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Conferment of title (applications for promotion to Reader or Professor)

The College’s two academic pathways: Research & Teaching and Teaching & Education, allow advancement and reward for colleagues who focus all or part of their career on education and student experience or, equally, those who maintain a research focus.
Applicants should demonstrate that they meet the criteria particular to the academic pathway, as applications will be assessed on this basis.

Applicants are considered for promotion on the basis of performance across the following four areas, in line with the stated criteria:

a. Education and Student Experience

b. Research or Scholarship

c. Leadership and Management

d. Engagement

In the majority of cases, promotion decisions will be made on the basis of performance to the relevant standard across all four areas, usually including at least two areas graded 'Excellent'. In order to allow colleagues flexibility to have a particular focus on one or more area, in line with their expertise and career development, the panel can discount one area from consideration: this is outlined further under the section headed 'promotion criteria' below.

Promotion to reader or professor is on merit, but is subject to the limited financial resources of Birkbeck. 


Applicable to all eligible academic staff who have:

  • completed their Academic Probation (if this has not been completed, support for approval should first be sought from the Executive Dean and will be at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor) and
  • had or agreed a date for academic review this academic year and 
  • Undertaken all mandatory training and
  • have Fellowship status or higher of Advance HE. If you have yet to submit your application for fellowship to Advance HE, this will not preclude you from applying in this promotions round. However, you should note this on your application form for promotion, including whether the application has been submitted or is yet to be submitted and with the expected timescale.  Any decision on your application will be subject to fellowship being awarded.


The procedure set out below is written in accordance with Regulation 3 of the University of London’s Council, which states:


'In appointing a person as a professor or conferring the title of professor regard shall be had to the person's national/international standing in the relevant subject or profession as established by outstanding contributions to its advancement through publications, creative work or other appropriate forms of scholarship or performance, and through teaching and administration.'


'In appointing a person as a reader or conferring the title of reader regard shall be had to the person's standing and promise in the relevant subject or profession as established by important contributions to its advancement through publications, creative work or other appropriate forms of scholarship or performance, and through teaching. Other contributions to the work of the College, the University, learned societies and other relevant bodies may also be taken into account.'

PROMOTION to professor 

The Executive Dean will assess each criterion using the following scale:

  • Exceptional performance
  • Excellent performance
  • Very good performance
  • Good performance
  • Adequate Performance
  • Failed to meet required standard
  • Not applicable

'Excellent' performance is typically required in two areas - one of which must be either Research or Scholarship or Education and Student Experience and at least 'Very Good' performance in at least one other area. Candidates applying to be assessed over three areas (i.e. wishing to discount a fourth) would normally need to demonstrate 'Excellent' performance in all three of those areas or 'Exceptional' in Education and Student Experience or Research or Scholarship and 'excellent' in at least one other area.

promotion criteria for professor (teaching and education)

  • Education and student experience
    • Demonstrate a sustained record of a very high standard of teaching as evidenced by module evaluation, student continuation and attainment
    • Led activity to enhance student continuation and attainment and/or on activity aimed at reducing gaps in attainment between student groups.
    • Promoted the development of innovative approaches to course design and delivery.
    • Delivered inspirational academic leadership and mentoring in relation to education and student experience.
    • Have gained Fellowship of AdvanceHE.
    • Led on cross-institutional strategy for education and student experience.
    • Made a major contribution to educational policy development and pedagogic practice nationally or internationally.
  • Scholarship
    • Demonstrated a high level of impact in relation to up to date knowledge and understanding of research and pedagogy in the field or specialism. 
    • Led and won bids for external funding for teaching and student experience initiatives.
    • Created and led new activity to improve academic performance and student experience across the College.
    • Championed the UK Professional Standards Framework through work with students and staff at BBK.
    • Held leadership roles in national teaching initiatives with AdvanceHE, OAA or other national teaching and scholarship bodies.
  • Leadership and management
    • Chaired School, Faculty, and/or College committees in the formation and delivery of strategies in teaching, equalities or other areas.
    • Led or Chaired national and international committees and working groups.
    • Acted as an advisor on educational practice or in another significant advisory capacity at a national and international level.
    • Contributed to the leadership and strategic direction of the Faculty and College through designated roles (e.g. Head of School).
    • Led significant cross-institutional initiatives
    • Led activities promoting the international standing of the College.
  • Engagement
    • Participate in external networks; for example on student recruitment, external examining work or work with exam boards, secure student placements.
    • Develop or support development of partnerships with external stakeholders, such as other higher education institutions, government bodies and industry for the benefit of the student education and experience in the Faculty, providing the length, title, recipients and income to Birkbeck. Please note, private consultancies and consultancies undertaken before joining Birkbeck should not be included.  
    • Hold responsibilities in professional scholarly organisations, journals or other forms of external activity.

