Dr Sian Macfie
Research overview
Current Research
Most recent research, conducted at King’s (2018), is an empirical qualitative study, using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis paradigm, examining the impact upon grief processes of group creative engagement. The study focused on a multi-modal performative project for the bereaved that involved physical theatre, poetry-writing and storytelling.
Research InterestsArts and Wellbeing: interest in practice, ethics and policy implications of work with vulnerable groups. Dr Macfie’s research draws on her professional experience as Trustee of a charity that brings psychosocial and creative engagement to adolescents living with cancer diagnoses.
The impact of risk, anxiety and (vicarious) traumatisation upon individual and organisational dynamics within the caring professions. Interest in the roots and impact of workplace stress including the psychodynamic and psychosocial aspects of conflict in caregiving organisations.