Research students in the Birkbeck Law School
Student name | Title | Supervisor(s) |
Nerges Azizi | Legal Interventions against European Border Violence | Eddie Bruce-Jones, Nadine El-Enany |
Silvina Alonso Grosso | An Intervened Landscape: Urban Legislation and city planning in Buenos Aires during the last military dictatorship | Nathan Moore |
Joanna Blackwell | The needs and experiences of young fathers in prison | Daniel Monk, Paul Turnbull |
Eglina Bubliauskaite | Law and Literature in the Soviet Lithuania in 1945-1989 | Maria Aristodemou, Maria Tzanakopoulou |
Henrique Carvalho | The stuff of copyright: a political ontology | Fiona Macmillan, Piyel Haldar |
Saadiya Chaudary Alam | Securing the Rights of Women under International Human Rights Law: a Comparative Analysis of the enforcement capabilities and potential of the UN, European, Inter-American and African Systems | Professor Bill Bowring, Dr Frederick Cowell |
Soumyaijt Basu | A Feminist Genealogy of US Intellectual Property Law |
Fiona Macmillan, |
Leonie Clarke | Formations of Black Personhood in Common Law and Cultural Heritage; Persons or objects of Property | Sarah Keenan, Stewart Motha |
Sarah Corbett-Batson | The criminalisation of the racialised Other: A Critical Legal Studies/ Critical Race Theory/Butlerian analysis of criminal law and evidence | Nadine El-Enany, Piyel Haldar |
Leticia Da Costa Paes | Exhaustion of critique: jurisprudence as the practice of a life | Costas Douzinas |
Michael Darke | Agricultural Law and Policy – Corporatism | Fiona Macmillan |
Kanika Gauba | Violence and the Indian Constitutional Founding | Stewart Motha |
Oliver Gilman | Delivering the Art of the Possible: The work of Government Lawyers in the making of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 | Daniel Monk, Les Moran |
James Godfrey | How is 'Prevent' impacting free speech re Israeli Occupied Palestine within English universities and how is it being resisted? | Nathan Moore, Nadine El-Enany |
Tina Hartland-Swann | To address the legal challenges presented by hybrid threats, the impact of influence operations, and the emergence of increasingly creative forms of modern warfare, providing a practical aid to policy-making and protection of the populace, and a greater understanding of twenty-first century Kremlin strategy. | Bill Bowring |
Abigail Jackson | Lost Property: Dispossession in East London | Sarah Keenan, Jeremy Pilcher |
Philipp Kender | Authority and Government: Toward a Genealogy of Political Authoritarianism in Early 21st Century Europe | Basak Ertur, Adam Gearey |
Adimaya Keni | The singular construction of crime in Britain’s ‘Colonial Laboratory’: thuggee as a motif of colonial fear | Piyel Haldar, Eddie Bruce-Jones |
Alexandra Koenig | The Family Must Be Defended: The Hegemonic Biography of Migrant Family Life | Tanya Serisier, Nadine El-Enany |
Shailesh Kumar | Access to justice and Sexual Violence against Children in India: An Empirical Study of the Reforms under the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act 2012 | Les Moran, Jessica Jacobson |
Kumari Lane | Climate Change 'Refugees' and Refugee Law: Viewed Through a Postcolonial Lens | Nadine El-Enany, Sarah Keenan |
Shemi Leira | The role of CPO processes in housing estate regeneration and compatibility with the compelling public interest in London/Lambeth. | Sarah Keenan, Paul Watt |
Christopher Lloyd | Derrida’s Law as Autoimmune | Oscar Guardiola-Rivera |
Tatiana Lynn Makhoul | TBC | Fiona Macmillan |
Mercedes Malcomson | A socio-legal enquiry into approaches to culture and international law in Russia’s community of human rights defenders | Bill Bowring, Agnieszka Kubal |
Alex May | Towards a Socio-ecologically Holistic Conception of Law | Elena Loizidou, Adam Gearey |
Paddy McDaid | TBC | Costas Douzinas, Stewart Motha |
Gabriella McGrogan | The Ironies of the Digital Image: Weaponising digital witnessing | Bernard Keenan, Tanya Serisier |
Athina Michalakea | Regulating Sexual Labour in Greece: State, Governance Feminism(s) and the Sex Workers’ Movement | Elena Loizidou, Maria Tzanakopolou |
Crina Morteanu | The “necessity” component of the test of proportionality under the margin of appreciation doctrine at the European Court of Human Rights. The case of the Roma in Europe | Eddie Bruce-Jones |
Sabrina Neves | “Forbidden territory” The principle of juror confidentiality and the investigation of juror impropriety | John Hough, Jessica Jacobson |
Eleni Papakonstantinou | The biopolitics of a contemporary witch-hunt: the prosecution of HIV positive sex- workers in Greece, 2012 | Basak Ertur |
Ali Raiss-Tousi | The concept of aggression in international law | Bill Bowring |
Alper Ral | Property and Potential | Nathan Moore |
Moniza Rizzini Ansari | Legal Aesthetics of Poverty: mediating knowledge and intervention | Costas Douzinas, Oscar Guardiola-Rivera |
Abu Reza | Impact of Beccaria in England | |
Lizzette Robleto De Howarth | The 1986 US v Nicaragua International Court of Justice (ICJ) case continues to be relevant to international lawyers since it showcases the abuse of covert operations and misuse of international economic mechanisms, such as economic sanctions, in the pursuit of an imperialistic foreign policy. It is emblematic of the tension between US foreign policy, US constitutionalism and international law | Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, Fiona Macmillan |
Nadeem Saeed | Is digital evidence presenting new challenges to the complainant’s right to privacy in rape cases? | Tanya Serisier |
Rebecca Seglow Hudson | A Legal Anthropology of Personality Disorder | Rachael Dobson, Sarah Marks |
David Thomas | A story about an origin of human rights in the seventeenth century, focussing on Thomas Hobbes and Gerrard Winstaley and drawing on the work of Foucault and Rancière | Nathan Moore |
Yvonne Thomas | What kind of British citizen does a black pupil need to become to conform to parliamentary committees and government ministers’ views on citizenship as expressed through initiatives in citizenship education between 2001 and 2013? | Eddie Bruce-Jones |
Shimie Umaru | Neo-colonialism and Intellectual Property Rights: An Examination of Intellectual Property Regime in Africa (Case Study Kenya) | Fiona Macmillan |
Luiz Valle Junior | Emancipation in queer theory and psychoanalysis: queerness, futurity and the insistence of subjectivity | Eddie Bruce-Jones |
John Van Houcke | The right to ongoing self-determination: developing a contemporary standard to measure the legitimacy of sovereignty | Bill Bowring |
Calvin Wells | Mad about the boy: Historical concepts of virtus Romana, duty and office to create the ideal holder of public office | Eddie Bruce-Jones, Piyel Haldar |
Jonathan Wheale | Family Magistrates and Adjudicating Welfare (provisional) | Amy Kirby, Daniel Monk |
Xiaoxi Xue | Marxism and the right to development in Mao’s China | Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, Adam Gearey |
Roberto Vilchez Yamato | Before the and of the world: a decolonial deconstruction of the interdisciplinary study of International Law and International Relations | Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, Kojo Koram |
Ceylan Yildiz | ‘Murderer state will be held to account’: The myth of the state and its violence | Basak Ertur, Elena Loizidou |