Dr Roman Kontchakov
- Degree in Applied Mathematics, Moscow State University, 1999
- PhD in Computational Logic, King's College London, 2004
Web profiles
0000-0002-9349-9159 -
Research interests
- ontologies and description logics
- spatial and temporal knowledge representation and reasoning
- semantic web
- databases
Research clusters and groups
Research projects
quantMD: Ontology-Based Management for Many-Dimensional Quantitative Data.
iTract: Islands of Tractability in Ontology-Based Data Access.
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Current doctoral researchers
Teaching modules
- Software Design and Programming (COIY062H7)
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kovtunova, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakhariyashchev, Michael (2022) First-Order Rewritability and complexity of Two-Dimensional Temporal Ontology-Mediated Queries. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 75, pp. 1223-1291. ISSN 1076-9757.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kovtunova, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyashchev, Michael (2022) First-order rewritability and complexity of two-dimensional temporal ontology-mediated queries. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 75, pp. 1223-1291. ISSN 1076-9757.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kovtunova, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakhariyashchev, Michael (2021) First-order rewritability of ontology-mediated queries in linear temporal logic. Artificial Intelligence 299, ISSN 0004-3702.
- Bienvenu, M. and Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2018) Ontology-mediated queries: combined complexity and succinctness of rewritings via circuit complexity. Journal of the ACM 65 (5), ISSN 0004-5411.
- Calvanese, D. and Cogrel, B. and Komla-Ebri, S. and Kontchakov, Roman and Lanti, D. and Rezk, M. and Rodriguez-Muro, M. and Xiao, G. (2016) Ontop: answering SPARQL queries over relational databases. Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability 8 (3), pp. 471-487. ISSN 1570-0844.
- Botoeva, E. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2016) Games for query inseparability of description logic knowledge bases. Artificial Intelligence 234, pp. 78-119. ISSN 0004-3702.
- Gutiérrez-Basulto, V. and Ibáñez-García, Y. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kostylev, E.V. (2015) Queries with negation and inequalities over lightweight ontologies. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 35 (4), pp. 184-202. ISSN 1570-8268.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) Spatial reasoning with RCC8 and connectedness constraints in Euclidean spaces. Artificial Intelligence 217, pp. 43-75. ISSN 0004-3702.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) A cookbook for temporal conceptual data modelling with description logic. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 15 (3), ISSN 1529-3785.
- Gottlob, G. and Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V. and Schwentick, T. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) The price of query rewriting in ontology-based data access. Artificial Intelligence 213, pp. 42-59. ISSN 0004-3702.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Nenov, Y. and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) Topological logics with connectedness over Euclidean spaces. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 14 (2), pp. 13. ISSN 1529-3785.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2010) Logic-based ontology comparison and module extraction, with an application to DL-Lite. Artificial Intelligence 174 (15), pp. 1093-1141. ISSN 0004-3702.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2010) Spatial logics with connectedness predicates. Logical Methods in Computer Science 6 (3), pp. 1-43. ISSN 1860-5974.
- Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2009) The DL-Lite family and relations. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 36 (1), pp. 1-69. ISSN 1076-9757.
- Konev, B. and Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, M. (2006) On dynamic topological and metric logics. Studia Logica 84 (1), pp. 129-160. ISSN 0039-3215.
- Gabelaia, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kurucz, A. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2005) Combining spatial and temporal logics: expressiveness vs. complexity. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 23, pp. 167-243. ISSN 1076-9757.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Kurucz, A. and Zakharyaschev, M. (2005) Undecidability of first-order intuitionistic and modal logics with two variables. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (5), pp. 428-428. ISSN 1079-8986.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Lutz, C. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2004) Temporalising tableaux. Studia Logica 76 (1), pp. 91-134. ISSN 0039-3215.
Book Section
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Mazzullo, A. and Wolter, F. (2024) Non-Rigid Designators in Modal and Temporal Free Description Logics. In: Marquis, P. and Ortiz, M. and Pagnucco, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. IJCAI. pp. 82-93. ISBN 9781956792058.
