-0-415-47273-9.
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) Theses on the ends of human rights. In: Koşan, Gürcan (ed.) Annual International Conference on Conceptual History, Transnational Concepts, Transfers and the Challenge of the Peripheries, Istanbul, Turkey, August 30 - September 2, 2007. Istanbul Technical University. Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul Technical University. ISBN 9789755613109.
- Douzinas, Costas (2007) Derrida’s eulogy. In: Douzinas, Costas (ed.) Adieu Derrida. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780230007147.
- Douzinas, Costas (2007) Law, history and forgetting. In: Stephanides, Stephanos (ed.) Cultures of Memory/Memories of Culture. Nicosia, Cyprus: University of Nicosia Press in collaboration with the School of Humanities, University of Cyprus. ISBN 978-9963-8758-2-5.
- Douzinas, Costas (2006) The metaphysics of jurisdiction. In: McVeigh, Shaun (ed.) Jurisprudence of Jurisdiction. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge-Cavendish. pp. 21-32. ISBN 978-1-84472-032-3.
- Gearey, Adam (2005) 'At the stroke of midnight...': postcolonial jurisprudence. In: Douzinas, Costas and Gearey, Adam (eds.) Critical Jurisprudence: The Political Philosophy of Justice. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. pp. 283-302. ISBN 184113452X.
- Gearey, Adam (2005) News from nowhere: anxiety, critical legal studies and the critical ‘tradition(s)'. In: Douzinas, Costas and Gearey, Adam (eds.) Critical Jurisprudence: The Political Philosophy of Justice. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. pp. 229-258. ISBN 184113452X.
- Douzinas, Costas (2002) Postmodern just wars: Kosovo, Afghanistan, and the 'New World Order'. In: Strawson, J. (ed.) Law After Ground Zero. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781904385028.
- Douzinas, Costas (1999) Law deathbound: Antigone and the dialectics of Nomos and Thanatos. In: Manderson, D. (ed.) Courting Death: The Law of Mortality. London, UK: Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745313610.
- Douzinas, Costas and Nead, Lynda (1999) Introduction. In: Douzinas, Costas and Nead, Lynda (eds.) Law and the Image: The Authority of Art and the Aesthetics of Law. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226569543.
- Douzinas, Costas and Nead, Lynda (1999) Prosopon and antiprosopon: prolegomena for a legal iconology. In: Douzinas, Costas and Nead, Lynda (eds.) Law and the Image: The Authority of Art and the Aesthetics of Law. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226569543.
- Haldar, Piyel (1999) The function of the ornament in Quintilian, Alberti and court architecture. In: Douzinas, Costas and Nead, Lynda (eds.) Law and the Image: The Authority of Art and the Aesthetics of Law. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226569543.
- Douzinas, Costas and Warrington, R. (1997) Law's others: jurisprudence and poststructuralism. In: Bankowski, Z. and Tuori, K. (eds.) Law and Power: Law and Power Critical and Socio-Legal Essays. Liverpool, UK: Deborah Charles Publications. ISBN 9780952893800.
- Douzinas, Costas (1996) Justice and human rights in postmodernity. In: Gearty, C. and Tomkins, A. (eds.) Understanding Human Rights. Mansell. ISBN 9781855676091.
Conference Item
- Brown, W. and Douzinas, Costas and Frosh, Stephen and Zizek, Slavoj (2012) Critical theory summer school: Friday debate. Critical theory summer school: Friday debate, 2012, The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) From restricted to general jurisprudence. Crisis global e interna: Constitución, Derechos, Justicia y Conflicto, 2009, Javeriana University, Bogota, Columbia
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) The adikia hypothesis. Critical Legal Conference, 2009, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
- Douzinas, Costas (2009) The paradoxes of human rights. Crisis global e interna: Constitución, Derechos, Justicia y Conflicto, 2009, Javeriana University, Bogota, Columbia
- Douzinas, Costas (2008) The paradoxes of human rights. Stirling Colloquium on the Human Right to Political Participation, 2008, Stirling University, Stirling, UK
- Douzinas, Costas (1999) Law and the image: ethics, aesthetics and the law. Birkbeck College School of Law, 1999, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
- Douzinas, Costas (1998) Law and the emotions: prolegomeana for a psychoanalytic approach to legal study. Florence, Italy: European University Institute.
- Douzinas, Costas (2011) Adikia: on Communism and rights. Critical Legal Thinking Critical Legal Thinking.