Professor Mari Paz Balibrea Enriquez

I joined Birkbeck as a Lecturer in January 2001, having previously held tenure-track posts at Illinois State University and the University of California, Santa Cruz. I served as an Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Student Experience in the School of Arts from 2017-2020, when I developed a programme of employability and business engagement for the Arts. I am a founding member and part of the Steering Committee of the Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies (CILAVS) and was its Director from 2014-2020. I was on the Steering Group of the Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image (BIMI) from 2014-2020, and I am currently a member of the steering committee of the Centre for French, Francophone and Comparative Studies. In the Department of Languages, Cultures and Applied Linguistics I was the Director of the MA/MRes Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Cultural Studies from 2014-2018, and was the Director of the MA/MRes Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies in Modern Languages from 2018 to 2022.
My research interests are in the intersection of culture with politics and in the relationships between aesthetics, politics and ideologies, more specifically with regards to and framed by questions of modernity, urbanisation, history and neoliberalism. The nature of my research is fundamentally interdisciplinary and it incorporates focuses on literature, philosophy, psychiatry, visual culture and cultural institutions and their discourses. My publications are currently concerned with the following areas of enquiry: culture, politics and subject formation in the creative city; Diasporic Hispanic cultures; history of psychiatry and Republican exile culture as a critique of Spanish modernity and of politics in transitional and democratic Spain.
During academic year 2022-2023, I held a Fellowship at the Institute d’Études Avancées de Nantes (France), having held a Visiting Professorship (Professeur Invitée Recherche) at the Université Paris Nanterre in 2021. In 2019 I was a Consultant for Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid in the remodelling of their permanent collection, regarding their holdings on the art and culture of Spanish republican exile. Also in 2019 I was chosen as a Member of the Spanish Comité Científico Internacional of the Comisión Interministerial para la Conmemoración del 80 aniversario del exilio republicano. I am a founding member and the president of the Asociación de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán.
From 2017-2024 I served as a Member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, AHRC’s Academic Peer Review College. I am a permanent member in the Editorial Collective of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies and of MVM: Cuadernos de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Catalan Studies. I serve on the advisory board of more than twenty international refereed journals in the areas of Contemporary Spanish Cultures, Cultural Studies and Urban Studies. I am a peer reviewer for several academic publishers, including Boydell and Brewer, Liverpool University Press, University of Toronto Press, Berghahn Books, Palgrave Macmillan, University of North Carolina Press and Vanderbilt University Press.
Out now: “‘Staple of the Contemporary Music Scene’: Roberto Gerhard in Geopolitical Perspective”, Monty Adkins and Rachael E. Mann (eds). Roberto Gerhard. Re-Apprising a Musical Visionary in Exile. Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 184-202.
Out now: “The Presence of an Absence: Framing Capital in the Films Mercado de futuros (Mercedes Álvarez, 2011), La mano invisible (David Macián, 2016) and Cerca de tu casa (Eduard Cortés, 2016)”, Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas, 2022, 19:3.
Out in March 2023: “Renuncia a la Ciudadanía e Imaginación Postnacional en la Obra Exílica de Josep Solanes”, MLN (Modern Languages Notes), Hispanic Issue, 2023, 138:2.
Mari Paz Balibrea. The Global Cultural Capital. Addressing the Citizen and Producing the City in Barcelona. Basingstoke:Palgrave MacMillan, 2017. (ISBN: 978-1-137-53595-5)
Mari Paz Balibrea (coord). Líneas de fuga. Hacia otra historiografía cultural del exilio republicano español. Madrid: Akal, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-323-1856-6.
Office hours
Please contact me by email to arrange an appointment.
