Luciana Martins

Originally trained in architecture and urban planning, Luciana Martins specialises in visual and material culture, historical geography, and environmental humanities. She joined Birkbeck in 2003. A founding Director of the Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies - CILAVS (2007-16), she was until recently CILAVS' Co-Director (2020-23). Since 2017 she has been a Visiting Researcher at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. She was Assistant Dean for Research in the School of Arts at Birkbeck (2021-23).
I participated in the panel commemorating the centenary of Alexander Hamilton Rice's final expedition to Amazonia (1924-
25), which was part of 'Explore: RGS Expedition and Fieldwork Festival' at the Royal Geographical Society, London, 4 November 2024I gave a keynote lecture entitled 'The Romance of Tropical Nature? Vision, Imagination and the Dynamics of Life in Richard Spruce’s Botanical Observations in Amazonia' at Romanticism's Colonial Legacies in and beyond Europe International Conference, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, 10-12 October 2024
I presented a paper on 'Reactivating the biocultural archive: the case of the Spruce collection' at the Plant Humanities and Botanical Collections International Workshop at the Botanical Museum, University of Padua, Italy, on 15 April 2024
My discussion of Archie Davies' book A World Without Hunger: Josué de Castro and the History of Geography is now published online: 'The Visuality of Hunger', Espaço e Cultura
Office hours
Please contact me by email to arrange an appointment.
- PhD Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1999
- MSc Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1994
- First Degree: Architecture and Urban Planning, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1986
Administrative responsibilities
- Programme Co-Director, MA Medical and Health Humanities
- Programme Director for BA/Grad Cert Spanish and Latin American Studies and Chair of the Sub-Board of Examiners
Visiting posts
- Visiting Researcher, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
Professional activities
Member of the AHRC Peer Review College, 2012-to the present
Professional memberships
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
Member of the Association of British and Irish Lusitanists
Member of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland
Member of the Society for Latin American Studies
Research interests
- The visual culture of travel and exploration
- History of photography and film
- Biocultural collections
- Digital humanities
Research overview
I am currently completing a book entitled Drawing together: the visual archive of expeditionary travel, supported by a Leverhulme Research Fellowship. The book explores the practice and experience of image-making as deployed on European expeditions to South America from the 1850s to the 1950s.
Since 2015, I have been working with colleagues from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and other Brazilian institutions on a research programme on the biocultural collections of nineteenth-century botanist and explorer Richard Spruce. Drawing upon my previous AHRC-funded research project on Andean textiles, Weaving Communities of Practice, which developed a pioneering digital knowledge base, this collaborative project aims to reanimate the artefacts that Spruce sent to Kew Gardens and other British institutions. Details of the latest project on this research programme, funded by the British Academy, can be found at Digital Repatriartion of Biocultural Collections: Rio Negro, Amazonia.
Research Centres and Institutes
- Steering Committee Member, Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies - CILAVS
- Steering Committee Member, Centre for Museum Cultures
- Steering Committee Member, History and Theory of Photography Research Centre
Research clusters and groups
- Affiliate Staff, Birkbeck Knowledge Lab
Research projects
Digital repatriation of biocultural collections: connecting scientific and indigenous communities of knowledge in Amazonia.
Drawing together: the visual archive of expeditionary fieldwork.
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Current doctoral researchers
Doctoral alumni since 2013-14
Teaching modules
- The Arts: Perspectives and Possibilities (ARAR008S3)
- The Arts: Questioning the Contemporary World (ARAR009S3)
- Reading Transnational Cultures (Level 5) (ARCL022S5)
- Research Skills Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern Languages) (ARCL061Z7)
- Memory and History (ARCL065S7)
- Culture and Crisis (Level 5) (ARCL125S5)
- The Urban Experience in Brazil (ARIB131S5)
- Doing Languages, Cultures and Applied Linguistics (ARLL004S4)
- Culture and Image (ARLL009S4)
- Critical Entanglements and Methods in the Medical Humanities (SSHC483S7)
- Martins, Luciana and Sekulowicz, L. (2021) The Herbarium as a workshop. TEA: The Ethnobotanical Assembly (8),
- Ratzel, F. and Martins, Luciana and Reis, F. (2021) Sobre a situação geográfica: Uma consideração político-geográfica. Terra Brasilis (Nova Série). Revista Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica 15, ISSN 2316-7793.
- Martins, Luciana and Cabalzar, A. (2019) O rio Uaupés do passado: Escritos, imagens e coleções de Richard Spruce e Alfred Russel Wallace revelam como era essa região há 170 anos. Aru: revista de pesquisa intercultural da bacia do rio negro, amazônia (3), pp. 132-147. ISSN 1983-8298.
- Martins, Luciana (2018) Skin, paper, tiles: a cross-cultural history of Kadiwéu art. Journal of Material Culture 23 (3), pp. 344-367. ISSN 1359-1835.
- Albuquerque, S. and Martins, Luciana (2018) Place, gender and the making of natural history: Hannah im Thurn in British Guiana, 1895-1897. Journal of Historical Geography 62, pp. 1-14. ISSN 0305-7488.
- Fonseca-Kruel, V.S. and Martins, Luciana and Nesbitt, M. and Milliken, W. and Coelho-Ferreira, M. (2018) Nova pesquisa sobre as coleções de Richard Spruce na Amazônia: uma colaboração Brasil-Reino Unido. Ethnoscientia 3 (2), ISSN 2448-1998.
- Martins, Luciana (2017) “Resemblances to archaeological finds”: Guido Boggiani, Claude Lévi-Strauss and Caduveo body painting. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 26 (2), pp. 187-219. ISSN 1356-9325.
- Martins, Luciana (2015) Book review: Photography and Exploration, James R. Ryan. Reaktion Books, London (2013), 192 pages. Journal of Historical Geography 48, pp. 84-85. ISSN 0305-7488.
- Brownlow, Richard and Capuzzi, Stefano and Helmer, Sven and Martins, Luciana and Normann, Immanuel and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2015) An ontological approach to creating an Andean Weaving Knowledge Base. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 8 (2), ISSN 1556-4673.
- Martins, Luciana and Helmer, S. and Arnold, D.Y. (2013) Exploring weaving structures in the Andes: reflections on the creation of a digital archive. Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation (Special issue on Digital Art History) 29 (1/2), pp. 59-71. ISSN 0197-3762.
- Martins, Luciana (2012) Geographical exploration and the elusive mapping of Amazonia. Geographical Review 102 (2), pp. 225. ISSN 0016-7428.
- Martins, Luciana (2009) The making of `landscape surgery' at Royal Holloway. Cultural Geographies 16 (1), pp. 21-22. ISSN 1474-4740.
- Martins, Luciana (2007) Illusions of power: vision, technology and the geographical exploration of the Amazon, 1924–1925. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 16 (3), pp. 285-307. ISSN 1356-9325.
- Driver, F. and Martins, Luciana (2006) Shipwreck and salvage in the tropics: the case of HMS Thetis, 1830–1854. Journal of Historical Geography 32 (3), pp. 539-562. ISSN 0305-7488.
- Lambert, D. and Martins, Luciana and Ogborn, M. (2006) Currents, visions and voyages: historical geographies of the sea. Journal of Historical Geography 32 (3), pp. 479-493. ISSN 0305-7488.
- Martins, Luciana (2006) A bay to be dreamed of: British visions of Rio de Janeiro. Portuguese Studies 22 (1), pp. 19-38. ISSN 0267-5315.
- Martins, Luciana and Abreu, M.A. (2001) Paradoxes of modernity: imperial Rio de Janeiro. Geoforum 32 (4), pp. 533-550. ISSN 0016-7185.
- Martins, Luciana (2000) A naturalist's vision of the tropics: Charles Darwin and the Brazilian landscape. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 21 (1), pp. 19-33. ISSN 0129-7619.
- Cosgrove, D. and Martins, Luciana (2000) Millennial geographics. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90 (1), pp. 97-113. ISSN 0004-5608.
- Martins, Luciana (1998) Navigating in tropical waters: British maritime views of Rio de Janeiro. Imago Mundi 50 (1), pp. 141-155. ISSN 0308-5694.
- Cabalzar, A. and da Fonseca-Kruel, V.S. and Martins, Luciana and Milliken, W. and Nesbitt, M. (2017) Manual de etnobotânica: plantas, artefatos e conhecimentos indígenas. São Paulo / São Gabriel da Cachoeira: Instituto Socioambiental / FOIRN.
- Martins, Luciana (2013) Photography and documentary film in the making of modern Brazil. Rethinking Art's Histories. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719089916.
- Martins, Luciana (2001) O Rio de Janeiro dos viajantes: o olhar britânico (1800-1850). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Jorge Zahar. ISBN 9788571105829.
Book Section
- Martins, Luciana (2021) Digital repatriation of biocultural collections: connecting scientific and indigenous communities of knowledge in Amazonia. In: Sunnucks, L.O. and Cooper, J. (eds.) Mapping a New Museum: Politics and Practice of Latin American Research with the British Museum. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 227-234. ISBN 9780367754983.
- Martins, Luciana (2021) Plant artefacts then and now: reconnecting biocultural collections in Amazonia. In: Driver, F. and Nesbitt, M. and Cornish, C. (eds.) Mobile Museums: Collections in circulation. London, UK: UCL Press. pp. 21-43. ISBN 9781787355088.
- da Fonseca-Kruel, V.S. and Martins, Luciana and Cabalzar, A. and López-Garcés, C.L. and Coelho-Ferreira, M. and van der Veld, P.-J. and Milliken, W. and Nesbitt, M. (2019) Biocultural collections and participatory methods: old, current, and future knowledge. In: Albuquerque, U.P. and Lucena, R.F.P. and da Cunha, L.V.F.C. and Alves, R.R.N. (eds.) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. Springer Protocols Handbooks. New York: Humana Press. pp. 215-228. ISBN 9781493989195.
- Martins, Luciana (2018) Alfred Russel Wallace. In: Kury, Lorelai (ed.) Cadernos de Viagens. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio Editorial. pp. 136-141. ISBN 9788588742956.
- Martins, Luciana (2018) Charles Darwin. In: Kury, L. (ed.) Cadernos de Viagens. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio Editorial. pp. 122-127. ISBN 9788588742956.
- Martins, Luciana (2018) Henry Walter Bates. In: Kury, L. (ed.) Cadernos de Viagens. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio Editorial. pp. 142-147. ISBN 9788588742956.
- Martins, Luciana (2018) Richard Spruce. In: Kury, L. (ed.) Cadernos de Viagens. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio Editorial. pp. 148-153. ISBN 9788588742956.
- Martins, Luciana (2013) A ‘Tropical Papageno’: Claude Lévi-Strauss and Roberto Ipureu in Mato Grosso, Brazil. In: Jobs, S. and Mackenthun, G. (eds.) Agents of Transculturation: Border-Crossers, Mediators, Go-Betweens. Munster, Germany: Waxmann. pp. 281-310. ISBN 9783830930020.
- Martins, Luciana (2013) Coffee, modernity and the Brazilian image world. In: Photography and Documentary Film in the Making of Modern Brazil: Rethinking Art's Histories. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780719089916.
- Martins, Luciana (2013) Silvino Santos and the mobile view: documentary geographies of modern Brazil. In: Brandellero, S. (ed.) The Brazilian Road Movie: Journeys of (Self) Discovery. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press. ISBN 9780708325988.
- Martins, Luciana (2013) In the land of the Amazons. In: Pinazza, Natalia and Bayman, L. (eds.) Directory of World Cinema: Brazil. Directory of World Cinema. Bristol, UK: Intellect. ISBN 9781783200092.
- Driver, F. and Martins, Luciana (2007) John Septimus Roe and the art of navigation, c. 1815-1830. In: Barringer, T. and Quilley, G. and Fordham, D. (eds.) Art and the British Empire. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. pp. 53-66. ISSN 1363-3554. ISBN 9780719073922.
- Martins, Luciana and Driver, F. (2005) The struggle for luxuriance: William J. Burchell collects tropical nature. In: Driver, F. and Martins, Luciana (eds.) Tropical Visions in an Age of Empire. Chicago, U.S.: University of Chicago Press. pp. 59-77. ISBN 9780226164717.
- Martins, Luciana (2004) Continents. In: Harrison, S. and Pile, S. and Thrift, N. (eds.) Patterned Ground: Entanglements of Nature and Culture. London, UK: Reaktion Books. pp. 94-96. ISBN 9781861891815.
- Martins, Luciana (2004) George Foster. In: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Martins, Luciana (2004) Henry Johnson. In: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Martins, Luciana (2004) Paradoxos da modernidade: o Rio de Janeiro do período joanino, 1808-1821. In: Fernandes, E. and Abreu, M.A. (eds.) Brasil Urbano. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Mauad. ISBN 9788574781471.
- Martins, Luciana (2004) The art of tropical travel, 1768-1830. In: Ogborn, M. and Withers, C.W.J. (eds.) Georgian Geographies. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. pp. 72-91. ISBN 9780719065101.
- Martins, Luciana (1999) Mapping the tropical waters: British views and visions of Rio de Janeiro. In: Cosgrove, D. (ed.) Mappings. London, UK: Reaktion Books. pp. 148-168. ISBN 9781861890214.
- Martins, Luciana (1999) Mapping tropical waters. In: Cosgrove, D. (ed.) Mappings. London, UK: Reaktion Books. pp. 148-168. ISBN 9781861890214.
