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Dr Thomas Ebbs

  • Overview



    Thomas Ebbs' research focuses on relationships with 'the usefulness of law' and the important roles they play in governing ways of living. His postdoctoral research project investigates the relationships that feminist activists hold with the usefulness of law, particularly in connection to problematisations of sex work. He is particularly interested in how these relationships inform feminist subjectivities, interlocutor identities, and the types of activities associated with the task of feminism.

    Before Thomas joined Birkbeck, he was a Lecturer in Law at the University of Sussex, where he completed his doctoral research 'The Use of Law in Feminist Activism: a governmentality analysis of the legal answers to problems of transactional sex'. Thomas was formerly the Director of Research and Gender Equality Coordinator for Lawyers for Justice in Libya, where he worked on human rights investigations, international advocacy, and strategic litigation.