Dr Wendy Hein

Wendy joined the Marketing group in the Management department at Birkbeck in 2011. Her research focuses on gender and feminist perspectives in consumer research and marketing, social research and sustainability, and innovative research methods across these fields. She is also interested in transformative research and policy interventions in this area.
She regularly presents and publishes her work across conferences and transdisciplinary outlets. This includes early research from her ethnography PhD on young men's consumption practices, research on gender equality and equity in marketing and consumer research (including UN PRME gender equality working group and TCR gender justice work), often through feminist, power and critical studies on men and masculinities lenses. She worked as part of the FP7 TRIGGER project at Birkbeck studying gender cultures within research and science. More recently, she joined the PREPP team (parasiticides & pollution) at Imperial College London, adding social science perspectives to sustainable parasiticide practices.
At Birkbeck, Wendy is programme director of the MSc Marketing (October and January start). She teaches Consumer Behaviour and on Birkbeck's joint MBA with Central St Martins, various foundational modules and convenes various marketing modules at Birkbeck and University of London. Wendy supervises several PhD students, particularly in the context of gender, identities and feminisms, marketing, consumption and organisations.
Alongside research, Wendy has worked across marketing positions and industries, countries and organisations, ranging from events marketing and PR to working as a marketing executive in international companies such as Ryanair Ltd and data management companies. She was involved in developing and applying ethnographic research for entrepreneurial discovery, and continues her work as a consultant for established and start-up companies, as well as for teaching, education and policy.
Co-ordinator of Marketing (subject discipline) in the gender equality working group, United Nations Principles of Responsible Management (UN PRME)
Keynote Speech, Responsible Organising Conference, November 2018, Hanken School of Economics, Finland.
Co-chair of first gender track, Transformative Consumer Research Conference 2015, Villanova University, PA.
2015 Recipient of Birkbeck Excellence in Teaching Award (BETA)
2023/24 Recipient of Vice Chancellor Teaching Excellence Award (Team Teaching)
- PhD, University of Edinburgh, 2010
- PGCE, Birkbeck University of London, 2012
- BA, Dublin City University, 2004
Web profiles
Administrative responsibilities
- Deputy Head of PG Programmes, Birkbeck Business School
- Programme Director MSc Marketing
- Co-chair of Athena Swan committee, Department of Management
- Module convenor and lecturer: Consumer Behaviour, Buyer Behaviour, Principles of Marketing, Services Marketing
Professional activities
• Advisory Board member of GENMAC (Gender, Markets and Consumers)
• Policy Board Member of Macromarketing Society, co-chair of gender track
• Member of Association for Consumer Research
• Member of the American Marketing Association
Honours and awards
- Birkbeck Excellence in Teaching Award BETA, Birkbeck, February 2015
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy (HEA), Higher Education Academy, February 2012
0000-0002-7830-259X -
Research interests
- Gender, relations, feminisms, politics and equity in marketing and consumer research
- Critical, macromarketing and transformative consumer research
- Ethnography, qualitative and innovative methodologies
Research overview
Wendy’s research interests, broadly speaking, focus on marketing and consumer research, and more specifically, on gender, feminism and gender equality as part of this. She has conducted ethnographic work on young men’s consumption practices in Scotland, where she focused on men, masculinities and gender relations connected to consumption, and is currently involved in several projects that relate to gender equity in marketing.
She co-ordinates the marketing subject discipline for the UN PRME gender equality working group, where she works on an ongoing repository of teaching material and various contributions to edited book collections. Together with Elisabeth Hirschman, she co-chaired the first gender/equality track at the 2015 Transformative Consumer Research conference, and was involved in the FP7 Transforming Institutions by Gendering contents and Gaining Equality in Research (TRIGGER) research at Birkbeck. She has published findings and methodological implications from her work, and has presented at international conferences such as Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Culture Theory, Macromarketing and Association for Consumer Research (ACR), and American Marketing Association (AMA) conferences.
Research Centres and Institutes
- Affiliate group member, Birkbeck Institute for Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Steering group member, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research
- Group member, Responsible Business Centre
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Wendy is particularly interested in supervising projects that focus on the following broad topics:
Gender, relations, feminism, politics and theory in marketing and consumer research: this may relate to gender issues, such as gender equality, discrimination in both micro and macro settings; power with and through marketing and consumption; the gendered body in marketing and consumption; the construction of gender relations and practices through consumption, and; theorisations and critique of gender (equity/equality) in marketing and consumer research.
