Safety policy for Natural Sciences research
All employees, students and visitors have a legal responsibility to take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts and/or omissions, and to co-operate with their employer in health and safety matters. Special safety precautions need to be adhered to when visiting or working in our natural sciences laboratories.
Who to contact About laboratory and general safety
- Undergraduate and postgraduate students on taught modules should contact the relevant module organiser, programme director or personal tutor.
- Research project students (BSc/MSc/MRes), PhD students and post-doctoral workers should contact their supervisor and the relevant lab manager in the first instance.
- Lab visitors should contact the appropriate lab manager from the list below.
For safety queries regarding specific laboratories, contact the relevant lab manager from the list below and read the laboratory safety guidelines.
natural Sciences Safety Group Membership and structure
The group normally meets termly to review general and specific health and safety matters at a local level, and to report to the Faculty Health and Safety Management Group. The remit of the group includes reports from the annual School safety inspection and implementing advice and directives from the Faculty Health and Safety Management Group and the Genetic Modification Sub-Committee. Note: members of the committee are to be confirmed before the start of each academic year.
- Head of School: Professor Katherine Thompson
- School Health and Safety Lead and Group Chair: Dr Charles Underwood
- School Genetic Modification Officer: Dr Claire Bagnéris
- College Biological Hazards Safety Officer and College Genetic Modification Safety Officer: Professor Carolyn Moores
- Faculty Chemical Safety Advisor: Dr Philip Lowden
- Laboratory Managers:
- Dr Sandra Codlin, Bioscience and Chemistry Teaching Lab and Microbiology Lab
- Dr Nikos Pinotsis, ISMB Protein Crystallography and BiophysX Centre
- Dr Claire Bagnéris, Rosalind Franklin Molecular Biology Lab and third floor Wolfson Labs
- Dr Tien-Chye Tan, Rayne and Wolfson Lab
- Dr Shu Chen, ISMB Electron Microscopy Lab
- Contact to be advised - Electron Microscopy Lab
- School Computer Support Group/DSE Advisor: Dr David Houldershaw
- Student Representative
In case of emergency
- Ring 555 from a college phone or 07386 398 420 from any mobile phone
- Inform the duty attendant of the nature of the emergency
- Give your name and location.