Degree calculation
For taught programmes of study, classifications of awards are awarded on the basis of a calculated weighted average.
The weighted average is calculated by averaging all module marks, proportionate to the credit size of the module, and weighting by level. The following indicates the algorithms applied for each type of award.
Weighted average
Cert HE
Level 4 only - all modules have equal weighting.
Dip HE/Foundation Degree/BA/BSc/LLB
Level 4 modules are weighted 0 and do not count to the weighted average. Level 5 modules are weighted 1, and level 6 modules are weighted 2.
Graduate Certificate/Diploma
Level 6 only - all modules have equal weighting.
Level 4 modules are weighted 0 and do not count to the weighted average. Level 5 modules are weighted 1, level 6 and level 7 modules are weighted 2.
Level 7 only - all modules have equal weighting.
Once your weighted average is calculated, this is used to derive a classification.
Cert HE/Dip HE/Foundation Degree/Grad Cert/Grad Dip
- Distinction: 70% or above
- Merit: 60% to 69.99%
- Pass: 40% to 59.99%
- Distinction: 70% or above
- Merit: 60% - 69.99%
- Pass: 50% - 59.99%
BA (Hons)/BSc (Hons)/LLB/MSci
- First (1): 70% or above
- Upper Second (2:1): 60% to 69.99%
- Lower Second (2:2): 50% to 59.99%
- Third (3): 40% to 49.99%