- Xiao, G. and Lanti, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Komla-Ebri, S. and Güzel-Kalaycı, E. and Ding, L. and Corman, J. and Cogrel, B. and Calvanese, D. and Botoeva, E. (2020) The virtual knowledge graph system Ontop. In: Pan, J.Z. and Tamma, V. and d’Amato, C. and Janowicz, K. and Fu, B. and Polleres, A. and Seneviratne, O. and Kagal, L. (eds.) The Semantic Web - ISWC 2020 - 19th International Semantic Web Conference, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. pp. 259-277.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2020) Boolean Role Inclusions in DL-Lite with and without time. In: Calvanese, D. and Erdem, E. and Thielscher, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020). California, U.S.: IJCAI Organization. pp. 582-591. ISBN 9780999241172.
- Brandt, S. and Calvanese, D. and Güzel Kalayci, E. and Kontchakov, Roman and Mörzinger, B. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Xiao, G. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2019) Two-dimensional rule language for querying sensor log data: a framework and use cases. In: Gamper, J. and Pinchinat, S. and Sciavicco, G. (eds.) 26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2019). Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. pp. 1-15. ISBN 9783959771276.
- Xiao, G. and Kontchakov, Roman and Cogrel, B. and Calvanese, D. and Botoeva, E. (2018) Efficient handling of SPARQL OPTIONAL for OBDA. In: Vrandečić, D. and Bontcheva, K. and Suárez-Figueroa, M.C. and Presutti, V. and Celino, I. and Sabou, M. and Kaffee, L.-A. and Simperl, E. (eds.) The Semantic Web – ISWC 2018 17th International Semantic Web Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, October 8–12, 2018, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. pp. 354-373. ISBN 9783030006716.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Rapisarda, Salvatore and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2018) STYPES: nonrecursive datalog rewriter for linear TGDs and conjunctive queries. In: Panetto, H. and Debruyne, C. and Proper, H. and Ardagna, C. and Roman, D. and Meersman, R. (eds.) On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences. LNCS. Springer. pp. 441-460. ISBN 9783030026707.
- Xiao, G. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Lembo, D. and Poggi, A. and Rosati, R. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2018) Ontology-based data access: a survey. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 5511-5519. ISBN 9780999241127.
- Hovland, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Skjæveland, M. and Waaler, A. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2017) Ontology-based data access to Slegge. In: D'Amato, C. and Fernández, M. and Tamma, V. and Lecue, F. and Cudré-Mauroux, P. and Sequeda, J. and Lange, C. and Heflin, J. (eds.) The Semantic Web – ISWC 2017 16th International Semantic Web Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 21-25, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. pp. 120-129. ISBN 9783319682037.
- Bienvenu, M. and Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V.V. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2017) The complexity of ontology-based data access with OWL 2 QL and bounded treewidth queries. In: Proceedings of the 36th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems - PODS '17. New York, U.S.: Associating for Computing Machinery. pp. 201-216. ISBN 9781450341981.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kovtunova, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2017) Ontology-mediated query answering over temporal data: a survey. In: Schewe, S. and Schneider, T. and Wijsen, J. (eds.) 24th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2017). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. pp. 1-37. ISBN 9783959770521.
- Bienvenu, M. and Kikot, S. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2017) On the parameterised complexity of tree-shaped ontology-mediated queries in OWL2QL. In: Artale, A. and Glimm, B. and Kontchakov, Roman (eds.) DL 2017: International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Bienvenu, M. and Kikot, S. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2017) Optimal nonrecursive datalog rewritings of linear TGDs and bounded (Hyper)Tree-width queries. In: Artale, A. and Glimm, B. and Kontchakov, Roman (eds.) DL 2017: International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Brandt, S. and Güzel Kalaycı, E. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Xiao, G. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2017) Ontology-based data access with a horn fragment of metric temporal logic. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2017). AAAI Press. pp. 1070-1076.
- Gerasimova, O. and Kikot, S. and Podolskii, V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2017) On the data complexity of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom. In: Artale, A. and Glimm, B. and Kontchakov, Roman (eds.) DL 2017: International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Bienvenu, M. and Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2016) Theoretically optimal datalog rewritings for OWL 2 QL ontology-mediated queries. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR-WS.
- Gutierrez Basulto, V. and Jung, J.C. and Kontchakov, Roman (2016) On decidability and tractability of querying in temporal EL. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR-WS.
- Gutiérrez-Basulto, V. and Jung, J.C. and Kontchakov, Roman (2016) Temporalized EL ontologies for accessing temporal data: complexity of atomic queries. In: Kambhampati, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16). Palo Alto, California, USA: AAAI Press. pp. 1102-1108. ISBN 9781577357704.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Kostylev, E. (2016) On expressibility of non-monotone operators in SPARQL. In: Fifteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. AAAI. pp. 369-379.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Pandolfo, L. and Pulina, L. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2016) Temporal and spatial OBDA with many-dimensional Halpern-Shoham logic. In: Kambhampati, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16). Palo Alto, California USA: AAAI Press. pp. 1160-1166. ISBN 9781577357704.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2015) Interval temporal description logics. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR-WS.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2015) Tractable interval temporal propositional and description logics. In: Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-15. AAAI. pp. 1417-1423.
- Artale, A. and Kovtunova, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2015) First-order rewritability of temporal ontology-mediated queries. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-31, 2015.. Palo Alto, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 2706-2712. ISBN 9781577357384.
- Botoeva, E. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2015) When are description logic knowledge bases indistinguishable?. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-31, 2015. Palo Alto, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 4240-4246. ISBN 9781577357384.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Rezk, M. and Rodríguez-Muro, M. and Xiao, G. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) Answering SPARQL queries over databases under OWL 2 QL entailment regime. In: Mika, P. and Tudorache, T. and Bernstein, A. and Welty, C. and Knoblock, C. and Vrandečić, D. and Groth, P. and Noy, N. and Janowicz, K. and Goble, C. (eds.) The Semantic Web – ISWC 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 552-567. ISBN 9783319119632.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) An introduction to description logics and query rewriting. In: Koubarakis, M. and Stamou, G. and Stoilos, G. and Horrocks, I. and Kolaitis, P. and Lausen, G. and Weikum, G. (eds.) Reasoning Web. Reasoning and the Web in the Big Data Era. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 195-244. ISBN 9783319105864.
- Botoeva, E. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) Query inseparability for description logic knowledge bases. In: Baral, C. and De Giacomo, G. and Eiter, T. (eds.) Proceedings, Fourteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-14). California, U.S.: AAAI Press. ISBN 9781577356578.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kovtunova, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) Temporal OBDA with LTL and DL-Lite. In: Bienvenu, M. and Ortiz, M. and Rosati, R. and Simkus, M. (eds.) Informal Proceedings of DL (Vienna, 17-20 July). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR. pp. 21-32.
- Botoeva, E. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) Query inseparability by games. In: Bienvenu, M. and Ortiz, M. and Rosati, R. and Simkus, M. (eds.) Informal Proceedings of DL (Vienna, 17-20 July). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR. pp. 83-95.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2014) On the succinctness of query rewriting over shallow ontologies. In: Henzinger, T. and Miller, D. (eds.) CSL-LICS '14 Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL) and the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS). New York, U.S.: ACM. pp. 57:1-57:10. ISBN 9781450328869.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) The complexity of clausal fragments of LTL. In: McMillan, K. and Middeldorp, A. and Voronkov, A. (eds.) Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 35-52. ISBN 9783642452215.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) Temporal description logic for ontology-based data access. In: Rossi, F. (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 711-717. ISBN 9781577356332.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) Temporalising OWL 2 QL. In: Eiter, T. and Glimm, B. and Kazakov, Y. and Krötzsch, M. (eds.) Informal Proceedings of DL (Ulm, 23-26 July). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS. pp. 17-28.
- Gutiérrez-Basulto, V. and Ibáñez-García, Y. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kostylev, E. (2013) Conjunctive queries with negation over DL-Lite: a closer look. In: Faber, W. and Lembo, D. (eds.) Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. LNCS. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 109-122. ISBN 9783642396656.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) Query rewriting over shallow ontologies. In: Eiter, T. and Glimm, B. and Kazakov, Y. and Krötzsch, M. (eds.) Informal Proceedings of DL (Ulm, 23-26 July). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS. pp. 316-327.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Rodríguez-Muro, M. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) Ontology-based data access with databases: a short course. In: Rudolph, S. and Gottlob, G. and Horrocks, I. and van Harmelen, F. (eds.) Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Data Access. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 194-229. ISBN 9783642397837.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) Conjunctive query inseparability in OWL2QL is ExpTime-hard. In: Eiter, T. and Glimm, B. and Kazakov, Y. and Krötzsch, M. (eds.) Informal Proceedings of DL (Ulm, 23-26 July). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS. pp. 353-363.
