Read a discussion of Denise's work on the six-finger illusion in Scientific American. (March 1, 2022) |
Claudia Hammond, host of BBC Radio 4's All in the Mind, visited the BodyLab to discuss Renata Sadibolova's work on perception of body volume. You can listen here. (June 20, 2019) |
Matt was interviewed by the BBC World Service for a piece about our experience of the space around us. |
Read a post Matt and Elena Azañón wrote for the Wellcome Collection's blog connected to a Wellcome Collection open evening on Wrong! A Carnival of Human Error at which Matt, Elena, and colleagues demonstrated bodily illusions. (July 4, 2013)
The American Psychological Association announced that Matt has been named the receipient of their 2013 Award for Distinguished Early Career Scientific Contribution to Psychology in the area of Perception and Motor Performance.
The award citation reads: "For a wide-ranging and elegant set of experimental investigations into the sensorimotor bases of cognition, focusing particularly on the mind’s representation of the body. Matthew R. Longo’s rigorous experimental designs and careful use of implicit measures have advanced understanding of topics including motor imitation in children, agency and body ownership, representation of peripersonal space and tactile perception. His intelligent application of several cognitive neuroscience methods has clarified the mechanisms underlying sensorimotor representation as well as its phenomenology. His inquiring mind, outstanding efficiency and agreeable nature have made him a popular colleague and favored collaborator."
Matt will receive the award at the APA's annual conference in Honolulu, Hawaii in August, 2013. (May 17, 2013) |
The Barbican's webpage about Wonder: Art and Science on the Brain, a joint Wellcome Trust and Barbican sponsored street fair coinciding with the British Neuroscience Association's Festival of Neuroscience at the Barbican. Matt, with Elena Azañón and several other colleagues, helped demonstrate bodily illusions, supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust. (April 5, 2013)
The Wellcome Trust's release about the Wonder: Art and Science on the Brain street fair (April 5, 2013) |
A piece in the Daily Mail about Eleonora and Matt's study in the journal Current Biology with Dr Stella Lourenco of Emory University about how threat alters the way we perceive objects that are 'looming' directly towards us. (October 22, 2012) |
Another piece about our looming study, this time in in RedOrbit. (October 29, 2012) |
In addition to their article about our study, RedOrbit's Jedidiah Becker interviewed Matt to accompany the above piece. (October 29, 2012) |
Science Daily also wrote a piece about our looming study. (October 22, 2012) |
The New Scientist had a piece about Matt's study in the journal Psychological Science with Catherine Long and Patrick Haggard in which they constructed a perceptual map of a phantom limb. (June 15, 2012) |
Birkbeck's research blog also had a piece about our study mapping a phantom limb. (June 1, 2012) |
The American Psychological Association's Monitor on Psychology had a piece about a study published in the journal Cognition which Matt conducted with Dr Stella Lourenco and Thanujeni Pathman of Emory University, showing that claustrophobic fear is related to the way we perecive the 'near space' immediately surrounding our body. (June, 2011) |
Matt also sat down with Claudia Hammond to discuss the study on claustrophobic fear for BBC Radio 4's All in the Mind. You can listen here. (May 4, 2011) |
A piece in Science Daily about our research on space perception and claustrophobic fear. (April 13, 2011) |
The BBC had a piece (with nice video) about a Psychological Science study Matt was involved in, led by Dr Flavia Mancini and Prof Patrick Haggard of UCL, showing that visual modulation of perceived body size affects the visual analgesia effect. (February 10, 2011) |
A piece on the Wall Street Journal blog about our visual analgesia results. (March 9, 2011) |
You can listen to a podcast from Scientific American's 60-second science series, again about visual analgesia. (February 14, 2011) |
A piece in the New Scientist about our research on visual analgesia. (February 10, 2011) |
A piece in the Daily Mail about visual analgesia. (February 11, 2011) |
A piece in the Telegraph about visual analgesia. (February 11, 2011) |
Read a post Matt wrote for the Wellcome Collection's blog connected to a Wellcome Collection open evening on Hands: Amazing Appendages at which Matt demonstrated bodily illusions, along with Dr Elisa Ferre, Dr Nobuhiro Hagura, and Dr Flavia Mancini of UCL. (November 24, 2010)
The Wellcome Trust's piece on the open evening on Hands: Amazing Appendages. (November 19, 2010) |
Read a commentary Matt wrote with Patrick Haggard for Scientific American's Mind Matters blog about a fascinating study in Psychological Science. |
An article in the Guardian about Matt's study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing that position sense (the ability to tell where our limbs are in space) relies on a class of highly distorted implicit body representations. |
Another piece about our research on implicit hand maps. (June 14, 2010) |
A piece on NBC News's The Body Odd blog about our research on implicit hand maps. (June 15, 2010) |
Listen to a podcast from Scientific American's 60-second science series, again about implicit body representations. (June 14, 2010) |
A writeup on the Scientific American blog about implicit hand maps. (June 14, 2010) |
An article in the Toronto Star about our research on distortions of implicit body representations. (June 21, 2010) |
A piece in the Daily Mail about implicit hand maps. (June 14, 2010) |
A piece in the New Scientist about our research on distortions of implicit body representations. |
A piece in Discover magazine about our research on distortions of implicit body representations. (June 14, 2010) |
A post on Smithsonian magazine's Surprising Science blog about our research on distortions of implicit body representations. (June 21, 2010) |
A piece in the Science Daily about our research on distortions of implicit body representations. (June 16, 2010) |