Subject-specific tutors and resources
No matter where you are in your academic journey, there are some key study skills that will help you succeed. Please find information below about the expert guidance available for you in your school and across the wider College.
Cross-College resource and staff
- Birkbeck staff and our extensive digital resources are here to help you fulfil your academic potential. For students from all academic disciplines, we offer live online workshops. These are free and you can sign up for as many as you want. Last year, 98% of students who gave us feedback said that they would recommend them to other students. Also, all students are automatically enrolled for the Birkbeck Study Skills Moodle module which has advice on key topics like assignment writing and exam revision.
- Dr Deborah Grange: Head of Student Learning Development
- Sal Campbell: Academic writing, September study skills workshops (Get Ahead Stay Ahead)
- Rob Martin: Specialist learning development for neurodiverse students, assistive technology support, general learning development
- Sara Steinke: Study techniques and strategies
- To contact any of the team, or for more information on cross-College study skills, please email the Learning Development Team.
Faculty of Business and Law
Birkbeck Business School
- Lawrence Green co-ordinates learning support for the Business School. He can offer advice on study skills such as academic writing, critical analysis, referencing, and reflective writing.
- Eva Szatmari supports students with their mathematical and statistics skills for both module support and quantitative dissertation help. She provides one-to-one tutorials and module specific workshops.
- Email Eva Szatmari for further information or to request a tutorial.
Birkbeck Law School
- Kerry Bannister and Joy Igiebor are Learning Development Tutors for students in the Birkbeck Law School. They can advise on a range of study skills, including academic reading and writing, critical thinking, and referencing. For a one-to-one appointment with either Joy or Kerry, please email us or book via the appointment form on the Birkbeck Law School Study Skills Moodle page.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
- Kerry Bannister and Joy Igiebor are Learning Development Tutors for students in the School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication. They can advise on a range of study skills, including academic reading and writing, critical thinking, and referencing. For a one-to-one appointment with either Joy or Kerry, please email us or book via the appointment form on the School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication Study Skills Moodle page.
School of Historical Studies
- Ray Rose Raymond is the Learning Development Manager for students in the School of Historical Studies. They can advise on a range of study skills, including advice on preparing for assignments and efficient reading techniques, critical thinking, and referencing.
- For a one-to-one appointment with Ray Rose, please email the School of Historical Studies Study Skills team.
School of Social Sciences
- Ray Rose Raymond is the Learning Development Manager for students in the School of Social Sciences, providing advice and guidance on all the key study skills areas. These include essay and assignment writing, academic reading and notetaking, academic referencing, and critical thinking.
- For a one-to-one appointment with Ray Rose, please email the School of Social Sciences Study Skills team.
Birkbeck Centre for Counselling
- Ray Rose Raymond is the Learning Development Manager for the Birkbeck Centre for Counselling. They can assist you in developing your learning skills and making the most of your course. Topics include preparing for assignments, strategies for academic reading and notemaking, critical thinking and academic referencing.
- For a one-to-one appointment with Ray Rose, please email the Birkbeck Centre for Counselling Study Skills team.
Faculty of Science
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
- Lawrence Green co-ordinates learning support. He can offer advice on study skills such as academic writing, critical analysis, referencing, and reflective writing.
- Eva Szatmari supports students with their mathematical and statistics skills for both module support and quantitative dissertation help. She provides one to one tutorials and module specific workshops.
- Email Eva Szatmari for further information or to request a tutorial.
School of Natural Sciences
- Shagufta Fayyaz is the Learning Support Officer for the School of Natural Sciences.
- Study skills development is offered through the specialised Moodle site for the School of Natural Sciences, to which all students in the school will be registered automatically. It provides a range of study skills resources, links, and activities to help support students to meet their learning goals. Students will receive announcements on the School of Natural Sciences workshops and events. These will be listed on the Birkbeck events page, where students can book directly.
- Shagufta also offers limited one-to-one study support sessions.
- Email Shagufta Fayyaz.
School of Psychological Sciences
- Dr Claire Santorelli is Psychology Study Skills Coordinator and supports undergraduate psychology students. A one-to-one session with Claire can be arranged by email if you’d like support regarding study skills, such as essay or report writing, time management, exam preparation, or support with pastoral issues and/or a referral to a relevant Wellbeing Service.
- Dr Tahereh Laleh Ansari is a Learning Development Tutor and supports postgraduate psychology students. A one-to-one session with Laleh can be arranged via email if you’d like support regarding study skills, such as essay or report writing, time management, exam preparation, or support with pastoral issues and/or a referral to a relevant Wellbeing Service.