- PhD in Literature, University of California, San Diego, USA
- MA in Literature, University of California, San Diego, USA
- B.A. in in Spanish Philology (Literature Bias), Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Web profiles
Administrative responsibilities
- Programme Director, Foundation Year, School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
- Spanish language coordinator
Visiting posts
- Fellowship, Institute d’Études Avancées de Nantes (France), 10-2022 to 06-2023
- Visiting Professorship (Professeur Invitée Recherche), Université Paris Nanterre, 05-2021 to 06-2021
Professional activities
Editorial Board, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
Editorial Board, Journal of Catalan Studies
Editorial Board MVM. Cuadernos de Estudio Manuel Vazquez Montalban
Member of Peer Review College, Arts and Humanities Research Council, AHRC, (2017-2020)
Advisory Board, Journal of Romance Studies
Advisory Board, International Journal of Iberian Studies
Advisory Board, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos
Advisory Board, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies
Advisory Board, Journal of Urban Cultural Studies
Advisory Board, Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Advisory Board, Portuguese Journal of Social Sciences
Advisory Board, Urban Studies
Advisory Board, City, Culture and Society
Advisory Board, European Journal of Archaeology
Peer Reviewer, Boydell and Brewer (Tamesis Books)
Peer Reviewer, Liverpool University Press (Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures)
Peer Reviewer, Toronto University Press (Iberic Series)
Peer Reviewer, Vanderbilt University Press
Peer Reviewer, Berghahn Books (Studies in Latin American and Spanish History)
Peer Reviewer, Palgrave Macmillan (Hispanic Urban Studies Series)
Tenure/Professorship Reviewer, Cornell University
Tenure/Professorship Reviewer, Princeton University
Tenure/Professorship Reviewer, New York University
Conference organiser: Spanish Exiles in the United Kindgom; History and Legacies. Co-organised by the Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies with the Instituto Cervantes in London, part of the Ochenta Aniversario Exilio Republicano, sponsored by the Dirección General de la Memoria Histórica, Spanish Ministry of Justice, 12-13 November, 2019.
International conference organiser: Fifth International Conference of the Asociación de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán: Diagnosing the Present: Literary Interventions on Globalisation and Neoliberalism. Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, CILAVS, 9-10 September, 2019.
International conference organiser: Mediating the Catalan Independence Movement. Co-organised by Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, CILAVS with the Centre for Catalan Studies, Queen Mary; Institute of Modern Languages Research, 12-13 September, 2018.
International conference organiser: Líneas de fuga: nuevas aproximaciones al estudio del exilio republicano español. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, 2-3 November, 2017.
Conference organiser: Cultural Capitals. Globalisation and the role of culture in the contemporary city. Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, CILAVS, Birkbeck, 5 July 2017.
International PhD examining: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Université Paris Ouest Nanterre; Università di Pisa; Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Holland); Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Professional memberships
Member, Higher Education Academy
Member, Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland
Member, Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies
Honours and awards
- Member, Comité Científico Internacional of the Comisión Interministerial para la Conmemoración del 80 aniversario del exilio republicano, Spain, December 2019
- Fellowship, Institute d’Études Avancées de Nantes (France), April 2022
- Consultant, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, December 2019
- Honorary Research Associate , School of European Languages, Culture and Society, UCL, December 2020
0000-0002-0629-5984 -
Research interests
- Spanish Contemporary Cultural Studies
- Spanish Republican Exile
- Urban Cultural Studies
- History of psychiatry
- Francoism
- Spanish Transition to Democracy
- Barcelona
Research overview
My research interests are in the intersection of culture with politics and in the relationships between aesthetics, politics and ideologies, more specifically with regards to and framed by questions of modernity, urbanisation, history and neoliberalism. The nature of my research is fundamentally interdisciplinary and it incorporates focuses on literature, philosophy, psychiatry, visual culture and cultural institutions and their discourses. My publications are currently concerned with the following areas of enquiry: culture, politics and subject formation in the creative city; Diasporic Hispanic cultures; history of psychiatry and Republican exile culture as a critique of Spanish modernity and of politics in transitional and democratic Spain.
