Dr Keyron Hickman-Lewis
2019–2020 Research Assistant, CNRS Orléans (France) and Università di Bologna (Italy)
2021–2024 Aurora Research Fellow, Natural History Museum, London
2024–2024 Research Fellow, Imperial College London
2024–present Lecturer in Planetary Exploration, Birkbeck, University of London
Correlative 2D and 3D microscopy of Earth's earliest traces of life: Hickman-Lewis et al. (2023, Geology)
Report on the samples collected by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission, on which I have been a Returned Sample Science Participating Scientist since 2020: Herd et al. (2025, PNAS)
Identification and characterisation of the oldest preserved traces of microbial life in Africa: Hickman-Lewis et al. (2018, Precambrian Research)
Development of the palaeo-metallome as a trace element biosignature with applications to the search for life on the early Earth and Mars: Hickman-Lewis et al. (2020, Scientific Reports)
BBC News story reporting our work on Earth's earliest traces of life: Life on Mars? Australian rocks may hold clues for Nasa rover
- M.EarthSci (Oxon.) in Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, UK, 2015
- Ph.D. in Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers, CNRS Orléans (France) and Università di Bologna (Italy), 2019
Web profiles
Visiting posts
- Associate Researcher, Università di Bologna, Italy,
Professional memberships
2015–present Fellow of the Geological Society (FGS)
2021–present Council Member, European Astrobiology Network Association
Research interests
- Co-evolution of Earth and Life in the Precambrian: can we constrain the emergence of major microbial metabolisms throughout the Precambrian and their relationship with changing sedimentary environments and ocean chemistry?
- Modern analogues of ancient ecosystems: How can we use extreme planetary field analogues most effectively to explain geological and ecological aspects of environments on the early Earth and Mars?
- Technique development: How can we harness non-traditional and emerging instrumentation and data treatment (e.g. chemometrics) to shed new light on the ancient fossil record?
- Planetary exploration: How can we effectively utilise space mission observations, including rover and orbiter datasets, to reconstruct past environments and habitability throughout the Solar System?
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
I welcome enquiries from prospective students and postdoctoral researchers who are interested in undertaking research in any of my areas of interest.
Teaching modules
- Remote Sensing and Planetary Surfaces (SCES035H6)
- Geology of the Solar System (SCES072S5)
- Planetary Exploration Analogue Mission (SCES073H5)
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Cuadros, J. and Yi, K. and Hong, T.E. and Byeon, M. and Jang, J.H. and Choi, M.Y. and Seo, Y.K. and Najorka, J. and Montgomery, W. and Matlak, K. and Wolanin, B. and Smith, C.L. and Cavalazzi, B. (2025) Aluminous phyllosilicates promote exceptional nanoscale preservation of biogeochemical heterogeneities in Archaean siliciclastic microbial mats. Nature Communications 16 (2726), ISSN 2041-1723.
- Herd, C.D.K. and Bosak, T. and Hausrath, E.M. and Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Mayhew, L.E. and Shuster, D.L. and Siljeström, S. and Simon, J.I. and Weiss, B.P. and Wadhwa, M. and Zorzano, M.-P. and Maki, J.N. and Farley, K.A. and Stack, K.M. (2025) Sampling Mars: geologic context and preliminary characterization of samples collected by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 122 (2), ISSN 0027-8424.
- Dorneles, V.A.C. and Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Barbieri, R. and Caminiti, A.M. and Cavalazzi, B. (2024) Microbe-mineral interactions in the microstromatolitic crusts of the lacustrine chimneys and volcanic bedrock of Lake Abhe, Republic of Djibouti. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 63 (3), pp. 229-244. ISSN 0375-7633.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Cavalazzi, B. and Montgomery, W. (2024) Correlative microspectroscopy of biogenic fabrics in Proterozoic silicified stromatolites. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 30, pp. 34-39. ISSN 2410-339X.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Cavalazzi, B. and Giannoukos, K. and D'Amico, L. and Vrbaski, S. and Saccomano, G. and Dreossi, D. and Tromba, G. and Foucher, F. and Brownscombe, W. and Smith, C.L. and Westall, F. (2022) Advanced two- and three-dimensional insights into Earth’s oldest stromatolites (ca. 3.5 Ga): prospects for the search for life on Mars. Geology ISSN 0091-7613.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Moore, K.R. and Razzell Hollis, J.J. and Tuite, M.L. and Beegle, L.W. and Bhartia, R. and Grotzinger, J.P. and Brown, A.J. and Shkolyar, S. and Cavalazzi, B. and Smith, C.L. (2022) In situ identification of Palaeoarchaean biosignatures using co-located Perseverance rover analyses: perspectives for in situ Mars science and sample return. Astrobiology 22 (9), pp. 1143-1163. ISSN 1531-1074.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Westall, F. (2021) A southern African perspective on the co-evolution of early life and environments. South African Journal of Geology 124 (1), pp. 225-252. ISSN 1012-0750.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Westall, F. and Cavalazzi, B. (2020) Diverse communities of Bacteria and Archaea flourished in Palaeoarchaean (3.5-3.3 Ga) microbial mats. Palaeontology 63 (6), pp. 1007-1033. ISSN 0031-0239.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Gourcerol, B. and Westall, F. and Manzini, D. and Cavalazzi, B. (2020) Reconstructing Palaeoarchaean microbial biomes flourishing in the presence of emergent landmasses using trace and rare earth element systematics. Precambrian Research 342, pp. 105689. ISSN 0301-9268.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Cavalazzi, B. and Sorieul, S. and Gautret, P. and Foucher, F. and Whitehouse, M.J. and Jeon, H. and Cockell, C.S. and Georgelin, T. and Westall, F. (2020) Metallomics in deep time and the influence of ocean chemistry on the metabolic landscapes of Earth’s earliest ecosystems. Scientific Reports 10, pp. 4965. ISSN 2045-2322.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Foucher, F. and Pelletier, S. and Messori, F. and Westall, F. (2020) Geological appraisals of core samples using the ExoMars 2020 rover instrumentation. Planetary and Space Science 180 (104743), ISSN 0032-0633.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Gautret, P. and Arbaret, L. and Sorieul, S. and De Wit, R. and Foucher, F. and Cavalazzi, B. and Westall, F. (2019) Mechanistic morphogenesis of organo-sedimentary structures growing under geochemically stressed conditions: keystone to the interpretation of some Archaean stromatolites?. Geosciences 9 (8), pp. 359. ISSN 2076-3263.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Cavalazzi, B. and Foucher, F. and Westall, F. (2018) Most ancient evidence for life in the Barberton greenstone belt: microbial mats and biofabrics of the ~3.47 Ga Middle Marker horizon. Precambrian Research 312, pp. 45-67. ISSN 0301-9268.
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Garwood, R.J. and Brasier, M.D. and Goral, T. and Jiang, H. and McLoughlin, N. and Wacey, D. (2016) Carbonaceous microstructures from sedimentary laminated chert within the 3.46 Ga Apex Basalt, Chinaman Creek locality, Pilbara, Western Australia. Precambrian Research 278, pp. 161-178. ISSN 0301-9268.
Book Section
- Hickman-Lewis, Keyron and Garwood, R.J. and Withers, P.J. and Wacey, D. (2017) X-ray microtomography as a tool for investigating the petrological context of Precambrian cellular remains. In: Brasier, A.T. and McIlroy, D. and McLoughlin, N. (eds.) Earth System Evolution and Early Life: A Celebration of the Work of Martin Brasier. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. Geological Society of London. ISSN 0016-7649. ISBN 9781786202796.