Consumer Culture Theory(CCT): this may include topics broadly relating to contextual, symbolic and experiential aspects along the consumption cycle; such as consumer and marketplace cultures; consumer identity projects; sociohistoric pattern of consumption, and; mass-mediated marketplace ideologies and consumer interpretation.
Critical, historical and macro-marketing: including socio-cultural histories of marketing and consumption and their relation to current understandings of markets and marketing; and consumer/marketing roles in system production and re-negotiation (including issues of consumer/marketing ethics, social responsibility and sustainability).
Transformative marketing and consumer research: (how) do marketers/consumers affect lives, environments and broader structures?
Ethnography, qualitative methodologies and alternative representation: includes considerations of the role of emergent technologies, relating to digital, mobile and visual in marketing and consumer research; critical engagement with interpretive and transdisciplinary methodologies (including gender and feminist implications in research); alternative representation and non-representation of consumer and marketing research, such as through film and multimedia.Current doctoral researchers
Teaching modules
- Consumer Behaviour (BUMN007H7)
- Principles of Marketing (Undergraduate) (BUMN144H4)
- Banister, E. and Hamilton, K. and Maria, P. and Bruce, H. and Hein, Wendy and Hewer, P. and Higgins, L. and Liu, C. and Steadman, C. (2024) CRISis in Academia?. Journal of Customer Behaviour 23 (4), pp. 183-190. ISSN 1475-3928.
- Barron, L.P. and Richardson, A.K. and Hein, Wendy (2024) Chemical pollution in water: Scalable and intersectional opportunities for the analytical and social sciences. One Earth 7 (3), pp. 350-354. ISSN 2590-3322.
- Steinfield, L. and Hutton, M. and Cheded, M. and Nappier Cherup, A. and Thomas, K.D. and Hein, Wendy and Coffin, J. (2024) The protection of rights and advancement of GenderS: in conversation with Abigail Nappier Cherup, Kevin D. Thomas, Wendy Hein, and Jack Coffin. The Journal of Consumer Affairs 58 (1), pp. 197-208. ISSN 0022-0078.
- Banister, E. and Hamilton, K. and Piacentini, M. and Abboud, L. and Allison, S. and Bruce, H.B. and Hein, Wendy and Higgins, L. and Hoyland, C. and Nairn, A. and Parry, S. and Tonner, A. (2023) Let there be a “We”: introducing an ethics of collective academic care. European Journal of Marketing ISSN 0309-0566.
- Dobscha, S. and Coleman, C. and Drenten, J. and Ferguson, S. and Finkelstein-Young, S. and Gurrieri, L. and Harrison, R. and Hein, Wendy and Houston, R. and McVey, L. and Nappier Cherup, A. and Ostberg, J. and Ourahmoune, N. and Peñaloza, L. and Pounders, K. and Prothero, A. and Bettany, S. and Sredl, K. and Steinfield, L. and Zayer, L. (2021) Connecting DEI to explicit and implicit gendered workplace discrimination, harassment, and assault: a commentary on 2019 Marketing Climate Survey. Marketing Letters 32 (3), pp. 341-347. ISSN 0923-0645.
- Steinfield, L. and Sanghvi, M. and Zayer, L.T. and Coleman, C.A. and Ourahmoune, N. and Harrison, R.L. and Hein, Wendy and Brace-Govan, J. (2019) Transformative intersectionality: moving business towards a critical praxis. Journal of Business Research 100, pp. 366-375. ISSN 0148-2963.
- Steinfield, L. and Coleman, C. and Tuncay Zayer, L. and Ourahmoune, N. and Hein, Wendy (2019) Power logics of consumers’ gendered (in)justices: reading reproductive health interventions through the Transformative Gender Justice Framework. Consumption Markets & Culture 22 (4), pp. 406-429. ISSN 1025-3866.
- Hein, Wendy and Steinfield, L. and Ourahmoune, N. and Coleman, C.A. and Tuncay Zayer, L. and Littlefield, J. (2016) Gender justice and the market: a transformative consumer research perspective. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), pp. 223-236. ISSN 0743-9156.
- Hearn, J. and Hein, Wendy (2015) Reframing gender and feminist knowledge construction in marketing and consumer research: missing feminisms and the case of men and masculinities. Journal of Marketing Management 31 (15-16), pp. 1626-1651. ISSN 0267-257X.
