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Our research students

Economics and Finance research

Student nameStudent research fieldSupervisor(s)Thesis title
Konstantinos AdamopoulosEconomicsZacharias Psaradakis
Walter Beckert
Alexander BowyerEconomicsAlastair Ball
Arina Nikandrova
Federico CorradoEconomicsYunus Aksoy
Pedro Gomes
Angelos DiamantopoulosEconomics and FinanceEmanuela Sciubba
James EustaceEconomics and FinanceStephen Satchell
Zacharias Psaradakis
David Schroder
Lisette Alfaya FriasEconomicsHelyette Geman
Brian GorstEconomicsPedro Gomes
Ronald Smith
Essays on fiscal policy and the macroeconomy
Charisios GrivasEconomicsZacharias Psaradakis
Walter Beckert
Bootstrap and subsampling in econometrics
Ioanna LachanaEconomicsDavid Schroder
Roald Versteeg
Sentiment analysis and financial markets
David LattoEconomicsKenjiro Hori
Arupratan Daripa
Rene LevesleyEconomicsEmanuela Sciubba
Brad Baxter
Shahzeb MohammedEconomicsPedro Gomes
Stephen Wright
Macroeconomic model with heterogenous agents and financial frictions
Sofia PhilippouEconomicsHelyette Geman
Zacharias Psaradakis
Natural gas and LNG markets
Filipe Pires De AlbuquerqueEconomicsYunus Aksoy
Ronald Smith
The preferred habitats of fixed income investors
Charmaine PortelliEconomics and FinanceStephen Wright
Ronald Smith
Hiba SameenEconomics

Walter Beckert
Arina Nikandrova

Thomas SpencerEconomics

Zacharias Psaradakis
Ronald Smith

Extensions of non-stationary factor models
Di ZhuEconomics

Arupratan Daripa
Sandeep Kapur

Management research


Student nameSupervisor(s)Thesis title
Emad Alchikh SalehKevin IbehHow is FDI into the UK affected by recent regional and global developments? The perspective of foreign investors in the manufacturing sector
Konstantinos AthanasiadisGeoffrey Walters
Dimitrios Koufopoulos
Looking through the process lens: Unpacking the CEO succession planning
Olayinka BandeleKevin Ibeh
Sorin Piperca
An exploration of the drivers and influences on firms’ innovative practices in the Kenyan agribusiness export sector
Sebastian BooPamela Yeow
Almuth McDowall
Kind and compassionate leadership in times of crisis
Jacinth BoudierIoanna Boulouta
Suzanne Konzelmann
John DiamondopoulosKlaus Nielsen
Conrad Zinenuba DumbahEmmanuel Mamatzakis
Lorenzo Neri
The impact of the quality of public financial management systems on institutional legitimacy and corruption in Ghana
Serpil Erdogan-AltuncevahirRebecca Gumbrell-McCormick
Horen Voskeritsian
Maryam GhorbankhaniFederica Rossi
Marion Frenz
Exploitation of public sector R&D and the open innovation paradigm: Governance of Knowledge transfer and commercialisation within public research organisations (PROs)
Maximilian GiehrlFederica Rossi
Muthu De Silva
Success Factors in the Collaboration with Innovation Intermediaries - A study in the Context of Digital Technologies
Ibrahim HaidarJulian Sims
Karin Shields
The value relevance of Integrated Reporting
Karine HarutyunyanSorin Piperca
Pamela Yeow
The impact of Project Managers' emotional intelligence and political skills on project performance and work relationships
Yangyang HeXiaming Liu
Grace Bo Peng
The Acceptance of Chinese Technology Products in Global Markets
Md Uzzal HossainMuthu De Silva
Federica Rossi
Organizational approach to circular innovation: the role of creative process engagement and creative self-efficacy
Richard IrvingGeoffrey Walters
Richard Tacon
Muhammed JamilPamela Yeow
Sorin Piperca
Exploring the relationship between adaptive leadership and project success
Yunwen JiangXiaming LiuWhat matters in the process of cross-border acquisitions for Chinese MNEs?
Stephen KatayaLorenzo Neri
Ellen Yu
The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm market performance: An examination from the United Kingdom & selected continental European economies
Jingjing LiangXiaming LiuThe export behaviour of Chinese firms and their networks evolution
Ming LiuXiaming Liu
Qizhi Tao
Tripartite collusion in M&As with performance commitment contracts in China
Barbara MasonFederica Rossi
Richard Tacon
Guilherme Matoso MacedoFrederick Guy
Odile Janne
Essays on labour specialization: Evidence on Brazilian micro-data
Adedoyin OlorunfemiMuthu De Silva
Helen Lawton Smith
Entrepreneurial Learning in women engaged in Interconnected Selling
Emma-Jane Palmer FosterHelen Lawton Smith
Frederick Guy
Benedikt Andreas PietschSorin Piperca
Louise RedmondSuzanne Konzelmann
Arron Phillips
Governing corporate culture: Board practices for long term corporate success and greater public trust in business
Julia SchoberRebecca Gumbrell-McCormick
Horen Voskeritsian
Labour mobility in the European Union: Brexit and the location choice of highly skilled young Europeans
Zehra SermanJulian SimsThe effect of bloggers on consumer purchase
Sana Inam ShahAmy Hackley
Wendy Hein
Brand storytelling: An interpretive exploration of how beauty brands co-create emotion-evoking narratives by the use of influencer marketing on social media, and its impact on Generation Z's self and social identities in the UK
David StrollKlaus Nielsen
Federica Rossi; Julian Sims
An empirical case study of productivity measurement and growth capital reporting
Irina SukiasyanWendy Hein
Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick
Discursive production and consumption of gendered humour in Post-Soviet Russia
Bethan TaylorRichard TaconYou got chicked: Representations and identities of women in ultra running
Mark ThurgoodMarion Frenz
Sorin Piperca
Service innovation adoption and integration - people first
Philip TurbuttGeoffrey Walters
Bruno Schivinski
George Robert WillsRichard Tacon
Francesco Addesa
The value of elite clubs and star players in the European football industry
Zhixin XuFred Yamoah
Amy Hackley
Urban sustainability and City of Culture
Silin YeXiaming Liu
Jing Zhou
Social media, top management team characteristics, and corporate governance in China
Ruocheng ZhaoXiaming Liu
Bruno Schivinski
Guanxi consumption
Yilin ZhaoXiaming LiuInstitutional entrepreneurship of China's inward foreign direct investment policy system

