Academic progression and panels
The College's academic progression procedures consider performance in education and student experience, research/scholarship, leadership and management, and engagement.
Academic staff can apply for promotion to progress to senior lecturer, reader or professor.
- Conferment of title (promotion to reader or professor)
- Promotion to Senior Lecturer
- Annual pay review process for professors and senior staff
- Award of discretionary and accelerated increments to academic staff
Eligible staff may also apply for a discretionary increment or be nominated for an accelerated increment in the same year that they have applied for academic promotion. However, if candidates are promoted within the same annual round, any dual application/nomination for a discretionary or an accelerated increment will not be considered.
The College provides an annual information workshop designed to provide practical advice and support to those considering applying for Academic promotion.
- Advice and guidance information workshop (PDF) (Birkbeck staff only)
- Questions and answers from the academic promotion guidance workshop (PDF) (Birkbeck staff only)
The term of office for each panel member is typically for a period of three years.
The panel comprises a Standing Panel of the HR Strategy and Policy Committee together with an Adviser, who is not a voting member.
The Standing Panel includes the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and three other senior members of the academic staff, whose term of office is three years.
- Dr Aideen Foley (Humanities and Social Sciences): 2023-2025
- Dr Kojo Koram (Business & Law): 2024-2026
Observer: BCUCU observer
Membership of the panel is restricted to University Appointed Teachers, of whom at least four shall be Professors. Other than the Vice-Chancellor as Chair, the Deputy Vice-Chancellors (all of whom are ex-officio), the term of office as a panel member is three years and retiring members are ineligible for reappointment for the following two years.
- Dr Pam Yeow (Business – Business and Law) 2023-2025
- Professor Michelle Everson (Law – Business and Law) 2023-2025
- Professor Anne Miles (Psychological Sciences – Sciences) 2023-2025
- Professor Akane Kawakami (Creative Arts, Culture and Communication – Humanities and Social Sciences) 2023-2025
- Professor Patrizia di Bello (Historical Studies - Humanities and Social Sciences) 2024-2026
Executive Deans of Faculty: to attend the panel to present their cases for promotion.
Observer: BCUCU Representative
Membership of the panel is restricted to University Appointed Teachers. Other than the Vice-Chancellor as Chair, the Deputy Vice-Chancellors (all of whom are ex-officio), the term of office as a panel member is three years and retiring members are ineligible for reappointment for the following two years.
- TBC (Natural Sciences – Sciences) 2024-2026
- Professor Fiona Tasker (Psychological Sciences – Sciences) 2023-2025
- Professor Jessica Reinisch (Historical Studies - Humanities and Social Sciences) 2023-2025
- Professor Jessica Jacobson (Social Sciences - Humanities and Social Sciences) 2024-2026
Executive Deans of Faculty: to attend the panel to present their cases for promotion.
Observer: BCUCU Representative
Membership of the Staff Joint Committee, on the College side, consists of the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the College Secretary and Clerk to the Governors, Director of Human Resources and the Deputy College Secretary (Governance).
- BCUCU Representatives: five members
- BCUNISON Representatives: three members
- BCUNITE Representatives: three members
1. The following procedure applies to applications to the Academic Staff Review Panels held during the current year only:
- Conferment of Title of Reader or Professor
- Lecturer to Senior Lecturer.
2. If a member of staff wishes to appeal against the decision of the Academic Staff Review Panel that considered their application, they must first email a request to meet the Chair of the Review Panel, and this to be requested within two weeks of being notified of the panel’s decision. If the staff member, having attended that feedback meeting, wishes to appeal against the decision of the Review Panel, they must email the Deputy Director of Human Resources (Paul Skiven-Baker) not more than two weeks after meeting the Chair of the panel, stating the grounds for the appeal.
3. The College will not consider appeals against the panels' decisions, except where the appropriate member of the Academic Staff who has been nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Corporate), having consulted the College Secretary and Director of Human Resources and interviewed the appellant, agrees that there has been a fault in the procedure.
4. An applicant’s failure to have followed the procedure correctly will not be grounds for appeal.
5. If the appropriate member of the Academic Staff who has been nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Corporate), having consulted as above, considers there has been a fault in procedure they will discuss their findings with the Chair of the panel and where appropriate the panel will be reconvened to follow the correct procedure.