promotion criteria for professor (research and teaching)

  • Education and student experience
    • Demonstrate a sustained record of a very high standard of teaching as evidenced by module evaluation, student continuation and attainment
    • Led activity to enhance student continuation and attainment and/or on activity aimed at reducing gaps in attainment between student groups.
    • Promoted the development of innovative approaches to programme/module design and delivery.
    • Led activity to develop academic regulations and compliance with the national quality assurance framework.
    • Led the design and enhancement of the overall curriculum in the School and/or at Faculty level.
    • Delivered inspirational academic leadership and mentoring in relation to education and student experience.
    • Led on cross-institutional strategy for education and student experience.
    • Have gained Fellowship of AdvanceHE.
    • Made a major contribution to educational policy development and pedagogic practice nationally or internationally.
  • Research
    • Published research outputs that are mainly world-leading and internationally excellent in quality, the number, type and range reflecting disciplinary norms.
    • Demonstrated national/international research leadership through activities such as: leading national and/or international research networks and collaborations with universities or bodies; leading successful impact-generating projects; routinely mentoring and training research staff; leading the development and implementation of research strategy at School, Faculty or College level.
    • Leading successful bids for research funding, consultancy or other funds
    • Demonstrated a track-record of recruiting PhD students, and successful on-time completions; acted as external examiner for PhD students at other UK universities and/or internationally.
    • Demonstrated esteem in research through other achievements and activities such as: invited keynotes in the UK and/or overseas; journal editorship; organisation of major conferences; personal fellowships; prizes and awards; chairing grant panels)
  • Leadership and management
    • Chaired School or Faculty committees, in the formation and delivery of strategies in teaching, research, equalities or other areas.
    • Led national and international institutional collaborations in teaching and research
    • Contributed to the leadership and strategic direction of the School, Faculty, or College through designated roles (e.g. Head of School)
    • Led significant cross-institutional initiatives
    • Led activities promoting the international standing of the College.
  • Engagement
    • Demonstrated involvement in work that seeks to increase public understanding of the discipline.
    • Demonstrated the dissemination of research findings in outlets outside the scope of traditional academic journals and conferences (e.g. industry or sector-based reports, practice-based workshops, professional networks, the media).
    • Led on consultancy work with external stakeholders, providing the length, title, recipients and income to Birkbeck. Please note private consultancies and consultancies undertaken before joining Birkbeck should not be included.
    • Acted as an advisor to NGOs, government, or other external organisations

promotion to Reader

The Executive Dean will assess each criterion using the following scale:

  • Exceptional performance
  • Excellent performance
  • Very good performance
  • Good performance
  • Adequate Performance
  • Failed to meet required standard
  • Not applicable

'Excellent' performance is typically required in one area, one of which must be either Research or Scholarship or Education and Student Experience and at least 'very good' performance in at least two other areas. Candidates applying to be assessed over three areas (i.e. wishing to discount a fourth) would normally need to demonstrate 'excellent' performance in two of those areas and 'very good' in one other area or 'exceptional' in Education and Student Experience or Research or Scholarship and 'very good' in one other area.

promotion criteria for reader (teaching and education)