Conference Item
- Martins, Luciana (2014) Brazilian contemporary. Brazilian Contemporary, 2014, V&A Museum
- Martins, Luciana (2014) A British view of protestantism in Brazil. The British in Brazil Symposium, 2014, Institute of Latin American Studies
- Martins, Luciana (2014) Cultura visual, café e modernidade no Brasil. ECO-UFRJ, 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Martins, Luciana (2014) Guido Boggiani, Claude Lévi-Strauss and Caduveo body painting. Visualising Latin American Antiquities Workshop, 2014, Royal Anthropological Institute
- Martins, Luciana (2014) Intimate visions: Claude and Dina Lévi-Strauss in Brazil. Anthropology and Photography, 2014, British Museum
- Martins, Luciana (2014) Intimate visions: Claude and Dina Lévi-Strauss in Brazil. Cambridge Hispanic and Lusophone Research Seminars, 2014, University of Cambridge
- Martins, Luciana (2014) Intimate visions: Claude and Dina Lévi-Strauss in Brazil. Symposium and book launch: Picturing Latin America: Rethinking Film and Photographic Archives, 2014, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2014) Onibus 174. Human Rights & Latin America: Films in Dialogue, 2014, Institute of Latin American Studies & Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2014) "Os mais vastos horizontes do mundo": Claude Lévi-Strauss, etnografia e a paisagem de Mato Grosso. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2014, The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
- Martins, Luciana (2013) Doméstica. Doméstica, 2013, London School of Economics, London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2012) Andean textiles and cultural imagery in a digital age. 2nd Impact Workshop, 2012, IGRS, Senate House, London
- Martins, Luciana (2012) Exploring weaving structures in the Andes: reflections on the creation of a digital archive. AHGBI Annual Conference, 2012, Stirling, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2012) High rise life. Estates: two evenings of films and discussion at RADA, 2012, RADA, London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2011) Claude Lévi-Strauss and Aloha Baker in Mato Grosso: framing the Bororo. Claude Lévi-Strauss and Aloha Baker in Mato Grosso: framing the bororo, 2011, Centre for Latin American Studies, Cambridge, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2011) Claude Lévi-Strauss and Aloha Baker in Mato Grosso: framing the Bororo. Claude Lévi-Strauss and Aloha Baker in Mato Grosso: framing the bororo, 2011, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, University of Manchester
- Martins, Luciana (2011) Claude Lévi-Strauss and Aloha Baker in Mato Grosso: framing the Bororo. Claude Lévi-Strauss and Aloha Baker in Mato Grosso: framing the bororo, 2011, Latin America Research Group (LARG), Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2011) A tropical Papageno: Claude Levi-Strauss and Roberto Ipureu in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Agents of Transculturation: Border-Crossers, Mediators, Go-Betweens, 2011, Rostock, Germany
- Martins, Luciana (2010) Brazil’s gift: coffee, modernity and the Brazilian image world. College Art Association 98th Annual Meeting, 2010, Chicago
- Martins, Luciana (2010) Exploração geográfica e filme documentário: a expedição Amazônica de Alexander Hamilton Rice, 1924-25. ECA - USP, 2010, São Paulo, Brazil
- Martins, Luciana (2010) Geographical exploration and the moving image: the Hamilton Rice Expedition to the Amazon, 1924-25. Meadows School’s Comini Art History Lecture Series, 2010, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA
- Martins, Luciana (2010) Typification, exoticism and the blurring of disciplinarity: visualizing the “Bororo”. Order’s other histories: revisiting South America, 2010, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2009) Bittersweet images: coffee, landscape and modernity in Brazil. American Tropics: Towards a Literary Geography, 2009, University of Essex
- Martins, Luciana (2009) Bittersweet images: coffee, landscape and modernity in Brazil. Bittersweet images: coffee, landscape and modernity in Brazil, 2009, Centre for Latin American Studies, Cambridge, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2009) Documentary film and photography in the making of historical geographies: the case of the Hamilton Rice expedition to the Amazon, 1924-25. Historical Geography Research Group Conference, 2009, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2009) Humboldt's impasse: the mapping of the Amazon. Alexander von Humboldt and America Workshop, 2009, The British Academy, London, UK
- Martins, Luciana (2009) Vision, technology and the mapping of the Amazon. Hidden Histories of Exploration, 2009, Royal Geographical Society
Business and community
Business and community
I have media training.
Digital repatriation of biocultural collections: connecting scientific and Indigenous communities of knowledge in Amazonia, video showing project workshops July 2019 (6'04"),
The Many Lives of a Shield, a video essay of a biography of a biocultural object from the Economic Botany Collection at Kew (8’57”),; with Portuguese subtitles,
Workshop in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, audio-visual report of the workshop activities (3’12”),
Plantae Amazonicae, exhibition of artwork by Kew artist in residence Lindsay Sekulowicz, co-curator [with W. Milliken and M. Nesbitt], funded by Arts Council England, Shirley Sherwood Gallery, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, October 2017-March 2018.
El Encanto, exhibition of artwork by Birkbeck artist in residence Freddy Dewe Mathews, funded by Arts Council England, Peltz Gallery, April-May 2017.
‘Seven Wonders of Brazil’, BBC2, interview with Faris Kermani on the cultural history of Brazil, broadcast June 2014.
‘The Invention of Brazil’, BBC-Radio 4, interview with Misha Glenny on the cultural history of Brazil, broadcast May 2014.
‘Unnatural Histories: Amazon’, BBC4, interview on documentary film and the exploration of the Amazon, broadcast April 2011.