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Past events


Reading Bad Men

Speakers explore the reading and teaching the works of so-called 'bad men'.

Patrons and Lovers of Art: Nineteenth-Century Collecting and the Wealth of Empire

Panellists discuss Pieter Christoffel Wonder’s Patrons and Lovers of Art (1830) from different perspectives within the context of British cultural history.

Organic Systems: Science Fiction and Ecology today

This event formed part of a short series of CHASE-supported events aimed primarily at supporting postgraduate research students and was followed by the London Science Fiction Research Community screening.

Too much/not enough: Neurodiversity and Cultural Production

A panel discussion exploring the aesthetics of neurodiversity and the place of invisible disabilities in the cultural industries.

Telling Stories about Syphilis

Syphilis is a disease whose symptoms and circumstances, across the centuries, made it peculiarly compelling and challenging to understand. How do we analyse something so deeply mythologised?

Curating sound for difficult histories

Focusing on the Holocaust, this event explores how soundscapes – music, noise, voices, speech and silence – have the ability to evoke difficult histories.
