Community engagement
We work with various stakeholders in a variety of education, outreach and research activities. These include:
- hackdays with local primary and secondary schools
- workshops with schools on developing web and mobile apps
- programming workshops with Code First: Girls and Women Who Code
- art and programming workshops on robotics using the Raspberry Pi
- courses in Python, Scratch and Java with secondary schools
- participating in Computing and Schools, which aims to support schools in delivering the ICT curriculum
- research projects on design of intelligent tools for learning maths and digital literaties other subjects, providing personalisation, guidance and analytics to learners and teachers
- research projects on support for lifelong learning and career guidance, with further education institutions and professional bodies
- research projects in cultural heritage preservation and digital repatriation, with museums and libraries
- exhibitions of our research on mobile and pervasive computing at museums and festivals.
Please contact the Knowledge Lab if you would like to collaborate with us in these or similar activities.