Matthew Longo, PhD
Matt is Director of the BodyLab and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Birkbeck, University of London,
where he has been since 2010. Previously he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. He completed his PhD at the University of Chicago in 2006.
Email: m.longo@bbk.ac.uk
Beverley Burke, PhD
Beverley is a Daphne Jackson Trust Fellow, funded by the Daphne Jackson Trust and the Medical Research Council. Her research investigates the perception of specific visual stimuli which trigger aversive physiological and emotional responses. |
Olga Golubova
Olga is a PhD student. Her research investigates methods for reconstructing spatial representations of perceptual experience. |
Denise Cadete
Denise is a 3rd-year PhD student in the lab. Her research investigates the flexibility of body perception. |
Emanuela Pizzolla
Emanuela is a PhD student in Italy who is currently visiting the BodyLab. Her research investigates the experience of fatigue and how it relates to body perception. |
Hannah Miell
Hannah recently completed her MSc degree and is currently a research assistant in the lab. Her research investigates the processes underlying haptic perception of human bodies. |
Elizabeth Bada
Liz is a BSc student at the University of Westminster who is currently doing a placement in the BodyLab. |
Charlotta Honkanen
Charlotta is a BSc student at the University of Westminster who is currently doing a placement in the BodyLab. |