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Dr Wes Brown

  • Overview



    Wes Brown is a writer and lecturer in Creative Writing at Birkbeck, where he Programme Leads the MAs in Creative Writing and Creative Writing & Contemporary Studies. He is the author of the autofictional novel about pro wrestling and masculine performativity, Breaking Kayfabe, which was published by Bluemoose in 2023. 

    He was previously the founder of Dead Ink Books and worked for many years in the literature sector as an editor and project manager. His stories, reviews and essays have appeared in various journals including the Times Literary Supplement, The Real Story, The Mechanics' Institute Review, Litro, New Humanist, Aesthetica, The Critic, 3:AM Magazine and Literary Review. His true crime novel about the Shannon Matthews kidnap, When Lights Are Bright, and St Anger: A Working-Class History of Violence are forthcoming.  


    Web profiles

    Administrative responsibilities

    • Programme Director of MA Creative Writing
    • Programme Director of MA Creative Writing & Contemporary Studies

    Professional memberships

    • National Association of Writers in Education 

    Honours and awards

    • CHASE Doctoral Scholarship, HMRC, September 2019
  • Research


    Research interests

    • Masculinity
    • Class
    • Narrativity and Identity
    • Narrative Non-Fiction
    • Autofiction
  • Supervision and teaching

    Supervision and teaching


    Teaching modules

    • The Arts: Questioning the Contemporary World (ARAR009S3)
    • The Publishing Project (AREN182H6)
    • The Writing Industry (AREN289S5)
    • Dissertation MA Creative Writing (ENHU002D7)
    • Writing and Reading Seminar (ENHU036S7)
    • Writing Workshop (ENHU039S7)
    • Contemporary Writing 2: Genre (ENHU041S7)