  • Education and student experience
    • Demonstrate a sustained record of a very high standard of teaching as evidenced by module evaluation, student continuation and attainment
    • Led on the design and enhancement of the overall curriculum in the School and/or at Faculty level.
    • Led on activity to develop academic regulations and compliance with the national quality assurance framework.
    • Led on activity to enhance student continuation and attainment and/or on activity aimed at reducing gaps in attainment between student groups.
    • Promoted the development of innovative approaches to course design and delivery and ensured that teaching design and delivery.
    • Delivered inspirational academic leadership and mentoring in relation to education and the student experience.
    • Influenced and shaped cross-institutional strategy for education and student experience.
    • Have gained Fellowship of AdvanceHE
    • Made a major contribution to educational policy development and pedagogic practice nationally or internationally.
  • Scholarship
    • Demonstrated a high level of impact in relation to up to date knowledge and understanding of research and pedagogy in the field or specialism. 
    • Led bids for external funding for teaching and student experience initiatives
    • Championed the UK Professional Standards Framework through work with students and staff at Birkbeck. 
    • Created and led new activity to improve academic performance and student experience across the College.
    • Active participation in AdvanceHE, OAA or other national teaching and scholarship bodies
  • Leadership and management
    • Chaired School or Faculty committees, in the delivery of strategies in teaching, equalities or other areas.
    • Led or Chaired national and international committees and working groups.
    • Acted as an advisor on educational practice or in another significant advisory capacity at a national level.
    • Contributed to the leadership and strategic direction of the Faculty and College through designated roles (e.g. Departmental UG/MA coordinator, or Director of Education).
    • Led significant cross-institutional initiatives
    • Led activities promoting the international standing of the College.
  • Engagement
    • Participated in external networks; for example on student recruitment, external examining work or work with exam boards, secure student placements.
    • Develop or support development of partnerships with external stakeholders, such as other higher education institutions, government bodies and industry for the benefit of the student education and experience in the Faculty, providing the length, title, recipients and income to Birkbeck. Please note private consultancies and consultancies undertaken before joining Birkbeck should not be included.
    • Held responsibilities in professional scholarly organisations, journals or other forms of external activity.

promotion criteria for reader (research and teaching)

  • Education and student experience
    • Demonstrate a sustained record of a very high standard of teaching as evidenced by module evaluation, student continuation and attainment
    • Led on activity to enhance student continuation and attainment and/or on activity aimed at reducing gaps in attainment between student groups.
    • Delivered effective teaching as evidenced by module evaluation feedback
    • Led on the design and enhancement of the overall curriculum in the School and/or at Faculty level.
    • Led on cross-college activity to develop academic regulations and compliance with the national quality assurance framework.
    • Promoted the development of innovative approaches to programme/module design and delivery
    • Delivered inspirational academic leadership and mentoring in relation to education and student experience.
    • Influenced and shaped cross-institutional strategy for education and student experience.
    • Have gained Fellowship of AdvanceHE.
    • Made a major contribution to educational policy development and pedagogic practice nationally or internationally.
  • Research
    • Published research outputs, including a significant proportion of outputs that are internationally excellent and/or world-leading in quality, the number, type and range reflecting disciplinary norms.
    • Demonstrated research leadership at Birkbeck and more widely, through activities such as leadership of an ongoing programme of research, or research network; acting as principal investigator as appropriate; leading research teams; leading research impact activity; contributing to or leading the development of School and/or Faculty research strategies.
    • Submitting applications for external research grants; obtaining grant funding where possible
    • Supervised/co-supervised PhD students in line with disciplinary norms and have a record of successful, on-time, completions; examined PhDs for other institutions as well as internally.
    • Demonstrated esteem in research through other achievements and activities such as: invited lectures/keynotes in the UK and/or overseas; journal editorship; organisation of major conferences; personal fellowships; prizes and awards; reviewing grant applications).
  • Leadership and management
    • Chaired School or Faculty committees, in the delivery of strategies in teaching, research, equalities or other areas.
    • Led national and international research networks or other bodies
    • Contributed to the leadership and strategic direction of the School, Faculty, or College through designated roles (e.g. Departmental Research Lead, or Director of Education).
    • Led significant cross-institutional initiatives
    • Led activities promoting the international standing of the College.
  • Engagement
    • Demonstrated involvement in work that seeks to increase public understanding of the discipline.
    • Demonstrated the dissemination of research findings in outlets outside the scope of traditional academic journals and conferences (e.g. industry or sector-based reports, practice-based workshops, professional networks, the media).
    • Led on consultancy work with external stakeholders, providing the length, title, recipients and income to Birkbeck. Please note private consultancies and consultancies undertaken before joining Birkbeck should not be included. 
    • Acted as an advisor to NGOs, government, or other organisations