Organizational Psychology research

Student nameSupervisor(s)Thesis title
Nicola BenthamUracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Vanessa Iwowo
Re-examining organizational change and the role of the ideal worker - an intersectional approach to inclusivity in the UK not-for-profit sector
Isabel BeydagVanessa Iwowo
Rebecca Whiting
Alexandra Beauregard
How intellectual activism and academic agency is shaped by the evolution of intellectualism and neoliberalism
Jessica DarkAlmuth McDowall
Harriet Tannenbaum*
'We Make Work, Work for Us': Understanding inclusive work environments as informed by autistic business owners
Ebere Dike-UgwuGeorge Michaelides*
Almuth McDowall
How social and organisational factors can influence the quality of knowledge sharing
Nikita D'SouzaLukas Wallrich 
Alexandra Beauregard
Examining the affective, behavioural, and cognitive components of inclusion that enable change and promote equity and belonging in organisations
Carolann EdwardsCaroline Kamau-Mitchell
Lukas Wallrich
Envied in the workplace: envy attribution and response
Jessica HobbsAlexandra Beauregard
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Exploring paternal leave journeys with particular focus on fathers' mental wellbeing
Sara KhalilYi-Ling Lai*
David Gamblin
Towards ideal-self clarity through coaching
Dominika MazurekRebecca Whiting 
Alexandra Beauregard
Body Matters: Examining how the working lives of professional women in mid-life are shaped by discursive constructions in organisations of the menopause
Margaret OchiengVanessa Iwowo
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Examining the undertaking of anti-racism work in UK organisations
Doris Pearce-NiederwieserRebecca Whiting 
David Gamblin
Examining how working past pension age affects one's identity narrative over time
Megan RamsellRashpal Dhensa- Kahlon
Kevin Teoh
An investigation of the relationships between stigma, psychosocial working conditions and post-traumatic growth following extra-organisational trauma
Meredith Scott JonesRebecca Whiting
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Vanessa Iwowo
Exploring the impact of diversity discourses on the knowledge production of employees
Jane SettenUracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Katrina Pritchard*
The changing role of public sector accountants in the UK
Marianna SidiropoulouAlmuth McDowall
Susie Orbach*
Women in leadership: An internal glass ceiling?
Lucinda SoonAlmuth McDowall
Kevin Teoh
Identity and meaningfulness at work on lawyers' career motivations and well-being
Mark StringerAndreas Liefooghe*
Alexandra Beauregard
What do you want from me? Understanding jouissance, desire and lack in employee engagement
Greg SwayslandAlmuth McDowall
Rebecca Whiting
Disability Confidence - what is it and how can we achieve and measure it? A dyadic model that replaces the social and medical models of disability
Gintare VisockaiteKevin Teoh
Andreas Liefooghe*
Negative behaviour, workplace bullying and outcomes in Russian workplaces: The contextual role of collectivist values and autocratic leadership
Shireen WalkerLibby Drury
Alexandra Beauregard
Workplace incivilities affecting older, childfree, working women

*External supervisor