- Hein, Wendy and O’Donohoe, S. (2014) Practising gender: the role of banter in young men’s improvisations of masculine consumer identities. Journal of Marketing Management 30 (13-14), pp. 1293-1319. ISSN 0267-257X.
- Hein, Wendy and O’Donohoe, S. and Ryan, A. (2011) Mobile phones as an extension of the participant observer's self: reflections on the emergent role of an emergent technology. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 14 (3), pp. 258-273. ISSN 1352-2752.
Book Section
- Hein, Wendy and Hearn, J. (2022) From identity politics to the politics of power: men, masculinities and transnational patriarchies in marketing and consumer research. In: Maclaran, P. and Stevens, L. and Kravets, O. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Marketing. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367477578.
- Steinfield, L. and Hein, Wendy (2021) Women-led partnerships and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In: Filho, W.L. and Azul, A.M. and Brandli, L. and Özuyar, P.G. and Wall, T. (eds.) Partnerships for the Goals. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Hamburg: Springer. ISBN 978319959627.
- Zayer, L.T. and Hein, Wendy and Brace-Govan, J. and Coleman, C. and Harrison, R. and Ourahmoune, N. and Sanghvi, M. and Steinfield, L. (2020) The renaissance of gender equality research and sustainable development in the academic context of marketing: championing paths forward. In: Tan, T.K. and Gudic, M. and Flynn, P.M. (eds.) Struggles and Successes in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780815351757.
- Steinfield, L. and Littlefield, J. and Hein, Wendy and Coleman, C. and Zayer, L.T. (2019) The TCR perspective of gender: moving from critical theory to an Activism-Praxis Orientation. In: Dobscha, S. (ed.) Handbook of Research in Gender and Marketing. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781788115377.
- Tuncay Zayer, L. and Coleman, C.A. and Hein, Wendy and Littlefield, J. and Steinfield, L. (2017) Gender and the self: traversing feminisms, masculinities, and intersectionality towards transformative perspectives. In: Solomon, M.R. and Lowrey, T.M. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138695160.
- Hein, Wendy (2015) Defining the terrain for responsible management education: gender, gender equality and the case of marketing. In: Flynn, P.M. and Haynes, K. and Kilgour, M.A. (eds.) Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management Education. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing. pp. 98-121. ISBN 9781783532254.
Conference Item
- Hein, Wendy (2014) Imagining gender equality: reflections on the teaching of gender in marketing and consumer research. 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference, 2014, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
- Hein, Wendy (2014) Mapping gender equality in CCT research. 9th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2014, Aalto University, Helsinki
- Hein, Wendy (2014) Theorising gender equality in marketing and consumer research. 12th ACR Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Conference, 2014, Aalto University, Helsinki
- Hein, Wendy (2012) Fashionably unfashionable: young Scottish masculinities and relational constructions in the marketplace. Asia Pacific Advances, 2012,
- Hein, Wendy Zeynep, G.-C. and Otnes, C. and Rui Zhu, J., eds. (2012) Gender identity politics and consumption: mobilizing Scottish masculinities through relational consumption practices. Advances in Consumer Research, 2012, Queenstown, New Zealand
- Hein, Wendy (2012) 'I love you, man': the production of masculinity and male intimacy through consumption of homosocial spaces and practices. 11th ACR Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior Conference, 2012, Queenstown, New Zealand
- Hein, Wendy (2012) Relations, rivalry and responsibility: gendered negotiations of Scottish football fans. 7th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2012, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
- Hein, Wendy (2011) Ethnography for entrepreneurial discovery and marketing. Accel REE Europe, Stanford Technology Venture Program, 2011, Edinburgh, UK
- Hein, Wendy and O’Donohoe, S. (2011) Crossing the line: gender differences and researcher/researched relationships in interpretive consumer research. 6th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, 2011, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
- Ostberg, J. and Rinallo, D. and Fischer, E. and Hein, Wendy and Ourahmoune, N. and Stevens, L. (2010) Consuming masculinities. 10th ACR Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Conference, 2010, University of Cumbria, Ambleside, UK
- Hein, Wendy (2008) 'Banter was had': dynamics of group consumption and masculine gender strategies. 9th ACR Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior Conference, 2008, Boston, USA
- Hein, Wendy and Ryan, A. and Corrigan, R. (2010) Pov: point of view... consumers and ethnographers in perspective.... The Association for Consumer Research.
Business and community
Business and community
TRT roundtable participant on brands and activism:
Birkbeck's summary of FP7 TRIGGER project, including 'gender cultures':
The new beer drinker is female - media commentary: