Dr Agnieszka Kulacka
- Graduate Diploma in Law, Birkbeck, University of London, 2024
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computing Research, Imperial College London, 2018
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Linguistics, University of Wroclaw, 2009
- Master's degree in Research (MRes), Advanced Computing, Imperial College London, 2012
- Master of Arts (MA), English Language and Literature/Letters, University of Wroclaw, 2004
- Bachelor of Arts (BA), English Language and Literature/Letters, University of Wroclaw, 2002
- Master's degree (MSc), Mathematics, University of Wroclaw, 1995
Web profiles
Research interests
- Artificial Intelligence in Legal Context
Research overview
Dr Kulacka is currently researching the legal personhood of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the framework of Intellectual Property (IP) Law. Her work focuses on whether and how AI can be recognised as a legal entity, particularly in relation to authorship rights over creative works and patents. By analysing the criteria for legal personhood and comparing AI to non-human entities such as corporations, Dr Kulacka aims to propose practical legal reforms to address the challenges posed by AI-generated works. This interdisciplinary study integrates law, technology, and ethics to develop adaptable legal frameworks for the evolving role of AI in society.
In Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, Dr Kulacka proved a strong completeness theorem for an extended axiomatic system of BL with respect to all continuous t-norms, without altering BL's language. This extended Hájek’s foundational work on BL, which unifies Product, Łukasiewicz, and Gödel logics within a single framework. Additionally, she developed a tableau calculus for BL and its extensions, including the Baaz connective and involutive negation, enabling the construction or refutation of models for sets of formulas. The calculus, based on the decomposition theorem for continuous t-norms, was further applied to decision methods in fuzzy description logics, achieving optimal computational complexity.
In Statistical Linguistics, Dr Kulacka investigated the statistical properties and patterns of language, contributing to synergetic linguistics through the application of mathematical models such as the Menzerath-Altmann Law. Her work explored phenomena such as the relationship between linguistic unit lengths and complexity, validated statistical language laws, and examined clitics in Polish syntax to reveal dependencies on grammatical case. By employing advanced quantitative methods, she provided insights into linguistic structures and dynamics, influencing natural language processing and the theoretical underpinnings of computational linguistics. Her research emphasised the integration of statistical analysis with linguistic theory to address both foundational and applied linguistic questions.
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Teaching modules
- Quantitative Techniques (BUEM027S6)
- IT and Data Skills for Economics (BUEM113H3)
- Quantitative Economic Methods (Fast Track) (FFEC911S4)
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2018) Strong standard completeness for continuous t-norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 345, pp. 139-150. ISSN 0165-0114.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2012) Język regularny a język naturalny. Kształcenie językowe 10 (20), pp. 91-112. ISSN 1642-5782.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2011) Syntax of a Montague Grammar. LingVaria 1 (11), pp. 9-23. ISSN 1896-2122.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2011) Wypowiedzenia performatywne i konstatywne. Kształcenie językowe 9 (19), pp. 81-90. ISSN 1642-5782.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2011) Intensional Logic for a Montague Grammar. LingVaria 2 (12), pp. 9-22. ISSN 1896-2122.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2011) Model matematyczny dla prawa Kryłowa. Kwartalnik Językoznawczy 5, pp. 23-32. ISSN 2081-5441.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2010) Prawo Shermana. LingVaria 1 (9), pp. 9-17. ISSN 1896-2122.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2010) The coefficients in the formula for the Menzerath-Altmann Law. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 17 (4), ISSN 0929-6174.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2009) Procedura weryfikacji prawa Krylowa. LingVaria 2 (8), pp. 9-20. ISSN 1896-2122.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2009) Warunki zachodzenia prawa Menzeratha-Altmanna. LingVaria 1 (7), pp. 17-28. ISSN 1896-2122.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2009) The necessity of the Menzerath-Altmann Law. Anglica Wratislabiensia XLVII, pp. 55-60. ISSN 2957-2339.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2008) Badania nad prawem Menzeratha-Altmanna. LingVaria 2 (6), pp. 167-174. ISSN 1896-2122.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka and Mačutek, J. (2007) A discrete formula for the Menzerath-Altmann law. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 14 (1), pp. 23-32. ISSN 0929-6174.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2006) Predicate adjective case agreement with quantifier phrases in Polish Copula Clauses. Anglica Wratislabiensia XLIV, pp. 47-57. ISSN 0301-7966.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2006) Interdyscyplinarne projekty edukacyjne. Kształcenie językowe 5 (15), pp. 57-68. ISSN 1642-5782.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka and Deszcz-Tryhubczak, J. (2004) Wizerunek Polaków w powieści Salmana Rushdiego. O tolerancji Rushdiego. Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej 2004/1, ISSN 1642-0977.
- Kulacka, Agnieszka (2011) Statystyczne prawa językowe: Na przykładzie prawa Menzeratha-Altmanna w składni języków polskiego i angielskiego. Wrocław, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe. ISBN 9788374327756.