For all applications, where personal circumstances have significantly impacted performance output volumes, and where this potentially mitigating information is disclosed by the applicant, appropriate consideration will be given to this within the review process.

Any personal circumstances that have been disclosed by applicants are only shared with Human Resources, the Executive Dean of Faculty, the Vice-Chancellor. The Executive Dean, who will attend the panel to present the applications for promotion, will share with the wider panel only details of the amount of time that the circumstances disclosed have had on the individual’s work outputs and with no details of the circumstances in question being disclosed. It will then be for the panel to take this factor into account when assessing all of the evidence, considering the quality of the contribution in the different areas rather than simply the quantity (for example, number of publications).


  • Eligible staff shall normally be invited annually to submit applications to the Academic Staff Review Panel (Conferment of Title) for consideration of their cases for promotion. In special circumstances, applications may be considered at other times of the year.
  • Advice and guidance on making an application will be provided annually in the form of a briefing/workshop to which staff will be invited to attend.


  • The staff member needs to submit an application using the application form provided. They should complete all sections and include any additional attachments.
  • The whole form must not exceed eight pages. Applications in excess of eight pages will be returned for revision. 
  • A separate supporting statement, of no more than two pages, must be submitted alongside the application form.
  • The applicant needs to include the names of two external specialists whom they nominate as referees, at least one of whom should be employed at a university outside the University of London. As a minimum, referees should be of the same standing as the position being applied for. For example, for applications for promotion to professor, referees should hold a position of at least this level. The applicant must ensure that their chosen referees are willing to act on their behalf and will be contactable on the email addresses they provide.
  • Applicants should clearly prioritise the key achievements underpinning their case for promotion, as would be expected in an external recruitment process. An academic promoted to senior lecturer in the three years prior to their application should focus on progress made since their promotion.
  • The panel will have access to the feedback given on any unsuccessful applications made in previous years and candidates are strongly advised to ensure that their application gives evidence that the feedback has been acted upon.
  • Applicants need to specify on the impact of personal circumstances form whether any individual circumstances have affected their volume of output.
  • The applicant must send the following documents to their Executive Dean and by 4 April 2025:
    • Fully completed application form (maximum eight pages) - mandatory for all applicants
    • Supporting statement (maximum two pages) - mandatory for all applicants
    • Impact of Personal Circumstances form - optional
  • Where applicants receive confirmation of grant funding, acceptance of articles for publication or significant updates or achievements after they have submitted their application, it is acceptable to submit a single update of no more that one page to summarise this information, and to do so by 20 June 2025 in line with the anticipated date that papers will be readied for the panel. This should be sent as a Word or PDF document to


  • The Executive Dean will undertake a positive review of all staff eligible to apply for promotion.
  • The applicant’s Executive Dean will consult the appropriate Head of School and others (if appropriate), before completing the form ‘Executive Dean’s Recommendation’.
  • The Executive Dean will return any applications that exceed the eight-page limit to the applicant for revision.
  • The Executive Dean will nominate three additional referees, expert in the discipline concerned, who are not employees of Birkbeck. One of these three should, where practicable and appropriate, be from another college, institute, or associate institution of the University of London. Please note that the importance of obtaining external references means that no more than two references in total (including the applicant’s chosen referees) should be from colleges, institutes, or associate institutions of the University of London. 
  • The Executive Dean’s referee nomination form should be completed, providing referees’ contact details, and should be forwarded to  by 25 April 2025. In selecting external referees, the Executive Dean may wish to consult the appropriate Head of School or others expert in the relevant academic discipline, and seek to identify referees from a wide area, including overseas scholars of international standing where appropriate. As a minimum, referees should be of the same standing as the position being applied for. For example, for applications for promotion to professor, referees should hold a position of at least this level.
  • The Executive Dean should send the completed recommendation form to  by 20 June 2025.
  • Executive Deans will attend the panel to present their cases for promotion.


