Dr Sara Chaudhry
Sara Chaudhry is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Management at Birkbeck, University of London, UK. Her research contributes to two key research streams: i) diversity and employment experiences (across varied international contexts and employee groups) and ii) the changing employment relationship (i.e. processes of marketisation, individualisation & flexibilization). She has published in world-leading (ABS 4*/3*) journals such as British Journal of Management, Work, Employment & Society, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Journal of Human Resource Management and Gender, Work & Organization.
She has secured several small seed grants from the University of Edinburgh Business School to conduct research on ageing and careers, idiosyncratic deals and collective psychological contracts.
She is on the editorial boards of Work, Employment & Society (4*) and Group & Organization Management (3*).
- PhD , Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, 2012
- MA Industrial Relations & Personnel Management, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, 2006
- BSc (Hons.), Lahore University of Management Sciences, 2005
- Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PgCAP), University of Edinburgh, 2018
Professional memberships
Academic Associate CIPD
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Academy of Management
British Sociological Association
0000-0003-0178-6749 -
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students who are interested in undertaking research in any of my areas of research interest. Please check the Research Overview section for my research interests in detail.
Current 3 doctoral students:
(co-supervising with Dr Maryam Aldossari - Aston Business School)
Dotun Ayeni (University of Edinburgh Business School) - Idiosyncratic deals in the Nigerian context
Faisal Alkadi (University of Edinburgh Business School) - Inequality in the Saudi Arabia context
Sona Gachayeva (University of Edinburgh Business School) - Idiosyncratic deals & co-worker perceptions - An organisational justice lens
Doctoral Alum:
Yuyang Fan - Work-Life Balance
Kahlil Ahmed Channa - An Exploration of the Influence of Social Position on HRM Adoption: A Case of HRM in Pakistan
Teaching modules
- International Human Resource Management (BUMN004H7)
- International Business: Theories and Issues (MOMN007H7)
- Donnelly, R. and Hebson, G. and Chaudhry, Sara (2025) Transnational gender equality: a framework for analysis and three prospective agendas for future IB research. International Business Review ISSN 0969-5931.
- Chaudhry, Sara and Aldossari, M. and Aboubichr, B. (2025) Navigating the unspoken: the impact of socio-institutional factors on employees’ understanding of implicit promises. Journal of Managerial Psychology ISSN 0268-3946.
- Aldossari, M. and Chaudhry, Sara (2024) Gendered precarity in Saudi Arabia: examining the state policies and patriarchal culture in the labour market. Gender, Work & Organization 31 (6), pp. 2698-2716. ISSN 0968-6673.
- Chaudhry, Sara (2023) Catch-22: token women trying to reconcile impossible contradictions between organizational and societal expectations. Work, Employment & Society 37 (1), pp. 39-57. ISSN 0950-0170.
- Aldossari, M. and Robertson, M. and Chaudhry, Sara (2023) I didn’t promise, I said inshallah: Saudi Arabian employees’ perceptions of the importance of implicit promises within the psychological contract. European Management Review 20 (2), pp. 287-305. ISSN 1740-4762.
- Ayeni, D. and Chaudhry, Sara and Aldossari, M. (2022) Temporal contexts and actors vis-a-vis I-deals’ timing and creation: evidence from Nigeria. Group & Organization Management pp. 1-55. ISSN 1059-6011.
- Chaudhry, Sara and Yarrow, E. and Aldossari, M. (2021) An NHS doctor’s lived experience of burnout during the first wave of Covid-19. Work, Employment & Society 35 (6), pp. 1133-1143. ISSN 0950-0170.
- Simosi, M. and Aldossari, M. and Chaudhry, Sara and Rousseau, D. (2022) Uncovering missing voices: invisible aspects of idiosyncratic deals (i-deals). Group & Organization Management pp. 1-28. Sage. ISSN 1059-6011.