Dr Robert Topinka

My areas of expertise are in reactionary politics, race and racism, digital culture and the city. I am currently researching how reactionary digital politics shape public culture.
I have discussed my work on BBC Radio 4, in the New York Times and on popular podcasts.
I am Principal Investigator on the British Academy-funded project 'Misinformation in Everyday Life: Portable Principles for Social Media Research.'
I was Co-Investigator on the AHRC-Funded project, 'Political Ideology, Rhetoric and Aesthetics in the Twenty-First Century: The Case of the "Alt-Right"'. We explored the findings of the grant on the Reactionary Digital Politics podcast.
I also published a report on 'post-pandemic' reactionary digital politics, which you can read here.
My monograph, Racing the Street: Race, Rhetoric and Technology in Metropolitan London, 1840-1900 was published in 2020 by University of California Press.
I’ve published my academic research in Theory & Event, Big Data & Society, New Media & Society, Politics, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Citizenship Studies, Foucault Studies, and elsewhere.
Co-Investigator on the AHRC-funded project 'Political Ideology, Rhetoric and Aesthetics in the Twenty-First Century: The Case of the "Alt-Right"'
Currently Principal Investigator on the British Academy-funded project 'Misinformation in Everyday Life: Portable Principles of Social Media Research'
'Racing the Street: Race, Rhetoric, and Technology in Metropolitan London, 1840-1900' published in 2020 by the University of California Press as part of the Rhetoric and Public Culture: History, Theory Critique series
'The Politics of the NPC Meme: Recationary Subcultural Practice and Vernaculary Theory' published in 2023 in Big Data & Society
- PhD, Northwestern University, 2015
0000-0001-9795-3999 -
Research clusters and groups
Research projects
Political Ideology, Rhetoric and Aesthetics in the Twenty-First Century: The Case of the 'Alt-Right'
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students who wish to pursue projects related digital media and culture, including on themes such as digital subcultures, reactionary politics and misinformation.
- Topinka, Robert and Osborne-Carey, C. and Finlyason, A. (2024) Playing with the news on Reddit: the politics game on r/The_Donald. International Political Sociology 18 (2), pp. olae015. ISSN 1749-5679.
- Topinka, Robert (2024) ‘Conspiracy theories should be called spoiler alerts’: Conspiracy, coronavirus and affective community on Russell Brand’s YouTube comment section. New Media & Society ISSN 1461-4448.
- Gallagher, R. and Topinka, Robert (2023) The politics of the NPC meme: reactionary subcultural practice and vernacular theory. Big Data & Society 10 (1), pp. 1-16. ISSN 2053-9517.
- Topinka, Robert (2022) The politics of anti-discourse: Copypasta, the Alt-Right, and the rhetoric of form. Theory and Event 25 (2), pp. 392-418. ISSN 1092-311X.
- Topinka, Robert and Finlayson, A. and Osborne-Carey, C. (2021) The trap of tracking: digital methods, surveillance, and the far right. Surveillance & Society 19 (3), ISSN 1477-7487.
- Topinka, Robert (2019) “Back to a Past that Was Futuristic”: The Alt-Right and the uncanny form of racism. b2o: an online journal ISSN 2639-7250.
- Topinka, Robert (2018) Politically incorrect participatory media: racist nationalism on r/ImGoingToHellForThis. New Media & Society 20 (5), pp. 2050-2069. ISSN 1461-4448.
- Topinka, Robert and Innes, A. (2017) The global politics of a ‘Poncy Pillowcase’: Coronation Street at the border. Politics 37 (3), pp. 273-287. ISSN 0263-3957.
- Topinka, Robert (2016) Terrorism, governmentality and the simulated city: the Boston Marathon bombing and the search for suspect two. Visual Communication 15 (3), pp. 351-370. ISSN 1470-3572.
- Topinka, Robert (2016) Race, circulation, and the city: the case of the Chicago city sticker controversy. Western Journal of Communication 80 (2), pp. 163-184. ISSN 1745-1027.
- Topinka, Robert (2016) ‘Wandering and settled tribes’: biopolitics, citizenship, and the racialized migrant. Citizenship Studies 20 (3-4), pp. 444-456. ISSN 1362-1025.
- Topinka, Robert (2020) Racing the street: race, rhetoric, and technology in metropolitan London, 1840-1900. Rhetoric and Public Culture: History, Theory, Critique. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520343610. (In Press)