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Mr Dan Mcveagh

  • Overview


    Office hours

    By arrangement: email


    • BSc (HONS) Mathematics, University College London, 1992
    • MSc Mathematics, Birkbeck College, University of London, 2015
    • PG/CE, Institute of Education, 2008

    Administrative responsibilities

    • Programme Director for Undergraduate Mathematics & Statistics Programmes
  • Research


    Research interests

    • Group Theory

    Research overview

    I am currently engaged in a PhD project concerning finite groups.

    Questions of interest:

    • how many square roots can a group element have?
    • how many cubed roots?
    • more generally, for a prime number p, how many pth roots?
    • what is the structure of the squaring digraph of a finite group?
  • Supervision and teaching

    Supervision and teaching


    Teaching modules

    • Problems in Mathematics (BUEM009S6)
    • Group Theory (BUEM036H7)
    • Abstract Algebra 1 (BUEM123H6)
    • Abstract Algebra 2 (BUEM124H6)
    • Calculus 1 (EMMS096S4)
    • Algebra 1 (EMMS097S4)
  • Publications



    • Hart, Sarah and Mcveagh, Dan (2020) Groups with many roots. International Journal of Group Theory 9 (4), pp. 261-276. ISSN 2251-7650.