  • Administer the promotions process including arranging annual briefings/workshops.
  • Provide professional advice and guidance to the panel and applicants on the process.
  • Notify applicants and their Executive Dean if their application exceeds the page limit to go forward for consideration.
  • Make every effort to obtain the nominated references, but if a nominated referee fails to provide a reference to ask the applicant or Executive Dean for an alternative (please note that an incomplete set of references will not preclude the application from being put forward to the panel for consideration).
  • Circulate electronic copies of the panel papers approximately four weeks in advance of the panel meeting including:
    • a reminder of the College’s equalities and diversity considerations
    • the applications
    • the references received
    • the Executive Dean’s recommendation.
  • Any disclosure of personal circumstances will be shared only with the Chair of the Panel and the one member of the panel who is appointed to introduce the application.


  • The panel normally comprises the Vice-Chancellor as Chair, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice-Chancellors (all of whom are ex officio members). Other members (up to eight Professors chosen from across Schools within Faculties) will normally serve a term of office of three years. An HR Business Partner shall attend as a professional advisor to the panel. A local UCU official will be invited to attend in the capacity of observer. A note taker will also be present.
  • A decision on whether or not to confer the title of professor or reader of the University shall be taken by the Academic Staff Review Panel, to be held on 23 July 2025, after full consideration of the opinions of the applicant’s two referees, the three external referees nominated by the Executive Dean, and of the Executive Dean’s recommendation.
  • No panel assessments for the same applicant shall be carried over from one year to the next in respect of previous applications. The panel will, however, have a report of the applicant’s previous applications and their outcomes.
  • The Executive Dean of Faculty will attend the panel to present the case for promotion.  Following this, the substantive panel members will participate in discussion and voting where necessary on all applicants irrespective of Faculty affiliations and at all times will be required to exercise a College and collective responsibility.
  • The panel will consider the scores provided in each of the four areas of Education and Student Experience, Research or Scholarship, Leadership and Management, and Engagement and, after discussion, will determine whether applications are successful or unsuccessful. A summary note of the reasons for unsuccessful applications will be recorded in the meeting notes.
  • Applicants will be notified in writing of the panel’s decision by the Chair. Unsuccessful applicants will be invited to discuss the outcome with the Vice-Chancellor who will give feedback to help with their application for the next panel.
  • Academic promotion procedures will be monitored in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

successful promotions


  • If current salary is below the first spine point of Grade 9/Reader (spine point 45), the successful applicant moves up automatically to point 45 on the pay scale.
  • If current salary is within the Grade 9 range between spine points 45 and 50, the successful applicant moves up to the next spine point inclusive of the two discretionary spine points at 50 and 51.


The current arrangements for determining initial pay levels for those staff promoted to professor are:

  • If current salary is below the professorial minimum (spine point 50), the successful applicant moves up automatically to point 50 on the pay scale.
  • If currently on the professorial minimum, the successful applicant moves up to spine point 51, the last point on the pay scale. 
  • If currently on point 51, the successful applicant will receive a salary increase in the region of the difference between points 50 and 51. 

summary of timeline and deadlines


Deadline for applications

Friday 4 April 2025
HR to send reference requests to applicant’s chosen referees By Friday 11 April 2025

Executive Deans to provide nominated referees to HR

By Friday 25 April 2025
HR to send reference requests to ED-nominated referees By Friday 2 May 2025
Executive Deans - submit recommendation forms to HR By Friday 20 June 2025
Date by which external referees will be asked to respond Friday 20 June 2025
Deadline for applicants to provide updates (grants, publications etc.) Friday 20 June 2025
Panel meeting – Conferment of Title Wednesday 23 July 2025



The forms associated with the conferment of title process are only available to current Birkbeck staff members.


EXECUTIVE DEAN’S documentation


Recommendation forms for Professor:

Recommendation forms for Reader: