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We are experts in a wide range of areas, as can be seen from our featured research projects, and offer a wide range of consultancy, from business consultancy to geoarchaeology to consultancy for arts organisations and more. Birkbeck’s radical history over the last 200 years means that we are ideally placed to work not just with large organisations but grassroots organisations such as small businesses, community groups, creative organisations and local government. 

In addition to consultancy, we offer various types of continuing professional development.


If you are leading an SME then we can help you develop and grow your business through our Help to Grow programme.


If you are looking for in-house training and development for your teams then we can develop programmes to suit your needs, for example covering topics such as: sustainable business practices, green finance, food policy, climate science, environmental science, environmental policy.


Short courses are designed for individuals and include Carbon Literacy Training.