Research Centres and Institutes
- Steering Group (2014-2020), Birkbeck Institute of the Moving Image (BIMI)
- Founding member and current President, Asociacion de Estudios Manuel Vazquez Montalban
- Founding Member, Director (2014-2020), Member of the Steering Commitee, Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies (CILAVS)
- Member of the Steering Commitee, Centre for French, Francophone and Comparative Studies
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students who are interested in undertaking research in any of my areas of research expertise. Please contact me by email:
Current doctoral researchers
Doctoral alumni since 2013-14
I regularly teach in the areas of contemporary Spanish culture (from the 18th C to the present) and cultural theory at the undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Teaching modules
- The Arts: Perspectives and Possibilities (ARAR008S3)
- Arts, Humanities and the Lifecycle 1 - Issues and Ideas (ARAR015S4)
- Studying Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies in Modern Languages (ARCL059S7)
- Imagining the Nation (ARCL064S7)
- Memory and History (ARCL065S7)
- Culture and Crisis (Level 5) (ARCL125S5)
- Doing Languages, Cultures and Applied Linguistics (ARLL004S4)
- Culture and Image (ARLL009S4)
- Culture and Text (ARLL010S4)
- Approaches to Spanish Culture and Society (Level 5) (LNLN020S5)
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2025) “Pourquoi pas Solanes?” Retracing genealogies of critical psychiatry through the emergence of mass exile and displacement as mental pathologies. History of Psychiatry ISSN 0957-154X.
- Balibrea Enriquez, Mari Paz (2025) The politics of mysticism and the Mexican Baroque in the Spanish Republican exile film: Cantar de los cantares [Song of Songs] (Manuel Altolaguirre, 1959). L'Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematograficos (39), pp. 23-36. ISSN 1885-3730.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2023) Renuncia a la Ciudadanía e Imaginación Postnacional en la Obra Exílica de Josep Solanes. Modern Language Notes 138 (2), pp. 378-398. ISSN 0026-7910.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2022) The presence of an absence: framing capital in Mercado de futuros (Mercedes Álvarez, 2011), La mano invisible (David Macián, 2016) and Cerca de tu casa (Eduard Cortés, 2016). Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas 19 (3), pp. 283-300. ISSN 2050-4837.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2021) Finding Josep Solanes: mobilizing the legacies of Republican exile in Spanish cultural studies. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 22 (2), pp. 199-210. ISSN 1463-6204.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2021) Irrumpiendo en el presente: Estrategias de reinscripción en la Historia para leer la obra filosófica de Rosa Chacel. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 98 (8), pp. 1287-1311. ISSN 1475-3820.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2020) Max Aub y la estética política del Frente Popular: lectura europea del Discurso de la novela española contemporánea (1945). Anuario de El Correo de Euclides 13, pp. 44-55. ISSN 1887-0023.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2019) Exilio republicano: hay futuro en este pasado. Política Exterior 33 (189), pp. 110-118. ISSN 0213-6856.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz and London, J. (2019) Mediating the Catalan Independence Movement: an introduction to a dossier of studies. Journal of Catalan Studies 3 (21), pp. 282-288. ISSN 1139-0271.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz and Lough, F. and Sanchez Cuervo, A. (2018) Maria Zambrano amongst the philosophers: an introduction. History of European Ideas 44 (7), pp. 827-842. ISSN 0191-6599.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2018) Exilio republicano: construir desde la ausencia. Carta(s): Revista del Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía pp. 7-13.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2014) En defensa de los Estudios Culturales. Puentes de Crítica Literaria y Cultural 3, pp. 20-27. ISSN 2341-0124.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2014) El pensamiento sobre Europa en la obra de Max Aub y Jorge Semprun. Anuario de El Correo de Euclides (9), pp. 51-68. ISSN 1887-0023.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2014) La despolitización de la memoria histórica del exilio republicano en democracia: paradojas, excepciones, y el caso de Jorge Semprún. Historia del Presente (23), pp. 119-132. ISSN 1579-8135.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2012) Envisaging spatial crisis: ‘on capital and territory’ and the diagnosis of the present. Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry 30, pp. 39-50. ISSN Afterall.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2012) Hacia una historiografía del exilio republicano cultural: retos y propuestas. Iberoamericana 47, pp. 87-99.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2010) De los cultural studies a los estudios culturales: el caso del exilio republicano. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 11 (3/4), pp. 251-262. ISSN 1463-6204.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2009) La capilla sixtina y los estudios culturales en la obra de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. IC: La Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación 6, pp. 485-501. ISSN 1696-2508.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2009) Viaje y exilio como estructuras de modernidad en "una mujer por caminos de España". Quimera: Revista de literatura (311), pp. 48-53. ISSN 0211-3325.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Max Aub y los límites de la modernidaduna lectura crítica de "El cerco" (1968). Anuario de El Correo de Euclides (3), pp. 16-25. ISSN 1887-0023.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) Filosofia fora de la història: el cas d’Eduard Nicol. Journal of Catalan Studies
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) Historiografía literaria y formación de la nación moderna: cómo se hace el no-lugar del exilio republicano. Quimera: Revista de literatura 281, pp. 24-30. ISSN 0211-3325.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2003) El paradigma exilio. Nuevo Texto Crítico 15/16 (29/32), pp. 17-39. ISSN 2013-1014.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2003) Habitar la izquierda. El Viejo Topo 187, pp. 50-55.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2003) Memória e espaço público na Barcelona pós-industrial. Revista Crítica de Ciēncias Sociais 67, pp. 31-54. ISSN 2182-7435.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) La novela negra en la transición española como fenómeno cultural: una interpretación. Iberoamericana 2 (7), pp. 111-118. ISSN 1577-3388.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2001) Urbanism, culture and the post-industrial city: challenging the 'Barcelona Model'. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 2 (2), pp. 187-210. ISSN 1463-6204.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (1998) Tatuaje de materialismo y sexismo: Manuel Vazquez Montalban en busca de una voz narrativa. Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 23 (1/2), pp. 565-584. ISSN 0272-1635.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz, ed. (2017) Lineas de fuga. Hacia otra historiografía cultural del exilio republicano español. Madrid, Spain: Siglo XXI España. ISBN 9788432318566.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2017) The global cultural capital. Addressing the citizen and producing the city in Barcelona. The Contemporary City. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9781137535955.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2017) The global cultural capital: addressing the citizen and producing the city in Barcelona. The Contemporary City. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137535955.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) Encuentros en la diáspora. Barcelona, Spain: Associació d’Idees.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (1999) En la tierra baldía: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán y la izquierda española en la postmodernidad. Barcelona, Spain: El Viejo Topo.
Book Review
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2019) Sección bibliográfica. Reseña. Carlos Zanón, Carvalho: problemas de identidad.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2019) Bou, Enric, and Jaume Subirana, editors. The Barcelona Reader. Cultural Readings of a City..
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2017) DELGADO, Elena. La nación singular. Fantasías de la normalidad democrática española (1996-2011).
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2011) Contra el olvido. El exilio espan˜ ol en Estados Unidos. Edicio´n de Sebastiaan Faber y Cristina Martı´nez Carazo.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) Iberian urban spaces of critical and cultural inquiry.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz OLEZA, Joan. Trazas y bazas de la modernidad. Ensayos sobre el cambio cultural..
Book Section
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2022) 'Staple of the Contemporary Music Scene': Roberto Gerhard in geopolitical perspective. In: Adkins, M. and Mann, R.E. (eds.) Roberto Gerhard. Re-Apprising a Musical Visionary in Exile. Proceedings of the British Academy. Oxford University Press. pp. 184-202. ISBN 9780197267134.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2019) El paradigma exilio en Catalunya. La Transición en clave comparativa. In: Sarria Buil, A. (ed.) A vueltas con el retorno. La experiencia del exilio republicano en las culturas políticas de la España contemporánea. Bordeaux/Madrid: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux/Universidad Nacional a Distancia. pp. 137-160. ISBN 9788477874997.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2017) Desde «la madriguera siempre cómoda de la revisión marxista»: Reivindicación de El pensamiento español contemporáneo (1962) de Luis Araquistáin. In: Sánchez Cuervo, A. (ed.) iberalismo y socialismo: cultura y pensamiento político del exilio español de 1939. Biblioteca de Historia. Editorial CSC: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. pp. 149-164. ISBN 9788400102210.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2015) Las condiciones del retorno o cómo se recupera el exilio en las políticas culturales del PSOE (1982-1996). In: Aznar Soler, M. and López García, J.R. and Montiel Rayo, F. and Rodríguez, J. (eds.) El exilio republicano de 1939: Viajes y retornos. Biblioteca del Exilio, Col. Anejos. Sevilla, Spain: Renacimiento, Biblioteca del Exilio. pp. 224-238. ISBN 9788484725466.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2012) The case for obsolescence: thinking time and space in Joaquim Jorda's Numax presenta. In: Buffery, H. and Caulfield, C. (eds.) Barcelona: Visual Culture, Space and Power. Iberian and Latin American Studies. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press. pp. 73-88. ISBN 9780708324806.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2012) The Barcelona model in the United Kingdom: from cool britannia to London 2012. In: Montaner, J.M. and Álvarez, F. and Muxí, Z. (eds.) Critical Files: The Barcelona Model (1973-2004). Barcelona, Spain: Ajuntament de Barcelona. pp. 240-245. ISBN 9788498504064.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2012) La ciudad política y los límites de la cultura. In: Enguita, N. (ed.) Prácticas espaciales: Investigaciones culturales sobre el territorio y el espacio social. Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. pp. 9-20. ISBN 9788483637678.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2012) Temporalidad exiliada y relevancia canónica: propuestas para ubicar la obra de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga. In: Soler, M.A. and García, J.R.L. (eds.) El Exilio Republicano de 1939 y la Segunda Generación. Seville, Spain: Editorial Renacimiento, Biblioteca del Exilio. pp. 635-645. ISBN 9788484726661.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2011) Quién me USA? Antiamericanismo y paranoia en escrito en un Dólar. In: Ascunce Arrieta, J.A. and Rodríguez, A. (eds.) Haz lo que temas: la novelística de Raúl Guerra Garrido. Bilbao, Spain: Universidad de Deusto. pp. 123-139. ISBN 9788498303315.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2011) "Constituyendo España": exilio y república en tres décadas de democracia. In: Schammah Gesser, S. and Rein, R. (eds.) El otro en la España contemporánea/ Prácticas, Discursos y Representaciones. Coleccion Anfora. Seville, Spain: Fundación Tres Culturas. pp. 405-434. ISBN 978849370418.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2011) In search of a new realism: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and the Spanish novela negra. In: Vosburg, N. (ed.) Iberian Crime Fiction. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press. pp. 28-50. ISBN 9780708323328.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2010) Aventatges de ésser exiliat: la modernidat espanyola segons Vicente Lloréns. In: Font Agulló, J. (ed.) Reflexionant l’exili: La aproximació a la experiència de l‘exili republicà entre la història, l’ art i el testimoniatge. Recerca i Pensament. València, Spain: Afers. pp. 203-215. ISBN 9788492542406.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2010) Occidentalismo e integración disciplinaria: Eduardo Nicol frente a América. In: Sánchez Cuervo, A. and Hermida de Blas, F. (eds.) Pensamiento exiliado español : el legado filosófico del 39 y su dimensión iberoamericana. Madrid, Spain: Biblioteca Nueva. pp. 82-101. ISBN 9788499401638.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Memoria de la modernidad: viajando por España en textos autobiográficos de María Martinez Sierra y Max Aub. In: Sánchez Cuervo, A. (ed.) Las huellas del exilio: expresiones culturales de la España peregrina. Colección Memoria de la Segunda República. Madrid, Spain: Editorial Tebar. pp. 151-187. ISBN 9788473603102.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Uses of memory of the republic and exile during the transition. The cases of Bergamín and Alberti. In: Ruido, M. (ed.) Plan Rosebud. On images, sites and politics of memory. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Xunta de Galicia. pp. 153-163. ISBN 9788445347171.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Usos de la memoria de la república y el exilio durante la transición: los casos de Bergamín y Alberti. In: Ruido, M. (ed.) Plan Rosebud: sobre imaxes, lugarese políticas de la memoria. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Xunta de Galicia. pp. 443-453. ISBN 9788445346082.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) Viaje al fin del mundo: política del tiempo y el espacio en milenio carvalho. In: Colmeiro, J.F. (ed.) Manuel Vázquez Montalbán: El compromiso con la memoria. Monografías A. London, UK: Tamesis Books. ISBN 9781855661561.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) The brand and the past: strategies of the struggle for social space in post-industrial Barcelona. In: Producta50: An introduction to some of the relations between culture and the economy. Barcelona, Spain: Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 20-35. ISBN 9788439374190.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2006) Max Aub y el espacio/tiempo de la nación. In: Escritores, editoriales y revistas del exilio republicano de 1939. Sevilla, Spain: Renacimiento. pp. 163-169. ISBN 9788484722880.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2005) Barcelona: del modelo a la marca. In: Carrillo, J. and Noriega, I.E. (eds.) Sobre Arte, Políticas y Esfera Pública en el Estado Español. Desacuerdos. Barcelona, Spain: Arteleku. pp. 263-267.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2005) Somos iguales o somos diferentes? Barcelona entre las ciudades. In: Carrillo, J. and Estella Noriega, I. (eds.) Desacuerdos 3. Sobre Arte, Políticas y Esfera Pública en el Estado Español. Barcelona, Spain: Arteleku-MACBA-Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. pp. 263-267. ISBN 9788489771154.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2005) Urbanism, culture and the post-industrial city: challenging the 'Barcelona Model'. In: Marshall, T. (ed.) Transforming Barcelona. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 205-224. ISBN 9780415288415.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2004) Descubrir Mediterráneos: la resignificación del mar en la Barcelona post-Industrial. In: Enguita, N. (ed.) Tour-ismos: La derrota de la disensión. Barcelona, Spain: Fundació Tàpies. pp. 35-48.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) Escrituras de la globalización: espacio y tiempo en la obra reciente de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. In: Tyras, G. and Claude, A. (eds.) Violence politique et ecriture de la elucidation dans le bassin méditerranéen. Grenoble, France: Presses de la Université Stendhal. pp. 207-220.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2001) El exilio republicano y la historiografía literaria española: algunas reflexiones preliminares y el caso de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga. In: Aznar Soler, M. (ed.) Las literaturas del exilio republicano de 1939. Barcelona, Spain: GEXEL. pp. 185-194. ISBN 9788487478360.
Conference Item
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2013) Inauguración del congreso. Segundo Congreso Internacional Extraordinario Manuel Vázquez Montalbán: Diez Años sin Manolo, 2013, Departament de Comunicació, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2011) Los intelectuales del exilio en la reconceptualización crítica del pensamiento sobre España. Los intelectuales en España: de la dictadura a la democracia (1939-1986), 2011, Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2011) Workshop introduction. Learning from Barcelona: Art, Real Estate and the pre-Olympic city. A Dialogue between London and Barcelona, 2011, Birkbeck, Stratford, London
- Looseley, D. and Corner, J. and Duncan, D. and Storey, J. and Balibrea, Mari Paz and Kumaraswami, P. and Cooke, P. (2011) Roundtable: cultural studies and modern languages today. Cultural studies in a modern languages context, 2011, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Leeds University
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2010) De los cultural studies a los estudios culturales: el caso del exilio republicano. Cultural/Political Reflection: Lines, Routes, Spaces, 2010, King Juan Carlos Center, New York, USA
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2010) Explorando el límite de lo posible: cultura política y políticas de la cultura en Barcelona. Prácticas espaciales: Arquitectura, artes visuales e investigaciones sobre el territorio y el espacio social, 2010, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2010) Un tiempo tuyo de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga: exilio e intervención política. Exilio, identidad y nación en Iberoamérica, 2010, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2009) Constituyendo España: estado y república en tres décadas de democracia. El “Otro” en la España contemporánea: prácticas, discursos, representaciones, 2009, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2009) La narrativa de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga. IV Congreso de Gexel: la segunda generación. Barcelona: Grupo de Estudios Literarios del Exilio Republicano, 2009, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2009) Modernidad y pensamiento republicano en el exilio. Reflexionant l’exili: l’aproximació a l’experiència de l’exili republicà, 2009, Entre la històrica, l’art i el testimoniatge. Museu Memorial de l’Exili
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Art and the city: conscious and unconscious forms of instrumentalisation. mapping a framework of constraints. Exposed in charged terrains: Artistic practice and exhibition making in the city, 2008, ITÜ Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Critical approaches to the Barcelona model. Urban processes: revenge, revolt and reconstruction, 2008, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) El no-lugar del exilio en la transición española. Erasmus Exchange, 2008, Université Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Eurocentrisme i integració americana en l’obra d’Eduard Nicol. Catalan literature, culture and thought in exile, 2008, School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, Queen Mary, University of London
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Laughter as subversion: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s early journalism of the Francoist period. La reflexión literaria de la dictadura: Polonia y España comparadas, 2008, Department of Romance Studies, Westfälische Wilhems-Universität Münster, Germany