- Rodríguez-Muro, M. and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2013) Ontology-based data access: ontop of databases. In: Alani, H. and et al., None (eds.) The Semantic Web – ISWC 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 558-573. ISBN 9783642413346.
- Artale, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Kontchakov, Roman (2012) DL-lite with attributes and datatypes. In: de Raedt, L. and Bessiere, C. and Dubois, D. and Doherty, P. and Frasconi, P. and Heintz, F. and Lucas, P. (eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. pp. 61-66. ISBN 9781614990970.
- Gutiérrez-Basulto, V. and Ibáñez-García, Y. and Kontchakov, Roman (2012) An update on query answering with restricted forms of negation. In: Krotzsch, M. and Straccia, U. (eds.) Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 75-89. ISBN 9783642332029.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2012) Exponential lower bounds and separation for query rewriting. In: Czumaj, A. and Mehlhorn, K. and Pitts, A. and Wattenhofer, R. (eds.) Automata, Languages, and Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 263-274. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 9783642315848.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Podolskii, V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2012) Long rewritings, short rewritings. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Workshop on Description Logics, DL-2012, Rome, Italy, June 7-10, 2012. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2012) Conjunctive query answering with OWL 2 QL. In: Brewka, G. and Eiter, T. and McIlraith, S.A. (eds.) Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 275-285. ISBN 9781577355601.
- Artale, A. and Ibáñez-García, Y. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav (2011) DL-Lite with attributes and sub-roles (extended abstract). In: Proceedings of the DL Home 2011 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2011) - Barcelona, Spain, July 13-16, 2011. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2011) Tailoring temporal description logics for reasoning over temporal conceptual models. In: Tinelli, C. and Sofronie-Stokkermans, V. (eds.) Frontiers of Combining Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 9783642243639.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2011) On (in)tractability of OBDA with OWL 2 QL. In: Rosati, R. and Rudolph, S. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (eds.) Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop of Description Logics (DL 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-16, 2011. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Kikot, Stanislav and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2011) Polynomial conjunctive query rewriting under unary inclusion dependencies. In: Rudolph, S. and Gutierrez, C. (eds.) Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (5th International Conference, RR 2011). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 124-138. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 9783642235795.
- Konev, B. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ludwig, M. and Schneider, T. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2011) Module extraction via query inseparability in OWL 2 QL. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop of Description Logics (DL 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-16, 2011. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Konev, B. and Kontchakov, Roman and Michel, L. and Schneider, T. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2011) Conjunctive query inseparability of OWL 2 QL TBoxes. In: Burgard, W. and Roth, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 221-226. ISBN 9781577355076.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Lutz, C. and Toman, D. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2011) The combined approach to ontology-based data access. In: Walsh, T. (ed.) Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 2656-2661. ISBN 9781577355120.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Nenov, Y. and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2011) On the decidability of connectedness constraints in 2D and 3D Euclidean spaces. In: Walsh, T. (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 957-962. ISBN 9781577355120.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2010) Complexity of reasoning over temporal data models. In: Parsons, J. and Saeki, M. and Shoval, P. and Woo, C. and Wand, Y. (eds.) Conceptual Modeling – ER 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 174-187. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 9783642163722.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2010) Past and future of DL-Lite. In: Fox, M. and Poole, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11-15, 2010. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 243-248. ISBN 9781577354659.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2010) Temporal conceptual modelling with DL-Lite. In: Haarslev, V. and Toman, D. and Weddell, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2010), Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, May 4-7, 2010. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. pp. 9-19.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Lutz, C. and Toman, D. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2010) The combined approach to query answering in DL-Lite. In: Lin, F. and Sattler, U. and Truszczynski, M. (eds.) Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, KR 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 9-13, 2010. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. ISBN 9781577354512.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2010) Interpreting topological logics over Euclidean spaces. In: Lin, F. and Sattler, U. and Truszczynski, M. (eds.) Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, KR 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 9-13, 2010. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 534-544. ISBN 9781577354512.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Lutz, C. and Toman, D. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2009) Combined FO rewritability for conjunctive query answering in DL-Lite. In: Cuenca Grau, B. and Horrocks, I. and Motik, B. and Sattler, U. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009), Oxford, UK, July 27-30, 2009. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2009) Adding weight to DL-Lite. In: Cuenca Grau, B. and Horrocks, I. and Motik, B. and Sattler, U. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009), Oxford, UK, July 27-30, 2009. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2009) DL-Lite without UNA. In: Cuenca Grau, B. and Horrocks, I. and Motik, B. and Sattler, U. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009), Oxford, UK, July 27-30, 2009. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2009) DL-Lite with temporalised concepts, rigid axioms and roles. In: Ghilardi, S. and Sebastiani, R. (eds.) Frontiers of Combining Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 133-148. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 9783642042218.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2009) Extending DL-Lite sometime in the future. In: Cuenca Grau, B. and Horrocks, I. and Motik, B. and Sattler, U. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009), Oxford, UK, July 27-30, 2009. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Pulina, L. and Sattler, U. and Schneider, T. and Selmer, Petra and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2009) Minimal module extraction from DL-Lite ontologies using QBF solvers. In: Boutilier, C. (ed.) IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, California, USA, July 11-17, 2009. California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 836-841. ISBN 9781577354260.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2008) Topology, connectedness, and modal logic. In: Areces, C. and Goldblatt, R. (eds.) Advances in Modal Logic. London, UK: College Publications. pp. 151-176. ISBN 9781904987680.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2008) On the computational complexity of spatial logics with connectedness constraints. In: Cervesato, C. and Veith, V. and Voronkov, A. (eds.) Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 574-589. ISBN 9783540894384.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2008) Checking DL-Lite modularity with QBF solvers. In: Baader, F. and Lutz, C. and Motik, B. (eds.) Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2008), Dresden, Germany, May 13-16, 2008. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2008) Can you tell the difference between DL-Lite ontologies?. In: Brewka, G. and Lang, J. (eds.) Proceedings, Eleventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (2008). California, U.S.: AAAI Press. pp. 285-295. ISBN 9781577353843.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2008) DL − Lite and role inclusions. In: Domingue, J. and Anutariya, C. (eds.) The Semantic Web. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 16-30. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 9783540897033.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2008) DL-Lite and role inclusions. In: Domingue, J. and Anutariya, C. (eds.) ASWC 2008: The Semantic Web. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. pp. 16-30. ISBN 9783540897033.
- Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) Complexity of reasoning in entity relationship models. In: Calvanese, D. and Franconi, E. and Haarslev, V. and Lembo, D. and Motik, B. and Turhan, A.-Y. and Tessaris, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) Reasoning over extended ER models. In: Parent, C. and Schewe, K.-D. and Storey, V.S. and Thalheim, B. (eds.) Conceptual Modeling, ER 2007: 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. pp. 277-292. ISBN 9783540755623.
- Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) DL-Lite in the light of first-order logic. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press. pp. 361-366.
- Artale, A. and Calvanese, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) Query answering in expressive variants of DL-Lite. In: Ceci, M. and Malerba, D. and Tanca, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifteenth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems. Bari : Università degli Studi, Dipartimento di Informatica. pp. 250-257. ISBN 9788890298103.
- Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Lutz, C. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) Temporalising tractable description logics. In: 14th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 11-22.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Kurucz, A. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2007) Spatial logic + temporal logic = ?. In: Aiello, M. and Pratt-Hartmann, I. and Van Benthem, J. (eds.) Handbook of Spatial Logics. Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 497-564. ISBN 9781402055867.
- Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, M. (2007) Modularity in DL-Lite. In: Calvanese, D. and Franconi, E. and Haarslev, V. and Lembo, D. and Motik, B. and Turhan, A.-Y. and Tessaris, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Konev, B. and Kontchakov, Roman and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, M. (2006) Dynamic topological logics over spaces with continuous functions. In: Governatori, G. and Hodkinson, I.M. and Venema, Y. (eds.) Advances in Modal Logic 6: Papers from the sixth conference on Advances in Modal Logic. College Publications. pp. 299-318.
- Gabelaia, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kurucz, A. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, M. (2003) On the computational complexity of spatio-temporal logics. In: Russell, I. and Haller, S.M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. AAAI Press. pp. 460-464.
- Hodkinson, I.M. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kurucz, A. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2003) On the computational complexity of decidable fragments of first-order linear temporal logics. In: 10th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 91-98. ISBN 769519121.
Thesis Biron
- Kontchakov, Roman (2004) Monodic first-order temporal logics: complexity, tableaux, and applications.
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