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Max aub: escribir contra la historia. Max Aub: la literatura del exilio, 2008, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Occidentalismo e integración europea en la obra de Eduardo Nicol. Hispanismo republicano, 2008, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2008) Usos de la memoria de la república y el exilio durante la transición: los casos de Bergamín y Alberti. Documentalidades/2: sobre imágenes, lugares y políticas de la memoria, 2008, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporáneo. Santiago de Compostela
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) Becoming Mediterranean. Future Urban Research in Europe, 2007, Department of Architecture, Bauhaus Universitat, Weimar, Germany
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) Global Barcelona: cultural territories and the limits of consumption. London Urban Salon seminar series, 2007, London, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) La Capilla Sixtina y el periodismo subnormal. Seminar on Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, essayiste, 2007, Université du Maine, Le Mans, France
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) Legislar, educar, ficcionalizar: Carmen de Burgos y el feminismo español (1900-1930). Erasmus Exchange, 2007, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) The Spanish Transition and New Identities through the analysis of Ocaña, retrato intermitente. Erasmus Exchange, 2007, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2007) Transitional memories: an analysis of la vieja memoria. Erasmus Exchange, 2007, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2006) Looking for normalization: Catalonian culture between late Francoism and democracy. Culture, Power and Society in Catalonia Today, 2006, Barcelona, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2006) Memoria y lucha por el espacio social en la Barcelona post-industrial. Estrategas de Barcelona, 2006, Barcelona, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2006) Strategies of remembrance: branding the new Barcelona. Strategies of remembrance: branding the new Barcelona, 2006, University of Bath, Bath, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2005) Exile as crisis of modernity. Hispanic Studies Seminar, 2005, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2005) María Zambrano y la crítica de la razón patriarcal. Erasmus Exchange, 2005, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2004) Exile as crisis of temporality. Hispanic Seminar, 2004, Department of Hispanic Studies. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2004) Homage to Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. Homage to Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, 2004, Instituto Cervantes
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2004) New approaches to the Spanish Republican exile. New approaches to the Spanish Republican exile, 2004, Institute of Romance Studies, University of London, London, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2004) Pepe Carvaho como estrategia política. Pepe Carvaho como estrategia política, 2004, Centre Cívic Casa Golferichs, Barcelona, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2004) Tour-ismos. Fòrum Universal de las Culturas, 2004, Fundació Tàpies, Barcelona, Spain
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2004) Travelling to the end of time: the politics of time and space in Milenio Carvalho, by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. Meeting of the Modern Language Association of America, 2004, Philadelphia, USA
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2003) Elogio de la reacción. Pensamiento reaccionario español, 2003, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) El paradigma exilio. Iberia, 2002, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) What is history good for in postmodern Barcelona?. Cultural Memory Seminar, 2002, Institute of Romance Studies, University of London, London, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) The future of cities: Barcelona. The future of cities: Barcelona, 2002, Institute of Romance Studies, University of London, London, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2002) The leftist intellectual and globalization: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán in the 1990s. The leftist intellectual and globalization: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán in the 1990s, 2002, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2001) Escrituras de la globalización: espacio y tiempo en la obra reciente de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. Violencia política y escritura de la elucidación (Sciascia-Vázquez Montalbán), 2001, Université Stendhal, Grenoble, France
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2001) Genealogies of displacement. Genealogies of displacement, 2001, Chicano/Latino Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2000) History and the reconstruction of post-Franco Spain. Modern Language Association Convention, 2000, Washington, USA
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2005) Rethinking Spanish republican exile: an introduction. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 6 (1), pp. 3-24. Taylor and Francis. ISSN 1463-6204.
- Balibrea, Mari Paz (2005) Barcelona: del modelo a la marca. Arteleku-MACBA-Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.
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